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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°94397 : Mots de liaison - cours

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur le même thème : Connecteurs [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Connecteurs : Argumenter un texte - Connecteurs - Mots de liaison - As ... Like ... As if/ as though - Mots de liaison - Though / in spite of ... La concession - Whereas, Unlike, Contrary to : contraste - Like / As / Unlike / Such as
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

Mots de liaison - cours


despite the fact that

The baby isn't sleeping, even though it's late.


in the event or on the condition that something happens

We'll go for a walk if the weather is nice.

As if

as it would be if

He treats her as if she were a princess.


with the result that

He didn't want to go to the party, so we went without him.

in order that

I stayed there so I could see them.


to emphasize that each of two things is true

Both Carmen and her husband speak French.


at what time, the time at which, and then...etc

My aunt was only sixteen when she got married.


following or subsequent to the time specified

I saw him after I returned home.


to connect different possibilities

It is four or five o'clock now.

As long as

during the time that

I'll stay here as long as she gets better.

on condition that

You can go out with your friends in the evenings as long as you get good marks at school.


at the same time that

I was reading a book while Kate and Rick were playing football in the garden.


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1. Rebecca studied hard, she failed the Maths test.

2. he asks me to marry him, I'll do it.

3. My grandfather looked he was ill. He had a very pale face.

4. My stomach was aching I visited the doctor.

5. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, I visited my grandparents.

6. I liked the movie and the novel.

7. I will give her money back I see her.

8. Tom went to sleep he had eaten supper.

9. What would you like to watch? A horror a comedy?

10. What would you do you met a ghost?

11. my father and my mother have worked in this company for 20 years.

12. Alice wanted to study English, she went to London to attend a University.

13. I will stay here you need me.

14. Do you know your parents will return home?

15. He always plays with his children he finishes his work.

16. it rains, I'll stay home. I don't want to catch a cold.

17. There was a lot to do in our house. I was cleaning the windows, my brother was preparing lunch.

18. You can go out you are back by ten o'clock.

19. Susan and her sister are invited to my wedding party.

20. Elly looks she hadn't eaten for days. She is very pale and thin.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Mots de liaison - cours"
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