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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°117951 : Compréhension: Galilée et son Télescope

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Compréhension: Galilée et son Télescope


Have you ever tried to read a passage and be able to answer its questions afterwards?

Well here, we have an interesting three-paragraph passage on "Galileo and his Telescope" (Passage extract: k12reader). You should read carefully..

- Galileo Galilei was born way back in the year 1564 in the town of Pisa, Italy. When he was 20 years old, he was studying in Pisa. His father wanted him to be a doctor, but Galileo was bored with school except for math. Because math was the one subject where he was doing well, the court mathematician offered to tutor him privately so he could become a qualified mathematician. Galileo's father was disappointed, but he agreed.

- Because he needed to earn money, Galileo began experimenting with different things, trying to come up with some sort of invention that he could sell for money. He had a little bit of success with his invention that was like a compass that could be used to measure plots of land. He had already experimented with pendulums, thermometers, and magnets.

- When he heard that a Dutch inventor had invented something called a spyglass, but was keeping it a secret, Galileo decided to work on one of his own. Within 24 hours, he had invented a telescope that could magnify things to make them appear ten times larger than real life. One night, he pointed his telescope toward the sky, and made his first of many space observations: the moon was not smooth, like everyone thought. The moon was covered in bumps and craters! As technology has improved, first Galileo, and then many others, have made improvements on the telescope, the wonderful device that allows us to see from a distance. Galileo had a quite interesting life, huh? He was first to invent the famous telescope! He makes me think I should invent something too.. like a floating bed!

Anyway now, answer the following questions based on the reading passage.

Don't forget to go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.


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1. In what year was Galileo born?

2. When he was 20 years old, he was studying in .

3. Galileo was bored with school; the only one subject he was doing well in was .

4. Galileo's father was disappointed when Galileo became a mathematician. What did he want him to be instead? .

5. Why did Galileo become an inventor? .

6. Galileo made a compass that could be used to .

7. What was Galileo's first famous invention? .

8. The telescope makes thing appear times bigger than real life.

9. What did Galileo discover about the moon?

10. The title of this reading passage is .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Compréhension: Galilée et son Télescope"
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