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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°124097 : Futur simple - will ou going to

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> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Futur simple et futur proche: cours pour débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Futur simple - Temps du futur - Although / in spite of / despite - Présent pour des actions futures - Adverbes : Still, yet et already
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Futur simple - will ou going to

There are two types of simple future sentences.

A: formal B: informal. In the formal sentences we always use WILL to make a simple future sentence.

Informal simple future sentences are divided into two types.

A: planned decision B:unplanned decision.

For example: when we want to make an appointment to visit a family physician. It is a planned decision sentence. Therefore, we use GOING TO in the sentence.

On the other hand,we use WILL in an unplanned momentary decision sentence. In a simple future sentence with words like:until, if, till, when, unless, whenever and the words that make a sentence such as conditional and limitation, we don't use GOING TO.


A: (informal): Jim: I'm going to get some food. Jane: Okay, I'll get some too.

B: (formal): Dear students, we will begin the seminar at 11 a.m.



Affirmative form: Subject + WILL + verb (infinitive). Contraction: I'll, you'll, we'll, they'll, he'll, she'll, it'll.

Negative form: Subject + WILL + not + verb (infinitive).

Interrogative form: WILL + subject + verb (infinitive).



I am going to, You are going to,We are going to, They are going to, He is going to, She is going to, It is going to.

Contraction: I'm going to, You're going to, We're going to, They're going to, He's going to,She's going to, It's going to.

Affirmative form: Subject + auxiliary verb BE (am, are, is) + going to + verb (infinitive).

Negative form: Subject + auxiliary verb BE (am, are, is) + not + going to + verb (infinitive).

Interrogative form: Auxiliary verb BE (Am, Are, Is) + subject + going to + verb (infinitive)?


Exercise: choose the right options.



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1. We buy some clothes next weekend.

2. Nicole buy a red car this afternoon. She saw the ads in the newspaper.

3. Mary send her friend an invitation card to her party?

4. I meet George at the airport tomorrow evening.

5. I watch a film this evening.

6. Why is John learning French? >>He travel to France.

7. The liberals win the election. They already have many votes.

8. I make a jug of pineapple juice.

9. lend you some money if you haven't enough money to pay your loan.

10. This bus run with so many people inside.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Futur simple - will ou going to"
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