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- Vocabulary quiz- 'I words' 1 (2005-07-30 01:53:45)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'J words' 1 (2005-08-06 02:18:16)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'K words' 1 (2005-08-14 05:37:35)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'L words' 1 (2005-08-20 22:06:55)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'M words' 1 (2005-08-27 20:03:43)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'N words' 1 (2005-09-03 20:11:09)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'O words' 1 (2005-09-10 00:11:44)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'P words' 1 (2005-09-16 21:26:25)

- Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 (2005-10-05 00:23:16)

- Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 (2005-05-07 00:55:36)

- Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 3 (2005-05-11 01:37:48)

- Vocabulary quiz-'G' words (2005-04-23 00:37:05)

- Vocabulary quiz-'H words' 1 (2005-07-23 19:18:35)

- Vocabulary-(broutard in French) (2009-02-04 15:35:32)

- Vocabulary/help (2016-12-27 16:24:09)

- Vocabulary: collocations (2004-12-01 01:06:17)

- Voeux d'affectation (2010-06-14 19:15:53)

- Voeux d'affectation CAPES 2010 (2010-06-22 12:14:00)

- Voeux d'affectation PLC2-classement (2009-08-08 17:37:36)

- voeux en anglais (2005-01-13 15:45:10)

- Voeux en Anglais HELP! Merci (2008-12-03 07:48:50)

- voeux professionnels en anglais (2005-01-20 19:02:32)

- Voice technology (2004-07-29 00:45:45)

- Voici la famille Simpson (2010-03-13 11:32:24)

- Voici un thème, au boulot! (2006-02-10 22:53:00)

- Voici une petite version (2006-02-15 21:26:22)

- Voir profil (2004-06-21 22:17:03)

- Voiture (constat) (2004-05-11 12:14:20)

- Voiture/ all VIN numbers match (2012-10-29 22:14:30)

- Voix Passive (2005-02-06 14:50:30)

- voix passive (2005-03-10 16:03:10)

- voix passive (2005-03-21 19:28:21)

- voix passive (2005-09-24 16:45:18)

- voix passive (2006-10-03 22:27:36)

- voix passive (2006-10-30 20:13:37)

- Voix passive (2008-06-22 22:52:30)

- Voix passive (2008-10-30 08:56:02)

- Voix passive (2010-10-03 20:45:00)

- Voix passive (2011-09-20 12:39:49)

- Voix passive /aide (2021-10-14 16:19:21)

- Voix passive ? Question ? (2010-03-24 20:38:21)

- Voix passive en anglais (2008-12-30 19:26:37)

- Voix passive et active (2007-04-04 20:42:24)

- Voix passive et adverbes de fréquence (2008-08-27 14:04:36)

- Voix passive et cod précision (2009-06-15 18:32:38)

- Voix passive/ give (2018-09-15 10:02:04)

- Voix Passive/aide (2013-01-02 13:40:49)

- Voix passive/aide (2013-03-17 21:11:43)

- Voix passive/aide (2014-05-11 21:28:11)

- Voix passive/aide (2015-01-12 09:32:56)

- Voix Passive/aide (2016-01-12 20:20:16)

- Voix passive/aide (2017-06-06 16:28:24)

- Voix Passive/aide (2020-01-20 21:03:20)

- Voix passive/aide (2020-04-08 23:00:05)

- Voix passive/aide (2021-08-09 19:04:46)

- Voix passive/causative (2021-07-27 15:01:10)

- Voix passive/to have (2017-03-02 20:26:04)

- Voix passive/Verbe prépositionnel (2019-01-14 20:20:40)

- Voltaire/aide (2023-07-30 09:12:52)

- Voltaire/traduction (2023-04-21 20:36:55)

- vos chansons traduites (2004-04-27 13:53:36)

- Vos films et Eternal sunshine (2004-10-26 21:31:35)

- Vos idées d'amélioration- Lieux (2009-10-14 20:32:12)

- vos voyages en angleterre (2004-11-16 15:53:49)

- vote or not? (2004-04-26 20:36:30)

- Vote secteur des blagues! (2005-08-16 13:50:25)

- Votre avenir (correction) (2008-01-03 14:13:48)

- votre avis (2005-06-20 22:35:14)

- votre avis ? (2005-04-27 21:46:00)

- Votre avis Magritte 'le pont d Herac (2006-04-21 15:54:41)

- votre avis pour une traduction (2008-03-13 17:10:35)

