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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°118523 : Indiens d'Amérique

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Indiens d'Amérique


From childish songs to American Indians' History.



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Then,  listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the right words.  All the missing words are plural nouns.  

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Those who grew up in France in the 1950s remember that we constantly heard about how the USA was a paragon of power, technology and science. As children, we dreamt about Indians, pampa ,and buffalo.

We learnt at school that evoked the Wild West, like Davy Crockett or Johnny Boy.

We didn't understand all that we were told. We accepted the contradictory idea that Reservations were peaceful .

When I grew up, these of interest about American Indians

were nourished by novels, , or TV casts.

I was fond of such as "The Alamo", "Geronimo",

and "Dances with ".

I greedily read about the Cheyennes, Mohicans, Arapahos.

I read books like "One Thousand White " by Jim Fergus,

and "Yanoama", the true story of a Brazilian girl captured and adopted by Indian warriors in 1939.

I watched my favourite

of "Dr Quinn Medicine Woman" over and over again, so I could see 'Cloud Dancing' and other Indian .

Cochise, Crazy Horse, The Battle of Bear Valley, Washita Massacre, Apache began to make sense for me.

I was concerned by Indians’ cruel fate in spite of their bravery. But soon I became aware that even in horrible

there may be a few men and women, from both ,

who are more open-minded than their leaders or .

Those are able to act

outside the established by their education or governments.

Despite cultural and ethnic

they recognize those fundamental human : security, intimacy, and affection.


Larry Sellers, an American actor of Cherokee/Lakota heritage.

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