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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°121057 : Caractéristiques personnelles

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> Tests similaires : - Adjectifs en anglais-cours pour débutants - Savoir se présenter : Thierry en Angleterre 1 - Savoir se présenter 2-Thierry en Angleterre 2 - Présentation 1 Facile - Comparatif de supériorité - Adjectifs et prépositions - Ordre des adjectifs - Superlatif de supériorité et adjectif
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Caractéristiques personnelles


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Exercice d'anglais "Caractéristiques personnelles" créé par gogopet avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de gogopet]
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1. If only I could be as as Julian thinking this is a recreational league. Here victors have the chance to participate in contests beyond the dreams of standard weekend warriors.

2. Besides burnout syndrome profiles for the uninspired and those worn to a frazzle, there are also the types who show a high degree of involvement, ambition and need for achievements.

3. When his name is mentioned, we simply know him as one of us, and yet again this golfer has finished another tournament with both boldness and an almost nonchalant killing touch.

4. Exhibit a positive, respectful attitude. If you act superior, you come across as arrogant and customers won't like you and if you are overly flattering or they might become annoyed.

5. Elliot Howell continued his winning streaks with a victory over Dean Burton, but he was getting clearly as fans loudly booed him and shouted for Navarro Garibaldi.

6. Many of those who are timid or accept the low evaluation of the self, doing things not for their own sake, but for the credit it may bring them in the eyes of others.

7. Self-centeredness is viewed as an unappealing personality trait, but taking occasional selfies doesn't mean a person doing that is !

8. Mr Wilkinson is , he eats little, drinks little, and feels a shuddering recoil from excess but he knows when it becomes an obsession it is a flaw more than an asset.

9. It is provoking to see a young girl that does not give up her seat to an elderly person on a packed train.

10. You should take credit when credit is due, but without being seen as or arrogant.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Caractéristiques personnelles"
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