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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117858 : For - during - while

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For - during - while

The prepositions for, during and while are often used in time expressions.




>> For is usually followed by a length of time.

- for one year, for three years, for a little time, for a month and so on.

It answers the question, how long?


- I have been standing here for 20 minutes.

- Emilia is going to New York for a week.

- She has been attending English lessons for a long time.

- My parents lived in Wisconsin for 5 years.


>> During is usually followed by a noun. It means 'throughout a period' or 'in the course/middle of' an action or event.

- During the summer, I go to the beach very often.

- Exercises were given to us during the lesson.

- Aunt Lucie often comes to stay with us during the Spring Festival.


>> While has the same meaning as 'during' but instead of a noun, it is usually followed by a subject and a verb.

- They held hands while they were walking on the beach.

- The students took notes while the teacher was speaking.

>> Or by a verb.

- Sam twisted his ankle while playing tennis.

- I always listen to the morning news while driving to work.

NOTE: While can also be used as a noun which means 'a length/period of time.'

- I spoke to the manager for a while yesterday.

- It's been a while since I read that book.


Easy! Now, see how much you have learned by completing each sentence with for, during or while.

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1. Hurry! Tom has been waiting at the bus-stop the past 10 minutes.

2. Marie went shopping her husband was playing golf.

3. I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings she goes to her yoga class.

4. We used to go for a long midnight walk the midsummer.

5. Her parents died she was still at elementary school.

6. He was my only companion my stay in America.

7. I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper many years.

8. They sat there a short time whithout saying anything.

9. Many students often go skiing winter vacation.

10. She took a piece of cake and nibbled at it she was drawing a picture.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "For - during - while"
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