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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°442 : Jerry Springer

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Jerry Springer

Voir aussi : Talk Shows - A crazy world!

Gros plan sur Jerry Springer, animateur-vedette aux Etats-Unis, qui est loin de laisser les critiques indifférents, avec son 'Jerry Springer Show', sorte de 'C'est mon Choix' trash - qui défraie la chronique.

On the show, people talk about their lives and their problems, but mostly their problems. Sometimes, the show surprises one of its guests. For example, a person who has betrayed the guest may appear. Or a person whom the guest is keeping a secret from. The show is known for times when people scream at each other or get into physical fights.

Some critics have called “The Jerry Springer Show” the worst show on television. Even Jerry Springer says his show can be 'really silly and stupid at times.' He also says he is sure some of the guests have made up their stories. But there is more to the story of Jerry Springer.

He was born in London in nineteen forty-four. His parents had fled Germany just before World War Two. When he was five years old, his family moved to the United States. They settled in New York City.

After college, he attended law school. He became politically active for civil rights and against the Vietnam War.

He moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and worked for a law firm. In nineteen seventy, he was a candidate for Congress. He lost that election. But later the people of Cincinnati elected him mayor of the city.

Jerry Springer also worked in Cincinnati as a news reporter and television announcer. He won ten Emmy awards.

He started “The Jerry Springer Show” in nineteen ninety-one. As a result of its success, he has hosted television shows in England and South Africa. An opera was produced in London about 'The Jerry Springer Show.'

He has recorded country songs in Nashville and has appeared in movies and on the Broadway stage. A few years ago, Jerry Springer wrote a book about his life. He compared his job as a talk show host to that of the person who leads a circus. He named his book 'Ringmaster!'

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1. Why do some people say that 'The Jerry Springer Show' is 'the worst show on TV'?

2. What was Jerry's political life?

3. What does Jerry think about his job?

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