- votre avis sur ce site? (2004-07-08 19:15:16)

- Votre avis sur ma traduction GB Times (2008-10-25 21:32:08)

- votre avis sur mon texte (2007-08-26 10:38:11)

- Votre avis/aide (2022-10-23 12:49:23)

- Votre expérience (2008-10-21 00:14:36)

- Votre expérience abroad (2005-01-27 19:17:53)

- Votre futur (correction) (2007-11-03 20:14:23)

- votre plan (2004-12-16 16:15:22)

- voudrais parler anglais (2004-07-25 21:41:11)

- Vouloir/Will ou Want (2015-08-26 18:07:13)

- Vous avez dit zéro?/Thème (2012-02-11 11:23:26)

- Vous avez dû/aide (2016-12-27 08:48:30)

- Vous cacher que/ warn? (2010-01-09 17:41:07)

- Vous en dites quoi.? (2004-07-07 19:54:40)

- Vous l'avez échappé belle/traduction (2005-04-06 09:55:38)

- Vous m'avez dans le nez! (2004-10-18 00:32:26)

- Vous me l'avez tuée /traduction (2013-09-28 22:05:07)

- Vous ou tu ? (2010-05-11 10:53:46)

- vous ou tu? (2007-08-28 11:28:03)

- Vous pourrez le faire? (2008-02-29 17:20:58)

- Vous transmettre un schéma? (2007-10-15 09:05:16)

- Vouvoiement/tutoiement (2015-12-05 19:47:28)

- voyage (2007-10-03 17:15:51)

- voyage ,voyage..... (2005-01-21 17:00:34)

- voyage - quel mot choisir? (2006-03-09 21:34:41)

- Voyage / traduction (2008-05-24 14:33:23)

- Voyage /Aide Rédaction (2010-02-17 13:38:34)

- Voyage à Londres (2005-06-20 15:14:18)

- Voyage à Sydney/aide (2014-10-30 21:55:47)

- voyage angleterre (2004-07-09 13:21:25)

- Voyage aux USA (2004-11-06 18:56:36)

- Voyage d'échange (2004-04-15 02:53:42)

- Voyage d'échange (2004-05-29 20:45:03)

- voyage en angleterre (2004-04-14 10:31:12)

- VOYAGE EN ANGLETERRE (2004-05-16 11:45:43)

- Voyage en Angleterre (2005-01-19 16:26:46)

- Voyage en Angleterre (2008-04-30 13:56:54)

- Voyage en Angleterre ? (2004-03-19 17:31:39)

- Voyage en Ecosse (2005-04-17 12:57:40)

- Voyage en Ecosse (2005-07-24 08:25:24)

- Voyage en GB 4e euro (2011-09-01 23:22:53)

- Voyage en LLCE (2009-02-26 19:52:04)

- Voyage linguistique! (2004-07-16 18:04:42)

- Voyage linguistiques (2006-09-30 23:55:23)

- Voyage NYC/conseils (2017-02-12 11:57:07)

- Voyage usa, aide traduction (2009-02-02 21:02:46)

- Voyage,voyage... (2007-03-31 11:24:18)

- Voyage/ traduction (2006-06-12 17:53:32)

- Voyage/a good trip (2009-10-27 14:44:32)

- Voyage/Correction (2011-10-24 21:56:10)

- Voyager - Choisir ses mots ! (2005-05-23 13:13:30)

- voyages dans l'espace /Correction (2010-05-13 19:36:55)

- Voyelle longue/explications (2013-01-31 00:06:18)

- Voyelles (2009-01-01 19:14:18)

- Voyelles et consonnes? (2006-08-10 22:40:16)

- vrai?faux?faire le point (2005-02-10 06:30:29)

- Vulgaire ou non (2011-01-17 22:06:30)

- Vœux de mariage/aide (2017-09-13 23:24:25)

- W est à X ce que Y est à Z... (2005-12-16 02:39:31)

- Wa ??? (2005-10-21 16:33:50)

- wait for or wait (2005-03-13 21:00:20)

- Wait for- Expect (2014-08-25 09:38:23)

- Wait for/ Expect (2014-08-26 02:02:43)

- Wait, expect, await (2007-02-22 18:40:08)

- Wait-Hope-Expect (2004-10-16 09:45:00)

- Waiting / Remain (2012-10-29 13:23:32)

- Wake up ! (2004-04-27 17:45:53)

- Walk alone/aide (2013-12-24 17:24:23)

