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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°116880 : For, During, While - cours

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For, During, While - cours


The prepositions For, During, While are often used in time expressions.


For is followed by a length of time, it answers the question: How long?

-People have been standing on the bus stop for more than ten minutes.

-I lived in Mauritius for about twenty years.


During is followed by a noun.

It means "throughout the period" or "in the course of" an action or event.

-During the summer months my wife goes to the beach every day.

-My friends always come to visit us during the summer.


While is usually followed by a subject and a verb.

It means "during the time when an action is taking place".

-Monica phoned and asked for you while you were out.

-The journalists took notes while the politician spoke.

It is often possible to drop subject + be:

-I normally listen to the news while ironing.

-She broke her leg while riding her bicycle.

While can also be a noun which means "a period of time".

-I spoke to her on the phone for quite a while yesterday.

-It's been a while since I saw the lady next door.


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1. John is going to Madagascar ten weeks.

2. They collected wild flowers walking in the forest.

3. He was spoken to by the police for quite a today.

4. the winter months many animals hibernate in Australia.

5. Jody fell down heavily playing a game of squash.

6. I haven't seen my brother for a now.

7. Have you been playing the piano a long time.

8. They were able to hold their breath for a minute under water.

9. The factory was set on fire by hooligans the night.

10. driving to work, I like to listen to music.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "For, During, While - cours"
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