Comparatives are used to compare two things and to highlight the superiority, inferiority, or equality of one term compared to another.

For comparisons in larger groups, you must use the superlative. The superlative designates extremes: the best, the first, the worst, the last, etc.

SUPERIORITY a) Short adjectives: adj + -ER THAN
Peter is taller than Sandra.

b) Long adjectives: MORE + adj + THAN
A Ferrari is more expensive than a Mini.
a) Short adjectives: THE + adj -EST
Tom is the tallest boy of the school.

b) Long adjectives:
THE MOST + adjective
This is the most pleasant place on Earth!
EQUALITY Short & long adjectives:
AS... adjective... AS
English is as easy as German.
Doesn't exist
INFERIORITY Short & long adjectives:
LESS + adjectif + THAN
July is less cold than January.
Short & long adjectives:
THE LEAST + adjective
This is the least interesting movie of the year!


Short adjectives: 1 syllable (eg: young) + 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y (eg: pretty)
Long adjectives: all the other adjectives

> If the adjective ends in "--y" the "y" becomes "i" : heavy --> heavier
> If the adjective ends in "--e" only an "r" is needed: wise --> wiser
> If the adjective ends with "single vowel + consonant" the consonant is doubled and one adds "--er" : big --> bigger
> Some very common adjectives have irregular comparatives: good --> better | bad --> worse | far --> farther

Irregular forms:         good --> the best ·        bad --> the worst ·        far --> the farthest




COMPARATIVES (+ superiority, = equality, - inferiority).
a) Sandra is ___________ (+ pretty) Sophia.
b) This song is ___________ (+ good) the previous one.
c) My boat is ___________ (= expensive) your boat.
d) This book is ___________ (= bad) that one.
e) Jurassic Park is ___________ (- frightening) Star Wars.
f) The Lost World is ___________ (- good) Jurassic Park I.

SUPERLATIVES (+ superiority, = equality, - inferiority).
a) Peter is ___________ (+ intelligent) student in the school!
b) This place is ___________ (- interesting) of the town.






a) Sandra is prettier than Sophia.
b) This song is better than the previous one.
c) My boat is as expensive as your boat.
d) This book is as bad as that one.
e) Jurassic Park is less frightening than Star Wars.
f) The Lost World is less good than Jurassic Park I.

a) Peter is the most intelligent student in the school!
b) This museum is the least interesting place of the town.