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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118304 : Verbes à particules

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Verbes à particules

Want to improve your vocabulary? Try phrasal verbs!

They are useful and generally used almost everywhere in informal texts. What are Phrasal verbs?

Let's explain it word by word, shall we?

>> Phrasal - From the word "phrase" means a group of two or more words that stand together as one, forming part of a sentence.

>> Verbs - are action words.

>> And that explains a phrasal verb as a group of words which stand together to function as a verb.

>> A phrasal verb is made up of a main verb + a preposition or an adverb, or both.

Examples are get away with, look up at, pull over, break up, etc. Just like an idiom, their meaning is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselves.

For instance:

(i) She has always LOOKED DOWN ON me.

>> The phrasal verb 'to look down on someone' doesn't mean you are looking down from a higher place at someone who is below you; it means that you think you are better than someone.

(ii) The reports SPELLED OUT the need for more staff.

>> Phrasal verb 'to spell out' doesn't mean to spell a word letter by letter; it means to explain something in details.


Let's look at more phrasal verb examples:

(1) Remember to PUT ON a life jacket before getting into the boat.

(2) We LEFT OUT the trash for pickup.

(3) He will never let you GET AWAY WITH this.

(4) It's time to GET ON the plane.

(5) His admission process into Boston High FELL THROUGH.

(6) We're going to have to PUT OFF our vacation until next month.

(7) You'll have to WAKE UP early if you want breakfast.

(8) Riley and Daniel BROKE UP last year, you know?

(9) I'm having some problem WORKING OUT the solution to this equation.

(10) I must BRUSH UP on my French before going to Paris next month.

There are probably 1001 other examples of phrasal verbs. We can't know all but when we come across any one in a sentence, we get to understand its meaning naturally.. naturally.. no one has to explain it to you.. you might not even need a dictionary!

You can try telling yourself the meaning of the phrasal verbs in the examples above.


After that, complete each sentence by choosing the correct phrasal verb in the options.

I wish you the best!



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1. Someone my car last night and stole the stereo.

2. Will you be able to this month with the little you have?

3. His father always taught him not to those people with less.

4. I Aaron today at the supermarket. It was so great to see him.

5. We believe the police would not to the kidnapper's demands.

6. I thought I would for a cup of coffee. Is that okay with you?

7. I'm so tired of Sophie her engagement ring all the time.

8. Have you ever such an unusual piece of art? It's really beautiful!

9. If you don't improve your work habits, you'll being fired.

10. Maurice didn't drink enough water so he before the end of the race.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Verbes à particules"
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