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Apprendre l'anglais > Leçons & Exercices d'anglais > Poisson vampire du Brésil > Statistiques mises à jour toutes les 4h
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Exercice "Poisson vampire du Brésil", créé par tizeph (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 960 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 49% (9.8 / 20) Partager

Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : creecket / FRANCE, le samedi 05 août à 11:35:
"I hate fish ! ;)"
52.4% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
47.7% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test

Statistiques questions sur 960 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 42.8 %
There's no doubt that piranha have the most * reputation in the Amazon, but I hadn't actually seen for myself one of their famous feeding frenzies.

Question 2 réussie à 57.9 %
So I wasn't sure they deserved to be on the Deadly 60. We all headed back to the boat for the night and fished off the side for our dinner. Then, we spotted * in the water.

Question 3 réussie à 60.4 %
It was something infinitely more scary than a * . 'Oh, my goodness. Look at that! Oh, that is grotesque!'

Question 4 réussie à 52.6 %
The strange * shapes were a kind of catfish called giant candiru. Normal candiru are about the size of my little finger, so these ones are relative monsters. -'Oh, look at that! It's got right into the belly cavity.

Question 5 réussie à 30.9 %
That is one single bite. It just looks like he's bored a hole straight into the * of that fish. That is horrible. That is absolutely horrid.' -'You're going swimming now?' -'Eh, no. No. Or possibly never again.'

Question 6 réussie à 41.1 %
This calls for a Deadly 60 experiment. -'Okay, I'm gonna time how long it takes them to * this piece of steak.' Just imagine if you fell into the water. How long would it take before the candiru started attacking you? -'They are possibly the most grotesque, the most frightening fish I think I've ever seen.'

Question 7 réussie à 33.3 %
And no * had I put this bit of meat into the water, than all of a sudden it's … -'Ouch! Ha-ha! Suddenly surrounded by seething, white grotesque catfish.

Question 8 réussie à 42.3 %
Look at… They're shredding it! They are absolutely shredding it! They just get a grip with those teeth and then spin their body round and round and round and bore into it, like some * living drill bit.'

Question 9 réussie à 25.8 %
Dudu reckons that they'll actually do this to a living animal swimming these waters at night. That is * . -'Argh! Can I take piranhas off the Deadly 60 and put candiru on instead?' -'Yeah.'

Question 10 réussie à 39.7 %
I wasn't planning on it, but I have to say that's one of the * fish I've ever seen. Oh ho-ho! Look at that. From steak to nothing … in 48 seconds.

Question 11 réussie à 49.8 %
I'm certainly not going swimming in there. They are * . One of the most gruesome animals on the list! They drill a hole through their prey and can strip fish

Question 12 réussie à 56.3 %
or meat right down to the * in a matter of minutes. They're absolutely horrifying. They're the giant candiru.

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