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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°119351 : Pronoms relatifs - cours

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Pronoms relatifs - Propositions relatives - Pronoms relatifs : Who/whose/whom/which/of which - Pronoms relatifs - Pronoms relatifs-Les traduire, les utiliser - Pronom relatif - Pronom relatif That
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Pronoms relatifs - cours

Relative pronouns are grammatical words used to link sentences in order to avoid the repeated information they involve.

When two sentences are linked by a relative pronoun, they form the combination of: main clause + relative clause.

e.g.Police stopped the car. The car was driving fast.

* Police stopped the car that/which was driving fast

Main clause: Police stopped the car

Relative clause: that/which was driving fast

Relative pronoun (a substitution to avoid repetition): that/which

We have different types or relative pronouns. Each type may substitute: a person, an animal, a thing, a place, a thing that belongs to someone, or a person who is related to someone else. 


1- Relative pronouns substituting a person: 

Who, that

e.g. * This is my father. My father works in the American embassy. 

* This is my father who works in the American embassy. 

* This is my father that works in the American embassy. 

2- Relative pronouns substituting an animal

That, which

e.g. * The dog was barking all the night. The dog didn't let me sleep adequately. 

* The dog, that was barking all the night, didn't let me sleep adequately. 

* The dog, which was barking all the night, didn't let me sleep adequately. 

3- Relative pronouns substituting a thing: 

That, which

e.g.She has a book. Everybody was looking for that book.

* She has the book that everybody was looking for.

* She has the book which everybody was looking for.

4- Relative pronouns substituting a place:


e.g.I dream of going to Malaysia. In Malaysia there's coupling of urbanism and beauty of nature.

* I dream of going to Malaysia where coupling of urbanism and beauty of nature is there.


5- Relative pronouns substituting a thing that belongs to someone


e.g.I visited my sister. My sister's leg is broken. 

* I visited my sister whose leg is broken. 


6- Relative pronouns substituting a person who is related to someone else: 


e.g.He's a doctor. The brother of the doctor died of a mere flu.

* He's the doctor whose brother died of a mere flu.

The relative pronoun 'That' is complicated as we can't use it anywhere, but we have to use it after a superlative for instance.

Thus, it is not used very much in that test.

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1. My English teacher, carried her studies in UK, has a brilliant British accent.
Mon professeur d'anglais, qui a effectué ses études au Royaume-Uni, a un accent britannique remarquable.

2. Summer holidays, are starting soon, are the best period to learn languages.
Les vacances d'été, qui commencent bientôt, sont la meilleure période pour apprendre les langues.

3. The student, father is a mathematician, failed the exam of Mathematics.
L'étudiant, dont le père est mathématicien, a échoué à l'examen de mathématiques.

4. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
C'est la plus belle fille que j'ai jamais vue.

5. The bats and the owls are birds cannot see in the daylight.
Les chauves-souris et les hiboux sont des oiseaux qui ne peuvent pas voir à la lumière du jour.

6. I bought a gift to my friend birthday is today.
J'ai acheté un cadeau à mon ami dont l'anniversaire est aujourd'hui.

7. Petrol stations are places cigarettes shall not be lit.
Les stations-service sont des endroits où les cigarettes ne doivent pas être allumées.

8. The letter, to it may concern, was sent yesterday by the Tribunal.
La lettre, envoyée à toute personne concernée, a été expédiée hier par le Tribunal.

9. She sold the car had been given by her mother.
Elle a vendu la voiture qui lui avait été donnée par sa mère.

10. I prefer revising my lessons with my friend house is bigger.
Je préfère réviser mes leçons avec mon ami dont la maison est plus grande.

11. To be grateful, look at the ones are inferior to you.
Pour être reconnaissant, regardez ceux qui sont inférieurs à vous.

12. To be ungrateful, liken yourself to those are wealthier than you.
Pour être ingrat, comparez-vous à ceux qui sont plus riches que vous.

13. This small town, my grandfather was born, has become a large modern city.
Cette petite ville, où mon grand-père est né, est devenue une grande ville moderne.

14. That house, is next to ours, is for rent.
Cette maison, qui est à côté de la nôtre, est à louer.

 LeArNinG Is FuN  

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