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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°128729 : Idiomes : le dépassement de soi

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Idiomes : le dépassement de soi

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Faire table rase de/du = (se débarrasser de): to make a clean sweep, to get rid of.

Couper la poire en deux (faire un compromis) : to split the difference, to meet halfway.

Tourner autour du pot = tergiverser : to beat about the bush, to beat around the bush, pussyfoot, to pussyfoot around somebody or something, twist and turn, to tiptoe around.

Compter pour des prunes/du beurre (pour rien, ne pas être considéré) : not to count for anything/to count for nothing.

Gagne-pain = bread and butter, livelihood.

Se sortir du pétrin : to get yourself out of a mess, to get yourself out of a hole, to get yourself off the hook, to get yourself out of a sticky situation.

Une poule mouillée = par manque de courage et/ou de confiance en soi : wimp.  "Wimp" est à utiliser avec précaution : il peut être entendu comme une insulte, suivant le contexte de la phrase, quand le mot touche à l'intégrité de la personne :  shocking! 

Haut la main = les (deux) doigts dans le nez, très facilement : with flying colours (UK), with flying colors (US). Hands down, to win with one hand tied behind your back, piece of cake.

S'élever à la force du poignet (dans l'échelle sociale) = to succeed by dint of hard work, to succeed through sheer hard work, to pull yourself up from nothing, to drag yourself up from nothing.

Huile de coude (travail manuel pénible) = elbow grease.

Courir sur le haricot de [qqn] (énerver, agacer) : to get on [sb]'s nerves/to annoy the hell out of [sb].

Faire un tabac : avoir beaucoup de succès : to be a hit.


Replacez la bonne expression dans son contexte. Il n'y a pas d'image, car le sujet ne s'y prête pas.

Une traduction vous est offerte à la correction.

Maintenant, c'est à vous.

Amusez-vous bien et bonne chance !

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1. To be, feel and live happy, well, of your past!

2. He wanted to and win the Grand Slam: he gave everything, including his life, the poor guy! He had chosen it... : "a short and exciting life to a calm and quiet existence...!"

3. His Human Resources director would as he used to change his schedule every day: he was the routine type, so inevitably, this job was not for him! Currently, he is undertaking vocational training to work on his own.

4. She works in a clinic: the health, well being of her patients is her . Working every day doesn't scare her, she loves what she does!

5. They had built their whole house themselves with a lot of . They could be very proud of it, not being in the trade!

6. He's fighting to get out of his mess, he's really not a !

7. At work, she felt like she to her colleagues : looks discrimination... but she landed the lead role in a movie for her ungrateful physique!

8. We are not going to beat around the bush for hours, , and the matter will be quickly settled.

9. With his only Certificate of Education, dad had famous customers on an international scale: with his meticulous and unique work, he had and for love of a job well done.

10. As a very good student, he is destined to a bright future: everything succeeds for him, he will pass in the upper class ! Congratulations to you!

Merci de votre participation ! Thanks for participating!

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