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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°126446 : Compréhension

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Comprehension helps us to learn and understand texts. We must learn to read fluently and understand all the meanings in order to get answers to questions.

Read the following story and answer the questions carefully.

There was a king. He was very greedy. He valued money more than anything in the world. He prayed to god continuously for a month. He fasted during that whole month. God was impressed with his prayers and answered them by coming to him. The king asked god for a boon. He told he wanted everything he touched to turn into gold. God satisfied this boon. The king became rich just by touching anything he wanted. He was satisfied. He had become the richest king overnight! To celebrate his happiness he gifted a gold chain necklace to his one and only daughter. She was happy. She hugged her father, the king, but she did not know that whatever he touched would turn into gold and the second the king touched her she turned into gold!

The king was shocked. He realised his foolishness, asked god to take his boon away, get his precious daughter back, and although he lost all his riches, at least he wasn't going to lose his daughter.

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1. From the story, we learn .

2. The king was .

3. The king had become the richest king !

4. The king finally realised his .

5. Whatever he touched would turn into .

6. He won't lose his again.

7. The king became rich by anything he wanted.

8. The king valued more than anything in the world.

9. The king was .

10. God satisfied the kings' .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Compréhension"
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