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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°54241 : Métiers

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur le même thème : Métiers [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Vocabulaire : allons à l'hôtel ! - Vocabulaire : Le monde du travail - Métiers - Métiers - Métiers-Lexique - Téléphone-Prendre un message (secrétaire) - Au commissariat de police - Métiers II
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...




accountant      comptablehe checks financial accountshe works in an office
baker             boulangerhe bakes breadhe works in a bakery
blacksmith      forgeronhe makes and repairs things made of ironhe works in a forge  
bricklayer        maçonhe builds walls 
carpenter        menuisierhe makes wooden objectshe works in a workshop
chambermaid  femme de chambreshe cleans and tidies roomsshe works in a hotel
cook              cuisinierhe prepares and cooks foodhe works in a kitchen
crane operator    grutierhe conducts craneshe works on a building site
draughtsman   dessinateurhe draws a new building or machinehe works in a drawing office   
estate agent   agent immobilierhe buys and sells houses or land he works in an estate agency
ironmonger     quincaillierhe sells tools and equipment for  the house and garden

ironmongery or

hardware shop

lawyer           avocathe defends and prosecutes people

he works in a law court and in

 a lawyer office

locksmith       serrurierhe makes and repairs locks      
mechanic        mécanicienhe repairs carshe works in a garage    
newsagent      marchand de journaux, buralistehe sells newspaper, sweets, cigarettes...he works in a shop
plumber          plombierhe repairs water pipeshe works at your place
postman         facteurhe delivers the mailhe works in a sorting office and in the streets    
sales representativereprésentant de commerce

he demonstrates and tries

to sell things

he visits customers

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Exercice d'anglais "Métiers" créé par lili73 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de lili73]
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1. 'This tyre is punctured. You can come back in an hour, it will be repaired'. He is

2. Oh! I have lost my keys. We will need to open the door.

3. He goes to everyone's house to deliver letters and small parcels.

4. I represent people in court and defend them. I am

5. He says:'It's a very large and well maintained three bedroom house in a great location'. He is

6. Tomorrow I'll go to the 's, I need to buy a wheelbarrow.

7. Every two months changes the horseshoes of my favourite mare.

8. 'A loaf of bread and two currant buns, that will be one pound'. I am at the 's

9. I like to eat in that restaurant, their meals are delicious. They have a wonderful .

10. I work in an office. I type letters and answer the phone. I am

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Métiers"
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