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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118080 : Lay ou Lie

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Lay ou Lie

Ever been corrected - or probably you corrected someone - for saying, "I am going to lay down" when the correct way to make that statement is "I am going to lie down?"


In either case, you're pardoned because these two little verbs, "lay" and "lie", have been a hiccup to English speakers for many years. So I will not blame anyone for being among the confused (like me).

I only hope this lesson can help us figure it out.


Lay- to place (something or someone) down in a flat position.

Lie - to be in a flat position on a surface. Therefore, the difference is simple : LAY is a transitive verb which requires an object; a person or thing to be placed down.

Other examples:

- Lay the books on the table, please.

- You should lay down your cards.

On the other hand, LIE is an intransitive verb which does not require an object. It is for someone or something moving on their own or something that is already in position.

- Are you okay? You can lie down on the sofa.

- Alice cries as she lies in bed.

That is head-spinning enough, but it gets worse when we start using the words beyond their present tense:

- lay - laid - laid - laying

- lie - lay - lain - lying

And there's the unrelated verb meaning, "to make false statements." - lie - lied - lied - lying

Yes, I agree it is complicated, but we would not rush ourselves. Let us focus on the present tense form

- they do the most work.


- "Lay" requires an object (you lay a person or thing down.)

- "Lie" does not (a person or thing lies down.)

Complete each sentence carefully with lay or lie.


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1. I'm not feeling well. I'm going to down for an hour.

2. Could you help me my child in her crib, please?

3. Can you the cookies out in a tray? We have to serve them right away.

4. The baby in the stroller in the hallway.

5. Is it okay if my grandma on this bench? She is tired.

6. The cat often on the rug when Marshall reads.

7. Peter, you should these books on your table.

8. When Sabina comes home every afternoon, she her coat on the chair by the door.

9. your weapons down and put your hands up!

10. They just around the house, all to say doing nothing!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Lay ou Lie"
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