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Lisez attentivement cette introduction:

Film artist and producer Walt Disney died in 1966. Yet his work and influence live on. People around the world watch Disney movies and Disney television programs. They buy Disney music, books, videos, toys, clothes and games. They attend Disney shows. They stay in Disney hotels and ride on a Disney passenger ship. They visit Disney entertainment parks in the United States, France and Japan.

The Disney Company earns about twenty-five thousand million dollars a year. It is one of the largest media companies in the world. It operates movie and television companies. In 1995 it bought the Capital Cities ABC media company which includes the ABC television network. The Disney Company recently bought a group of international cable television channels. It also owns sports teams.
The Disney Company also has become a major Broadway theater producer in New York City. Its stage productions of "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King" have been among the most popular plays on Broadway.
The company continues to make successful animated films. Its latest movie is a computer-animated film produced with the Pixar Company. It is called "Monsters, Incorporated." It was the third most popular movie in the United States last year.

Last year, however, a weak economy and the September terrorist attacks hurt the Disney Company. It lost money on its Internet operations. Sales of products at Disney stores decreased. The ABC television network lost viewers and advertising sales. Attendance at the Disney parks fell. The company cut four-thousand jobs last year. Most financial experts, however, say the Disney Company will improve in the future. They believe people around the world will always enjoy Disney entertainment.


En vous aidant de cette introduction et de vos déductions, essayez de répondre à ces questions à l'oral ou à l'écrit. Double-cliquez sur les mots que vous ne comprenez pas.

What will this lesson be about?
Who is Walt Disney?
Do you know any Disney movies?
Have you ever been to a Disney park?



Pourquoi des activités d'anticipation? Ces activités permettent d'anticiper le contenu du document et donc de mieux le comprendre, en centrant son attention sur le thème de l'enregistrement et en mobilisant le vocabulaire adéquat.




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