- Walk Rally/traduction (2013-05-09 21:29:47)

- walk the line ... (2006-04-12 13:06:06)

- Walk up/help (2017-10-23 01:21:08)

- Walking stick/crutch (2012-05-27 19:12:32)

- Walking, hiking paths (2007-05-27 09:17:58)

- Wall Street Institute (2005-06-06 19:03:09)

- WALT DISNEY (2004-07-10 14:52:02)

- Walt disney (2006-04-12 18:08:32)

- Walt Disney/exposé (2013-03-24 05:03:21)

- Wandering/Wayfaring (2023-01-01 16:14:13)

- wanna ??? (2005-04-11 16:39:49)

- Wanna go back (2008-08-21 16:31:04)

- Wanna.../avis (2020-09-28 18:40:23)

- Wanna/want (2011-05-09 18:47:41)

- wannabe (2004-07-08 11:30:58)

- Want + to ? (2010-11-11 12:05:27)

- Want him to do /help (2014-10-02 10:21:48)

- Want to (2009-07-27 14:03:11)

- Want to à la forme négative (2009-06-10 10:47:33)

- Want to leave (2006-03-04 16:35:40)

- Want to speak english (2005-04-14 21:42:53)

- Want to/infinitif (2012-06-03 19:40:18)

- Want/ + verb en ing (2024-01-10 10:07:39)

- Want/aide (2016-10-09 17:55:07)

- wanting / en train de vouloir (2005-09-22 11:09:03)

- war (2004-07-04 19:51:36)

- Was / had (2016-10-05 14:40:12)

- Was / were (2018-10-18 20:33:44)

- Was held (2011-09-20 14:55:53)

- Was ou did ? (2009-05-28 16:42:28)

- Was ou does/aide (2014-01-29 17:33:16)

- Was ou has ? (2011-01-15 03:02:35)

- Was ruled of? (2011-05-11 12:57:38)

- was send (2007-12-15 11:49:43)

- Was to ... (2010-11-08 23:09:28)

- Was to/aide (2015-08-01 17:55:04)

- Was to/Aide (2016-02-02 11:53:05)

- was used / has been used (2007-08-11 14:32:14)

- Was were (2009-04-26 11:11:14)

- Was were wasn't et weren't (2010-01-04 16:43:45)

- Was-is /questions (2020-12-05 16:00:35)

- Was-were/aide (2016-07-17 19:28:32)

- Was-were/participe passé (2020-04-29 21:32:49)

- Was/have been (2020-03-18 15:47:00)

- Was/were (2016-11-25 15:02:41)

- Washington D.C. (2011-07-03 16:19:50)

- Waste - Lose - Miss (2007-09-05 22:20:47)

- Watching/aide (2020-07-01 20:09:29)

- Watchover (2004-08-13 17:23:23)

- Water Safe (2005-05-19 14:03:08)

- Water/ correction (2014-05-10 17:31:49)

- wave word add to message (2004-08-16 05:50:50)

- Waving your rights (2011-07-19 09:42:25)

- Way of / way to (2013-10-14 22:18:43)

- Way too much /aide (2014-11-12 13:43:57)

- We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. (2006-07-09 12:38:00)

- We don't get .../help (2015-08-28 22:05:57)

- We got to talking (2011-02-01 11:16:21)

- We have lived in Paris for two months (2011-12-07 15:10:03)

- We lived ou we have lived? (2010-03-27 00:09:47)

- We no understand Greek (2011-02-26 12:01:39)

- We see us/ each other (2020-04-05 01:33:16)

- We want to fight the bad or the dark (2009-01-08 21:09:55)

- We were arrived /aide (2019-03-20 11:13:45)

- We were stuck...!! (2005-02-01 23:38:49)

- We're having a party (2009-09-07 15:42:31)

- We're invited to Steve's (2010-06-12 20:33:14)

- We're not/ we aren't (2009-09-16 03:57:32)

- Weak and strong form (2011-06-05 17:59:39)

- Wealth pour richesse? (2010-03-13 11:19:38)

- Wear (correction) (2005-12-05 17:55:30)

- Wear and tear (2009-10-11 21:01:54)

- Wear fur/correction (2015-10-06 10:49:54)

- Wearable computer implanted (correction) (2005-11-09 14:23:11)

- wearing?? (2005-06-13 11:40:19)

- weather (2006-03-03 15:09:28)

- Weather forecast (2010-07-03 10:45:17)

