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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117565 : Présent simple

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Fiche synthétique : présent simple / présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Présent simple ou BE- ing - Thierry en Angleterre 6 - Modal : may/might
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Présent simple

The simple present tense is one of the several forms of verbs in English; this lesson will explain its uses.



The simple present tense is used:

-> to talk about habits.


(1) He DRINKS tea at breakfast.

(2) She only EATS fish.

(3) They WATCH television regularly.

-> to talk about repeated actions or events.


(1) We CATCH the bus every morning.

(2) They DRIVE to Monaco every summer.

-> to express general truths or facts.


(1) Water BOILS at one hundred degrees.

(2) My mother IS Spanish.

-> to talk about fixed arrangements.


(1) The library OPENS at eight.

(2) Our holiday STARTS on the 26th of April.

-> to give instructions or directions.


(1) OPEN the packet and POUR the contents into warm water.

(2) You TAKE the No.7 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford.


NOTE: All the verbs take "singular forms" when conjugated in the third person singular (he, she, it) form.

For examples:

(a) John/He WATCHES TV regularly.

(b) Mary/She WORKS hard.

(c) The Earth/It REVOLVES round the Sun.

Exception: The verb "to have" changes its forms as follows. I HAVE two sisters and two brothers. But she HAS one sister and two brothers.


Surely, there is a little test for you to do. Write the verbs in brackets in  present simple .



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1. She (help) the kids of the neighbourhood.

2. You always (teach) me new things.

3. I (bake) cookies four times in a month.

4. Lorie (travel) to Paris every Sunday.

5. I (to do) not have the time or patience to cook a proper meal.

6. In this club, people usually (dance) a lot.

7. Linda (take) very good care of her sister.

8. Martha and Kevin (swim) twice in a week.

9. We (live) in the suburban areas most of the year.

10. The kids love Tom. He always (tell) them funny stories.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Présent simple"
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