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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°119105 : Compréhension écrite : Saint-Pétersbourg

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Compréhension écrite : Saint-Pétersbourg

Welcome to St. Petersburg, one of the most magnificent cities in the world!

St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter The Great as the new capital of the Russian Empire. The city covers an area of 1400 km² and is situated on 42 islands in the place, where Neva river empties into the Gulf of Finland. About 93 rivers flow through the city, and 800 bridges are spanned across those rivers.

St. Petersburg is famous for its changeable weather. There are 62 sunny days on the average during the year. In summer it rains a lot and average temperature is 19 degrees C. In winter average temperature is 6 degrees C. During the year temperature can range from -35 to +35 degrees C. In warm seasons, for tourists, it is necessary to have an umbrella, and in cold seasons you need to have a spare couple of boots.

St. Petersburg is the strategic, economic, scientific and cultural centre of Russia, and a large transport hub. The historic centre of the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

St. Petersburg features not only a unique cultural appearance, but also a traditionally high level of culture. St. Perterburg's residents are friendly and attentive to visitors. They love their city and know its history.

St. Petersburg is a worldwide cultural capital. This city has over 80 museums and numerous parks, cathedrals and churches, theatres and palaces. The city centre is called an "open-air museum."

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Mode d'emploi : cliquez sur chaque lettre pour reconstituer le bon mot. Cliquez sur la boîte pour recommencer. Une aide dans la case grise.

1. St. Petersburg is one of the most ( )   [ma...] cities in the world.

2. ( )   [St...] was founded in 1703 by Peter The Great. (2 mots)

3. It was the new capital of the ( )   [Ru...]. (2 mots)

4. Neva river empties into the ( )   [Gu...]. (3 mots)

5. 800 ( )   [b...] are spanned across the rivers.

6. St. Petersburg is famous for its ( )   [ch...] weather.

7. In summer it ( )   [r...] a lot.

8. In winter average ( )   [te...] is 6 degrees C.

9. St. Petersburg is a strategic, ( )   [sc...], and cultural centre of Russia.

10. The city centre is called an " ( )   [op...] ". (2 mots)

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Compréhension écrite : Saint-Pétersbourg"
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