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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117016 : No, None, Not a, Not any - cours

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No, None, Not a, Not any - cours

No, none, not a, not any


No and None:

We use no + noun.

-She had no shoes on.

-No information was given about how the study was conducted.

-There will be no busses until tomorrow.

None is used without any noun after it.

-Have we got any more sugar? There's none in the kitchen.

-How many cats have you got? "None".

No or none (of) is used instead of not a or not any to emphasize the negative idea in a sentence.

No or none of is used but not any can't be used in initial position in a clause or sentence.

-No force was needed to make them move. (not any force was needed).

-None of the children was awake. (not any of the children ...).

Note : No and none of are often preferred instead of not any in formal written English.

Not a:

Not a is used in a formal or literary style. Not a is also used in initial position in a clause or sentence.

-Not a word would she utter about the robbery.

-Not a sound came from the classroom.


After no, a singular noun is used in situations where we would expect one of something, a plural noun where we would expect more than one.

Note: Sometimes either a singular or plural with little difference in meaning can be used.

-No answer (or answers) could be found.

-We want to go to the island but there's no boat (or no boats) to take us.

None of:

None of can be used with a plural noun and the verb can be either singular or plural, although the singular form is usually more formal.

-None of the children were awake. (or ...was awake).

-None of the parcels have arrived yet. (or ... has arrived yet).

Note: However, when none is used with an uncountable noun, the verb must be singular.

-None of the water was kept in the jar.

-None of the money has been transferred to Cuba.

No amount of:

If we want to give emphasis to no or none of we can use phrases like no amount of with uncountable nouns and not one (of) with singular countable nouns.

-She was so seriously ill that no amount of expensive treatment could cure her.

-It was clear that no amount of negotiation would bring the employers and workers closer together.

-Not one member of the History department attended the meeting.

-Not one of the hundreds of families affected by the noise wants to move.

I hope I have been of some assistance to you.



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1. coaxing would make the dog leave his master.

2. The teacher said she would have our nonsense.

3. There was cloud in the sky this morning.

4. those who fought in the first World War are alive today.

5. The party was very dull as there was music.

6. I wanted some sugar, but there was in the jar.

7. We have that printing paper left.

8. I have perhaps ground for being apprehensive.

9. Jack ate all the bread, so there is left.

10. There were cakes left at the bakery.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "No, None, Not a, Not any - cours"
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