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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117456 : Gone ou Been

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> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect - Distinction entre Like et As - Again ou Back? - FOR-Savoir l'employer
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Gone ou Been

Which is correct?

(a) She has gone to Paris.

(b) She has been to Paris.

Were you confused?.. Don't know which is correct?.. Okay, we would get this right now.

Actually, both sentences are correct! GONE and BEEN are commonly used to refer to movement to another place. These two words may seem confusing; probably this lesson will help you understand.

Take a look at this:

(1) Emma has GONE to the shop. She'll be back soon.

(2) Emma has BEEN to the shop. She bought some cakes.Here they are.

-> Sentence 1 (GONE) explains that Emma has not returned from the shop.

-> Sentence 2 (BEEN) explains that Emma has returned from the shop.


-> Use GONE to describe uncompleted visits. For instance; when a person goes to a place but has not yet returned. In other words, someone who has GONE to California is still in Carlifornia having a good time!

More examples:

(1) He has gone to the bank. (= He is still at the bank)

(2) Where has Timmy gone? (= Timmy is not here)

-> Use BEEN to describe completed visits. If a person has gone to a place and then returned, he or she has BEEN there.

Other examples:

(1) She has been to India (= She has returned or is no longer in India)

(2) Tom has been to the bank today (= Tom has returned from the bank. You could ask him for some money)

-> Also, use BEEN when you are asking someone about their past experiences.


(1) You smell of beer! Have you been to the pub?

(2) Have you ever been to France? I'm very glad that you understand it now.


So this test would be super easy for you!






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1. Have you ever to South Carolina? Its sandy beaches are breathtaking!

2. Where has Eric ? He was here a minute ago!

3. My sister isn't at home at the moment. She has shopping.

4. Excuse me sir. Can you tell me the way to Disneyland? I've never there before.

5. Mom will be home soon. She has to my brother's school.

6. The Jacksons have to Rome. They will return next week.

7. I know Tarsus very well. I have there many times.

8. Are you okay? Your skin has all red!

9. I don't know that restaurant. I have never there.

10. That was the first time I have ever abroad. It was really exciting!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Gone ou Been"
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