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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117803 : Traditions de Noël

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Traditions de Noël

Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly, fa la la la la la la la la! We have been learning English grammar and vocabulary, let's learn about Christmas too, right?


- Celebration: Christmas is celebrated on December 25 each year. It is a religious celebration marking the day Jesus Christ was born. Nowadays however, it is celebrated by religious and non-religious people alike. Normally, people get together with friends and famiy, eat together and exchange gifts. It is really a "warm and loving" time of the year.

- Santa Claus: You know that fat guy in a red and white suit, saint Nicolas, also Father Christmas? He is the icon of the season. He lives in the North pole and throughout the year, monitors the behaviour of every child in the world. He then makes a list dividing the children into two groups: the naughty and the nice children (the nice kids will get presents from Santa on the night of Christmas Eve, so tell that kid not to be naughty). How does he deliver the presents? With his magic, he flies through the sky on a sleigh pulled by 9 reindeers with his large bag of presents. The most famous reindeer is "Rudolph" who has a glowing red nose and guides Santa's sleigh. At each house, he goes down the chimney and drops the presents under the Christmas tree or he puts them in stockings that are hung up by the fireplace. Remember he does this before the children wake up!

- Christmas tree: This pine tree is another icon of the season. It is usually decorated with many sorts of decorations. Bells, Christmas balls, Christmas lights and the likes. The final decoration is a "star" which is placed at the very top of the tree.

- Christmas food: So families and friends meet on Christmas Eve (Dec 24) or Christmas day to have a meal together, but what do they eat? Traditional Christmas food is a "large turkey or a huge leg of ham." Chocolate and sweets too, especially that red and white striped candy called the "candy cane." Hmm...sounds delicious!

- Christmas songs: Traditional Christmas songs are called "carols" and are often heard almost everywhere at this time of year. I started this lesson with one. Do you know any other? Jingle Bells.. Santa Claus is Coming to Town.. Mary's Boy Child.. wow! You know a lot.

- Christmas gifts / presents: You can give anything to your child, friend, mom, dad, sibling, wife (name them) as a Christmas gift. Typical Christmas presents are ties, video games, clothes, dolls, toys, bicycles and so on. Hey, don't forget Christmas cards too!

- Boxing day: Boxing day (Dec 26), in some countries, is the day for giving gifts to less wealthy people and servants (who have to work on Christmas day).

>> Important Christmas figures:I'm pretty sure we know them already.

- Virgin Mary: Mother of Jesus Christ

- Joseph: Father of Jesus Christ

- Baby Jesus

- Three wise men or three kings.

This is a summary of Christmas traditions. Now, see how much you know about the season by taking this little quiz.

Good luck!



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1. Get up, Megan! Today is of December! It's Christmas day.

2. Mother has already bought the for our Christmas dinner tonight.

3. What do people sing during the festive season?

4. the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose; and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows.

5. Santa Claus goes down the to leave presents.

6. If you're , you won't get any presents from Father Christmas.

7. What type of tree is the Christmas tree? tree.

8. Where is the final decoration, the we put on the very top of the tree.

9. We always put the presents the Christmas tree.

10. How do you wish your friends? Christmas and Happy New Year in Advance!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Traditions de Noël"
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