Activités d'anticipation:

Lisez cette petite introduction. Elle résume le thème de cette leçon:

The busiest shopping season of the year is underway in the United States. According to the National Retail Federation, 25 percent of all retail spending in the United States each year takes place during the holidays. And while it's a major business opportunity for merchants, and an exhausting chore for many consumers, author Thomas Hine believes holiday shopping also reflects a time honored human need. He explains why in his new book, I Want That! How We All Became Shoppers.


What will this lesson be about?
Who is Thomas Hine? What does he think?




Pourquoi des activités d'anticipation? Ces activités permettent d'anticiper le contenu du document et donc de mieux le comprendre, en centrant son attention sur le thème de l'enregistrement et en mobilisant le vocabulaire adéquat.




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Questions en français:

De quoi va parler cette leçon?
Qui est Thomas Hine? Que pense-t-il?