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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°2825 : Prépositions By et Until - cours

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur le même thème : Prépositions [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - IN, ON, AT ou TO? Quelle préposition employer? - Adjectifs et prépositions - Demander/Indiquer son chemin en anglais - Appartement: Thierry en Angleterre 8 - Prépositions de lieu - FOR-Savoir l'employer - Across et through - Adjectifs courants et leur préposition
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Prépositions By et Until - cours


est utilisé pour dire

que quelque chose

se passera à ou avant

un certain moment


continuera jusqu'à


  • Can you check my car, if I leave it until Monday?

  • Sorry, I am afraid I can't…but I can do it by next Thursday.

  • That will be all right. I won't need it until next Friday.

  • Fine! Can you bring it by two o'clock tomorrow?


    * Explications : se reporter chaque fois au tableau explicatif qui précède le test. Cependant, il y a des explications supplémentaires après la correction.

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1. He shouldn't come Friday morning.

2. He went to the garage at 2 o'clock but they made him wait 3.30!

3. The garage mechanic said he had been busy 3.15.

4. 'How long has he been waiting?' ' He arrived 2.15 at the latest.'

5. I thought he would be gone the time the garage mechanic arrives.

6. Are you sure he will have finished the major repairs Wednesday?

7. He can't say the Inspector of Mines gives his report.

8. Will he call them next Monday to have an idea?

9. He certainly will but not the garage mechanic has tested the steering gear.

10. If he doesn't hear from the mechanic Wednesday, he'll have a fit of anger.

11. that time the garage mechanic will have phoned, don't worry.

12. How will he manage if he has to wait the Inspector's visit?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Prépositions By et Until - cours"
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