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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117597 : Formes des verbes

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Formes des verbes

A verb is a word that shows an action (action word).

It is important to choose the verb that fits with the subject and object in a sentence.

Otherwise, your English will not sound natural or you may not be able to make yourself understood.

For example, it would be very strange or unnatural for someone to say, "we was" instead of "we were", or "I need taking a break", instead of "I need to take a break".

We can also change the form of a verb to show when an action happens.

Look at this:

- She plays football (= now and always)

- She played football (= in the past)

- She is playing football (= at the moment)

- She was playing football (= she has stopped playing)


See how well you know verbs by taking this short quiz.

Choose the correct form of verb in each sentence.



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1. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of wood.

2. I asked him more slowly, but he didn't take any notice.

3. You'll have to shift yourselves to another room because I want in here.

4. I have so much trouble in the morning that I have to set three alarms.

5. that I hurt her makes me feel really bad.

6. I want you these dishes until they're as clean as a whistle.

7. When you have finished your book, can I borrow it?

8. Bob always enjoys , no matter the weather.

9. If you don't warm up before exercise, you risk injuring yourself.

10. Theresa is going the piano to a big audience this evening.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Formes des verbes"
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