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Les pronoms interrogatifs (I)


Ils sont utilisés pour demander qui a fait quoi, à qui, pourquoi, avec quoi, etc.

On choisit le pronom en fonction de sa fonction, comme dans ce tableau:

  sujet grammatical objet objet d'une préposition
personne who whom whom
chose what what what

> sujet (personne) : who + question
Who did this painting?
Who wants to get an ice cream?

> sujet (chose) : what + question
What interests you?
What is good in this restaurant?

> objet direct (personne) : whom + question
Whom did you see in France?
Whom are you going to meet at this reception?

> objet direct (chose) : what + question
What do you want to do this evening?
What are you preparing?

> objet d'une préposition (personne) : préposition + whom + question
About whom are you thinking?
With whom did you go out?

Note: En anglais oral, on place souvent la préposition en fin de phrase, ce qui implique qu'on utilise "who" à la place de de "whom".

Who are you thinking about?
Who did you go out with?

EXERCISE: Posez une question sur les mots soulignés.

1. Peter bought a big car yesterday.
2. I ate an apple a few hours ago.
3. I met Sandra in Paris.
4. Watching movies is very interesting.


REPONSES 1. Who bought a big car yesterday? 2. What did you eat a few hours ago? 3. Whom did you meet in Paris? 4. What is very interesting?