- Weather/aide (2018-01-13 19:55:06)

- Weather/correction (2013-11-10 08:49:35)

- Weather/correction (2020-05-28 18:57:25)

- Web accessibility/aide (2020-10-13 16:09:17)

- Web page designer (2010-08-22 14:31:14)

- Web TV anglais avec sous-titres (2008-02-02 19:34:49)

- web:useless to encumber the (2004-03-29 00:00:10)

- webcam et micro (2006-04-02 10:26:58)

- Webmaster (2004-09-26 14:59:04)

- webmaster-problème (2004-05-27 19:55:30)

- Wedding ceremony (2011-10-22 11:28:09)

- Wee joke (2004-09-20 13:56:28)

- wee scottish joke (2004-09-29 12:15:31)

- Wee scottish receipe (2004-10-08 18:42:04)

- Wee Spun for Fun (2004-08-18 15:45:55)

- Wee spun for the Fun (2004-07-03 10:04:06)

- wee spuns for the fun (2004-08-12 16:34:52)

- Week and Life/Correction (2015-09-29 15:51:38)

- week end (2004-05-25 06:52:50)

- Week's /week lectures (2015-03-13 22:53:27)

- Weeks or Week/aide (2014-03-07 13:15:07)

- Welcome 3e (2015-04-12 12:30:06)

- Welcome 3e (2015-08-10 19:59:27)

- Welcome 5e (2015-06-03 13:16:26)

- Welcome 5e - échange de CDS (2016-02-03 18:41:36)

- Welcome 6e (2014-01-01 14:42:37)

- Welcome 6ème (2011-11-20 22:12:36)

- Welcome 6ème (2015-01-21 07:56:54)

- Welcome Tea-room/Dialogue (2017-11-11 05:20:40)

- welcome to London (2008-04-09 16:10:27)

- Welcome/correction (2017-10-31 11:51:57)

- Welkin (2004-10-14 14:04:21)

- Well ou Good ? (2011-03-08 19:06:47)

- well! (2004-07-14 14:13:50)

- Well- adjectif? adverbe? (2008-11-02 21:39:04)

- Well/very much (2004-12-22 17:12:53)

- Welled/traduction (2016-04-27 09:42:36)

- Wendy's life in the past (2009-03-19 18:09:54)

- Wendy/Traduction (2005-07-03 16:57:10)

- Were able ou could/aide (2014-01-31 18:27:05)

- Were and Was/aide (2014-03-11 10:21:35)

- Were being/aide (2012-04-27 12:18:37)

- Were gone / had gone (2012-10-30 09:29:08)

- Were I ? (2011-03-23 10:05:51)

- Were or was (2011-09-05 18:13:34)

- Were to/aide (2020-03-02 10:46:04)

- Were/ help (2020-04-25 22:44:34)

- Were/Was (2012-02-11 01:13:20)

- West side story (2008-10-10 10:54:22)

- West Side Story/résumé (2013-01-30 22:43:33)

- West to America/aide (2016-02-25 19:09:48)

- WH + Auxiliaire (2008-06-28 19:18:53)

- WH questions (1) (2004-12-23 20:46:34)

- WH questions (2) (2004-12-23 20:53:34)

- Wh questions/help (2015-10-29 14:20:46)

- Wh questions/help (2021-02-25 20:46:57)

- Wh words / ever (2020-04-20 18:07:47)

- What city are you from/which (2010-03-07 22:32:36)

- What 's going on ? (2011-05-18 20:13:31)

- What + modal ou non (2010-11-19 20:39:41)

- What - which (2009-07-15 12:12:21)

- What / How (2015-07-22 09:14:46)

- What / mistake (2021-10-14 11:15:54)

- What / that (2007-01-03 17:42:32)

- What / which (2012-11-04 20:35:35)

- What / Which (2013-07-04 19:04:17)

- What /How about (2012-12-09 16:27:13)

- What /Which (2013-11-17 13:11:06)

- What /which date of birth (2010-10-09 03:53:19)

- What a coincidence! (2005-07-10 04:09:57)

- what about (2005-04-09 20:47:48)

- what about fair sacrifices? (2006-04-16 20:42:30)

- What about fish (2004-11-11 15:36:56)

- What about now /aide (2019-05-29 22:57:40)

- What about this film? (2004-10-14 21:37:58)

- what about translation ? (2004-06-11 19:58:08)

