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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°114775 : Thief et synonymes

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Thief et synonymes

Thieves : burglar, robber, thief, pickpocket, purse-snatcher , shoplifter , mugger, cat burglar,  highway man , embezzler.

Burglar: person  who breaks  into a house to steal

Robber: person  that takes other  people's property in  a bank or any other institution

Thief :  person  that steals secretly and  furtively

Pickpocket :  person who  steals  money  or  objects from  other  people's pockets or bags

Purse-snatcher:  person who  steals handbags  from other  people by seizing them and carrying them away

Shoplifter: person  who  steals objects  from  a store

Mugger:  person  who assaults  people  in  order to  rob them

Cat burglar:  person who  breaks  into flats  by climbing  through upper windows or skylights 

Embezzler:  person who  steals  money belonging  to others and  that  was in  his/her care

Highwayman: a  robber who used  to steal  property  from  the passengers on a coach




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Mode d'emploi : cliquez sur chaque lettre pour reconstituer le bon mot. Cliquez sur la boîte pour recommencer. Une aide dans la case grise.

1. As he was walking home at night, a ( )   [m...] held him at gunpoint and took his wallet.

2. Pete Smith, the ( )   [em...] who stole huge sums of money from the XY Charitable Institution, was caught red-handed and arrested last week.

3. In spite of CCTV cameras being everywhere, ( )   [sh...] in department stores often get away with products.

4. A sign in the tube stations reads “Beware of ( )   [pi...].

5. Yesterday during a hold-up at BCB bank, three ( )   [r...] stole 3 million pounds.

6. In a famous Hitchcock film, Cary Grant impersonated a ( )   [ca...] who stole jewels climbing down the roofs of famous hotels.

7. In the past travellers were often robbed of their money by ( )   [hi...] on horseback.

8. A ( )   [b...] broke into that tycoon's villa and stole all the silver cutlery and a painting by Renoir.

9. A ( )   [pu...] on a motor-bike tried to seize the old lady's handbag causing her to fall over.

10. Necessity can make a ( )   [t...].

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Thief et synonymes"
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