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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°121327 : Mots peu courants - cours

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Mots peu courants - cours

The following words (nouns) fall under occasionally used words or the 30000 most commonly used words in some dictionaries that include statistics.

Browsing 'acuity' returns webpages that include content where you find words of text like: an acuity-based staffing system, diminished auditory acuity.

'frivolity'  >  it is not mere caprice or frivolity, the rise of frivolity.

'hog'  >  a wild hog trap, a ball hog, hog cycles.

'specie'  >  a specie or a bullion standard, a specie collection book.

The rest are rarely used words (nouns) that rank in the lower 50% of commonly used words. 

However, 'canard'  >  the canard that no one could have predicted, they always bring up that canard, like the rest of the words below, appears in many present-day articles.

'clerisy'  >  the clerisy of a nation, this is not social democracy, it's a clerisy.

'grift'  >  the golden age of grift, it has the air of a grift.

'oodles'  >  oodles of fun, oodles of cash.

'rugosity'  >  a method to quickly measure the rugosity of powder or granular material, cities should aim for rugosity instead of concentric layouts.

'shard'  >  bomb fragments can include nails, metal shards and ball bearings.

'vox populi'  >  the wisdom of the vox populi, vox populi marketing.

The list below shows each dictionary publishers' name and the date of the e-mailed "Word of the Day" notification.

WordThink Word of the Day, February 8, 2019  acuity

WordThink Word of the Day, February 13, 2019  canard

TheFreeDictionary Word of the Day, February 23, 2019  oodlesMe

Merriam-Webster Word of the Day, February 27, 2019  grift

Merriam-Webster Word of the Day, March 2, 2019  vox populi

WordReference Word of the Day, March 6, 2019  hog

Officer Wordnik Word of the Day, March 8, 2019  clerisy

Merriam-Webster Word of the Day, March 8, 2019  shard

Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Day, March 10, 2019  specie

Officer Wordnik Word of the Day, March 11, 2019  rugosity

TheFreeDictionary Word of the Day, March 17, 2019  frivolity

Good luck! 

Choose the right words.

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1. The proprietress of the atelier is a local artist who sells her beautiful creations and offers courses in art. Safety goggles and gloves, which are helpful while chipping the glass are provided.

2. A group of former contract employees was accused of running a lucrative that involved duping vulnerable targets out of their personal information with fake attachment heists.

3. Our new managing director is such a conversation , rather than improving the knowledge and insight of our team, he has an inclination to monopolize every single discussion.

4. Aubrey had a necklace stolen from her bedside table while she slept and her partner had gold and silver stolen from an old paint tin hidden in the garage.

5. High-density data collection instruments are used in marine ecological studies to estimate of reef environments. Higher structural complexity supports a greater variety of species.

6. The availability and effectiveness of alternative news and a approach where political decisions are increasingly rooted in extreme, intolerant values, poses a risk to liberal democracy.

7. Young children in indigenous families in parts of Latin America do of chores to keep the house neat and tidy without being told, according to psychologists documenting from these regions.

8. Today's Tech Oligarchs and the , an educated elite that advocates personal autonomy and fairness, are telling us what to do, what to eat, how to speak, how to think and who to vote for.

9. Structural changes that happen in the brain and the threat of serious mental health conditions are a normal part of the ageing process, but for some, mental continues well into advanced age.

10. In her letter, she is quick to bring forward the debunked that because of net neutrality content that some may find to be disturbing is readily available to anyone.

11. Use humor without reverting to to promote a hearty laugh. Expressions of prejudice and other forms of offensive speech can not only be harmful to you, but harmful to others.

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