- What about your first gift at Christmas? (2005-12-21 19:06:57)

- What about your hobby ? (2006-04-18 14:10:23)

- What about your resolutions for 2006 ? (2006-02-21 22:48:59)

- What about-have (2010-05-02 09:26:59)

- What about....cats ? (2005-10-23 23:46:11)

- What about/how about (2017-10-29 17:17:37)

- what about? (2004-08-17 23:12:43)

- What about? 3rd part (2005-10-22 19:35:31)

- What accent /help (2017-12-28 14:38:58)

- What am I? (2005-10-09 17:01:40)

- what are they for? (2004-11-04 14:37:31)

- What are you doing/aide (2018-08-03 09:22:04)

- What are you doing/aide (2020-01-19 21:00:38)

- What are you thinking about VOCABLE ? (2006-08-27 15:44:16)

- What are you up to (2008-02-28 19:48:19)

- What are you/what do you are (2012-01-11 16:22:44)

- What can you buy at: (2004-10-27 22:23:41)

- what can you suggest (2004-05-25 09:33:45)

- What clauses (2010-11-23 22:10:37)

- What could my future be?? (2008-05-30 21:41:31)

- What did you do? (2009-01-23 22:32:13)

- What difference/won't - doesn't (2010-10-20 00:12:22)

- What do u think about.. (2004-07-02 17:55:55)

- What do you do Emploi ? (2009-04-17 22:55:05)

- What do you do relieve stress? (2005-07-14 17:19:14)

- what do you have for tea? (2008-11-07 12:56:16)

- What do you think about (2004-04-25 13:07:25)

- What do you think about (2004-05-05 19:54:01)

- What do you think about. (2004-08-24 21:25:33)

- what do you think of sport? (2006-04-03 20:57:02)

- What do you want? aide (2007-02-17 12:10:04)

- What do you want?- What will you have? (2010-02-24 18:14:58)

- what do you work? (2006-10-01 18:40:53)

- What does 'X' mean ? (2006-12-06 16:50:32)

- What does fiscal concern mean? (2010-05-13 09:22:18)

- What does ' 's ' refer to? (2009-01-25 21:20:32)

- what does 'con't' mean? (2005-06-17 15:55:17)

- What does 'MD' mean ? (2010-09-17 08:48:58)

- What does darn mean? (2005-12-06 04:35:43)

- what does it mean (2004-06-24 16:49:57)

- What does it mean (2009-06-08 17:05:00)

- What does it mean ? (2004-08-01 11:34:53)

- What does it mean? (2010-11-07 16:15:28)

- What does kudos mean?/aide (2024-03-14 20:19:21)

- What does that mean in french? (2004-05-10 19:46:43)

- What does that mean? (2004-04-21 07:23:34)

- what does this means? (2004-06-11 19:59:34)

- What doing/like doing (2012-05-02 21:29:14)

- What et How, pour une phrase exclamative (2009-01-12 18:34:27)

- What for/ for what (2009-07-19 19:14:25)

- What gets us into trouble (2007-07-18 19:15:58)

- What happens/ does it happen (2012-09-05 09:19:38)

- What have you been doing (2009-02-16 02:22:43)

- What have you been doing ? (2009-08-24 21:53:17)

- What have you been doing ? (2011-11-06 11:34:11)

- What have you been doing? (2009-01-25 03:57:03)

- What have you done - Been doing today ? (2010-02-15 14:18:32)

- What I did/ yesterday (2015-05-07 13:17:15)

- What I'm on about/aide (2019-07-25 14:31:42)

- What if it/aide (2019-06-24 21:31:45)

- What is ... (2004-04-27 10:22:42)

- What is / what was ou what (2022-04-25 12:12:51)

- What is Difference between till & unt (2010-07-25 11:39:42)

- What is it -- > into, at, in (2006-02-19 20:58:44)

- what is it about ? (2004-06-17 16:59:16)

- what is it mean??? (2004-08-31 03:55:29)

- what is it to be........ (2004-10-08 02:46:58)

- What is it? (2005-02-09 13:15:16)

- What is right/aide (2019-03-11 14:21:13)

- what is sys-sec department (2008-05-28 17:54:54)

- What is that/it (2021-01-17 04:26:20)

- What is the correct word meaning (2009-03-11 12:58:38)

- what is the Internet / devoirs (2005-02-19 01:16:48)

- What is your choice? (2006-04-20 20:17:58)

- What little money/aide (2017-05-15 16:33:54)

