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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°84591 : Idiomes avec ON - cours

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Idiomes avec ON - cours

Nous allons étudier des idiomes avec la composition du mot ''on''. 


Call on - to choose someone to do something; to visit someone (demander quelque chose à quelqu'un;rendre visite à quelqu'un)

Carry on - to continue doing something (continuer de/à faire quelque chose)

Catch on - to begin to understand (commencer à comprendre)

Check on - to examine (examiner)

Count on - to trust somebody to do something - (compter sur)

Depend on - to trust somebody to do what you expect or want - (compter sur)

Get on - to enter a vehicle other than a car (a plane, train, boat, etc)  (monter dans un véhicule autre qu'une automobile)

Go on - to continue doing something (continuer de/à faire quelque chose)

Hang on - to tell someone to wait for you (dire à quelqu'un d'attendre un instant)

Have on - to be wearing (porter un vêtement)

Hold on - to tell someone to wait for you (dire à quelqu'un d'attendre un instant)

Keep on - to continue doing something (continuer de/à faire quelque chose)

Let on - to say what you know (révéler quelque chose)

Look on - to observe (observer)

Put on - to dress yourself in something (mettre un vêtement, des lunettes)

Switch on - to turn on equipment that functions by water, electricity and gas (mettre en marche des appareils qui fonctionnent à l'eau, l'électricité et le gaz)

Take on - to hire (employer)

Try on - to check clothes before buying (essayer un vêtement avant de l'acheter)

Turn on - to switch on equipment that functions by water, electricity and gas (mettre en marche des appareils qui fonctionnent à l'eau, l'électricité et le gaz)

Wait on - to serve someone in a restaurant or store (servir dans un restaurant ou un magasin)


Bon travail! 

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1. Could you please on the lights? I can't see a thing!

2. Most of his money on rent and groceries. No wonder he is always broke!

3. Katy on the train at 24th and Fontaine Street every day.

4. The service is slow today. I hope our server on us soon.

5. Which hat would you prefer to on?

6. She on trying to improve her English because she wants to get a better job.

7. Alex, you should on your coat! It's cool today.

8. When Peter the air conditioning on he saw smoke begin to rise to the ceiling. Fire! Fire!

9. She on a lot of dresses before she chose the white one.

10. Peter, go and on your sister. I think she is crying.

11. Laurent on his sister to give him a ride to work.

12. on, Mr Johnson will be with you in a few minutes!

13. The government is on 25 new employees for the next three months.

14. I on as the headmaster scolded Alex for not having completed his homework.

15. I am on his earning a lot of money so we can buy a new car.

16. Let's on your father at hospital this afternoon. He would love to see us.

17. When the English speak quickly, do you easily on to what they are saying?

18. I hope he on because I really need to talk to him.

19. My father asked me not to on to mum that he lost his job.

20. He will get ill if he on eating like that.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Idiomes avec ON - cours"
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