- what needs to be done? (2010-08-18 14:51:42)

- what or that (2005-07-04 22:33:32)

- What or That ?!? (2007-01-23 18:44:17)

- What OR which (2010-11-29 11:01:34)

- What or which (2010-12-20 17:24:48)

- What or which/help (2014-08-01 10:49:07)

- What or Wich (2004-11-20 09:33:00)

- What say you-what do you say (2009-05-07 17:34:29)

- What shall we do? (2010-03-29 19:30:11)

- What tense/-ing (2012-11-27 01:03:15)

- What the heck (2006-09-26 03:27:48)

- What time / When is it open (2013-10-27 22:16:36)

- What time do/does (2012-01-25 22:07:21)

- What time is it / aide (2012-10-13 13:37:47)

- what time/ at what time??? (2005-12-30 11:33:31)

- What time/How long (2011-08-26 19:01:11)

- What to Bring (2009-08-20 15:34:44)

- what was your best holidays? (2005-07-14 21:14:15)

- What would you become ? (2010-12-23 14:03:45)

- What would you do if... ? (2005-07-14 14:23:57)

- What would you say in these situations? (2009-12-23 19:29:56)

- What would you say...? (2006-09-04 11:23:00)

- What would your ideal school be like ? (2010-05-02 09:40:44)

- What year is it/aide (2019-01-21 14:48:02)

- What you up to (2009-02-26 05:57:11)

- What's diluting content ? (2010-05-21 22:26:26)

- What's happened-What happened (2009-03-02 22:19:06)

- What's millions upon millions (2011-01-01 08:58:45)

- What's on ? (2006-12-14 17:02:00)

- What's on ? - Who's on ? (2009-05-25 17:02:14)

- What's tense (2007-12-15 23:27:43)

- what's the difference ... (2007-11-06 13:22:35)

- What's the difference.... (2005-12-02 17:30:40)

- What's the right way? (2011-08-03 01:33:01)

- what's the weather like today ? (2005-09-10 12:19:01)

- What's the weather like/help (2019-12-27 00:27:32)

- What's this et What's that (2006-01-21 21:55:12)

- What's this got to DO with us? (2009-08-28 00:28:07)

- What's up ? (2010-07-25 20:38:15)

- What's your favourite band ? (2006-02-15 17:14:59)

- what's your favourite movie? (2006-06-04 02:22:54)

- What's your nationality? (2010-12-20 17:23:21)

- What's F 2 / E 0 ? (2004-06-13 23:32:07)

- what's Important! (2004-11-10 12:59:47)

- what's the difference (2004-05-26 15:14:04)

- What's the signification (2004-05-24 21:32:57)

- what's this ? (2004-05-15 17:29:22)

- what's up? (2004-06-06 01:38:55)

- What's wrong ? (2004-08-17 09:23:59)

- What's your (n) aim ??? (2004-05-23 21:39:23)

- What-How/Look-like (2016-03-14 20:29:15)

- What/ which (2024-01-03 19:49:43)

- What/what a,an and how (2008-12-22 17:37:17)

- What/Whatever (2019-12-31 09:08:22)

- what/which (2004-04-19 20:16:34)

- What/which (2007-01-27 08:03:02)

- Whatever /aide (2023-08-07 08:22:16)

- Whatever you say/It's up to you (2006-07-05 11:21:50)

- Whatever/No matter what (2020-03-02 12:37:57)

- What’s cooking? (2004-07-09 19:15:34)

- Wheatus-Teenage Dirtbag (2004-07-01 12:30:22)

- When (2004-12-21 18:17:13)

- when (2010-12-23 18:03:52)

- WHEN + 2 petits exercices (2004-08-20 18:31:44)

- When + futur /aide (2014-03-03 11:58:46)

- When + present (2010-01-10 12:30:04)

- WHEN .... (2004-06-09 16:29:05)

- When / présent (2014-02-10 22:09:59)

- When / temps (2020-02-07 17:49:00)

- When /while (2013-10-21 16:43:01)

- When and if/aide (2017-06-12 21:54:44)

- When Anna .. (Correction) (2006-03-02 10:49:22)

- When avec present perfect (2011-03-26 07:22:14)

- When et as soon as (2005-11-29 20:12:16)

- When et futur/aide (2012-06-02 01:16:11)

- When et le futur (2010-10-13 10:38:58)

- When I say you Dublin .. (2004-12-12 15:15:23)

- When I'm older/aide (2013-05-22 17:13:34)

- When I'm... (2008-05-22 21:49:14)

- When in Rome do as the Roman (2004-03-26 14:51:56)

- When in/aide (2014-05-29 15:11:44)

- When is the r silent ? (2008-07-25 09:52:35)

- When shall we meet/aide (2017-10-30 18:27:13)

- When shall we meet/Dialogue (2017-11-08 18:18:38)

- When should we use “ do” (2009-12-13 03:24:38)

- When should you write „the“? (2010-01-15 00:37:22)

- When the train leaves? (2009-08-16 20:44:49)

- When vs while/help (2013-09-25 09:59:52)

- When while.../aide (2015-10-21 20:28:05)

- When, what ou how ? (2009-11-16 16:42:55)

- When, while, before.... (2004-09-09 15:30:32)

- when... (2005-12-06 16:37:43)

- When/aide (2018-11-17 19:07:50)

- When/aide (2021-01-05 21:42:38)

- When/conjonction (2018-11-21 19:18:48)

- When/how long ago (2012-05-08 12:13:40)

- Whenever /Anytime (2015-05-03 10:17:46)

- Whenever /every time (2011-04-25 11:11:13)

- Where + ing/aide (2013-05-29 03:00:18)

- Where - Wherever (2009-12-01 10:56:08)

- Where am I/adverb (2012-01-12 02:34:50)

- where are the mistake? (2007-11-19 21:27:39)

- Where do you/are you (2012-08-07 17:32:47)

- Where et does/aide (2012-03-06 02:51:39)

- Where is it that /aide (2013-09-02 20:49:01)

- Where is the word stressed? (2006-11-07 19:25:54)

- Where're (2008-11-26 02:44:59)

- Where's Spot ? (2004-11-07 17:42:41)

- Whereas - like (2009-05-06 20:44:22)

- Whereby /by what (2014-12-30 15:57:59)

- Wherever/where (2017-11-06 15:32:36)

- Whether and if (2010-04-27 21:30:30)

- Whether et if ? (2007-09-02 19:38:38)

- Whether/emploi (2013-02-05 13:45:33)

- Whether/sens (2011-11-23 06:22:09)

- Which (2005-04-28 13:58:30)

- Which function/help (2012-06-19 00:46:49)

- Which is right/help (2014-09-12 06:20:38)

- Which - What - All(that). (2006-10-11 19:47:52)

- which / of which ? (2006-12-02 00:43:38)

- Which / that (2015-02-23 09:49:58)

- Which / What (2018-05-12 13:00:36)

- Which /aide (2020-05-04 11:03:16)

- Which /COD (2020-05-16 11:48:11)

- Which /correct (2020-05-25 16:56:59)

- Which /what (2012-01-29 18:14:23)

- Which /What time (2013-11-04 22:53:44)

- Which animal / animals (2013-06-28 11:10:41)

- Which city/correction (2012-02-28 21:58:42)

- Which conditional/help (2013-04-07 00:01:21)

- Which function/adjective (2012-11-06 19:04:46)

- Which instrument? (2004-12-25 15:38:43)

- Which is more acceptable? (2010-02-26 02:34:47)

- Which is your favourite form of art?? (2005-11-20 11:17:12)

- Which is your secret area ? (2006-03-23 21:18:55)

- which kind...what kind... (2005-03-23 21:40:19)

- Which one ? (2010-09-08 20:57:03)

- Which one is correct? (2009-07-06 17:56:34)

- Which or That (2006-07-04 18:04:52)

- Which ou that (2008-09-03 14:10:27)

- which ou Where? (2004-08-30 22:06:42)

- which ou whose? (2007-06-19 16:33:18)

- Which phrase is correct/help (2022-11-17 12:10:14)

- Which sentence/ use (2012-04-09 10:39:03)

- Which sentence/help (2013-03-24 08:28:08)

- Which sentence/help (2015-02-02 11:18:28)

- Which sentence/help (2017-12-27 23:59:08)

- Which tense /help (2013-04-03 21:49:44)

- Which tense ? (2010-02-11 22:10:06)

- Which tense/ graph (2018-04-07 16:35:24)

- Which tense/correct (2019-07-20 11:56:19)

- Which tense? (2005-01-29 11:48:18)

- which transport do you prefer ? (2005-12-23 21:18:55)

- Which variant/help (2013-04-29 08:12:12)

- which what how ? (2008-02-26 17:26:49)

- Which who / prépositions (2012-12-03 17:20:36)

- Which words should be used? (2011-08-03 01:06:36)

- Which, of which/ whose (2022-01-05 10:11:24)

- Which, who/aide (2018-08-09 03:55:02)

- Which-that/différence (2015-09-18 21:22:59)

- Which...petite question... (2005-05-12 13:14:00)

- Which/ best answer (2021-01-02 16:40:42)

- Which/ that (2021-06-27 22:46:50)

- Which/ utilisation (2020-04-24 09:52:08)

- Which/aide (2015-03-03 17:28:55)

- Which/aide (2016-06-16 23:16:28)

- Which/help (2017-11-16 09:59:01)

- Which/That (2011-05-24 16:49:12)

- Which/That..... (2005-02-01 19:18:04)

- Which/the subject (2022-01-20 12:07:05)

- Which/whom (2017-03-07 22:10:07)

- which/whose (2009-11-03 11:20:27)

- Which/whose (2020-06-04 17:40:01)

- which/would rather (2006-10-20 14:33:41)

- Whichever/aide (2020-06-21 18:05:38)

- While (2010-01-03 13:48:31)

- While - during - for (2005-06-22 05:48:02)

- While - Present perfect ? (2008-02-20 17:21:53)

- While / prétérit (2018-02-09 16:09:41)

- while and when (2006-03-19 18:38:39)

- While stock last (2011-08-08 08:53:00)

- While/ question (2018-03-09 14:53:25)

- While/aide (2021-10-20 11:09:51)

- While/tense of verb (2013-01-19 11:38:30)

- While/when (2005-05-16 17:52:11)

- While/When (2005-11-20 14:54:33)

- While/When (2005-08-10 02:05:49)

- While/when (2017-04-23 21:38:06)

- While/when/just as (2004-12-28 14:34:25)

- whisper?! (2005-01-29 16:48:52)

- White house (2014-01-29 14:56:38)

- Who (2008-04-15 18:24:43)

- Who / Sujet (2008-09-23 11:03:13)

- Who / which (2021-03-23 17:47:38)

- Who / whom (2019-02-04 21:11:29)

- who ; whom ???? (2007-01-14 15:06:42)

- Who are these Writers (2005-07-23 17:26:40)

- Who are they? (2010-01-21 23:27:22)

- Who can translate for me (2004-11-13 13:47:14)

- Who do you feel closer to.. (correction) (2007-11-06 11:11:55)

- Who do/Who does (2015-02-23 11:01:03)

- Who does he live with? (2011-08-26 16:30:26)

- who et whom ! (2006-10-13 15:50:34)

- Who is Henry David Thoreau (2007-01-10 11:40:17)

- Who is it/Who is he (2015-04-04 17:31:57)

- Who is skilful? (2004-06-07 12:48:21)

- Who is/Who are? (2014-10-06 13:04:34)

- who like the dance???? (2005-01-09 19:21:12)

- who loves smallville? (2004-09-21 11:38:40)

- Who or what/help (2014-12-08 00:17:39)

- Who or whom (2010-01-27 17:45:00)

- Who or whom/aide (2014-02-12 16:36:54)

- Who ou What ? (2011-03-30 14:39:57)

- Who ou which (2004-10-18 07:34:53)

- Who ou Which ? (2004-11-13 13:27:41)

- Who ou whom? (2010-02-12 13:41:42)

- Who saw...?Qui a vu....? (2004-09-18 11:47:02)

- Who wants discuss with me (2004-03-15 11:51:34)

- Who wants to be a millionaire-correction (2010-02-08 23:47:51)

- Who which (2010-12-09 09:33:24)

- Who won ? (2004-07-18 03:59:35)

- Who's/ aide (2013-12-28 17:11:44)

- Who, whom, which ou rien (2004-11-19 16:45:12)

- Who, whom, which, whose... (2005-07-16 23:25:12)

- who, whose, which .... (2005-01-09 11:52:21)

- Who,Which/aide (2018-02-13 09:00:30)

- Who-whom (2009-10-31 18:34:39)

- Who-Whom (2010-05-24 15:17:55)

- Who/ did (2012-02-23 06:21:10)

- who/ which and that (2006-07-07 23:21:03)

- Who/ whom (2019-05-27 07:34:02)

- Who/aide (2020-05-10 20:43:49)

- who/that/which (2004-12-09 09:37:37)
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