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Correct Tarzan's English!
Message de traviskidd posté le 24-10-2005 à 07:39:34 (S | E | F | I)

Tarzan would like to tell you a little about himself. Tarzan, like every fictional character in America, speaks English. But, since he lives in the jungle, with little human contact other than with his "girlfriend", his English is, shall we say, "simple". Help Tarzan introduce himself by rewriting his letter in good English!

Ey! Me Tarzan! Tarzan live in jungle! Tarzan like swing on vine! Tarzan no like hunt food, because Tarzan no like kill animal! But eat is must for Tarzan, so Tarzan kill sometime! Is girl Tarzan like much. She Jane! Tarzan want can see Jane every day! Tarzan want marry Jane! But Tarzan no think Jane want marry Tarzan! This make Tarzan sad! When Tarzan sad, Tarzan play with ape! Then Tarzan feel better! Tarzan like tell you about Tarzan. Tarzan hope you like Tarzan. Now Tarzan tired. Tarzan sleep!


Correction (rather, my proposition, since there isn't really a single "correct" answer) soon, when it seems that everyone who would like to participate has done so.

P.S. I would also be interested in seeing a translation of this letter into French "Tarzan-speak"!

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de aimen7, postée le 24-10-2005 à 08:53:11 (S | E)
Hello Travis,

Hello, I'm Tarzan. I live in the jungle. I like swinging on vine. As I hate killing animals, I don't like hunt food! But eating is a must for me, therefore I sometimes kill to eat.
I like a girl very much. Her name is Jane. I can see her everyday! I want to marry Jane but I don't think she wants to marry me! This makes me sad and when I'm sad I play with apes and then I feel better! I like telling you about myself and I hope you like me. Now I'm tired. I go to sleep.

Version "Tarzan-speak".Salut! Moi Tarzan! Moi vivre dans jungle! Aimer balancer vigne! Moi pas aimer chasse! Mais Tarzan manger alors tuer parfois!
Tarzan aimer Jane! Tarzan marier elle mais elle pas vouloir alors Tarzan triste! Quand Tarzan triste, jouer avec grands singes alors tarzan sentir mieux. Tarzan aimer parler de Tarzan! Vous aimer Tarzan espère! Tarzan fatigué, dormir!

Merci pour cet exercice. (Parler la langue Tarzanne est plus dur que parler anglais!§!§!)

Edité par aimen7 le 24-10-2005 08:54

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de nanette33, postée le 24-10-2005 à 09:51:32 (S | E)
Hi, friend of the jungle!

Hello, my name's Tarzan! I live in jungle. I like swinging on vine. I don't like hunting, because I don't like killing animals. But, because I have to eat, sometime I kill animal. My girlfriend is Jane and I love her. We meet everyday. I would like to marry her but I think that she will not agree, what saddens me. When I'm sad, I play with apes then I feel better. I like telling my life and I hope that you appreciate me. Now I'm tired so I'm going to sleep.

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de cam3, postée le 24-10-2005 à 11:12:33 (S | E)
Hello ! My name’s Tarzan ! I live in the jungle ! I like swinging on vine ! I don’t like hunting for food, because I don’t like to kill animals ! But I must eat, so I sometimes have to kill ! I like Jane very much, she is my girl-friend. I want to see her every day ! I want to marry her ! But I don’t think she wants to marry me ! That’s why I’m so sad ! And when I’m sad, I play with apes and I feel better then ! I like to tell you about myself. I hope you like me. Now, I’m tired, so I’m going to sleep.
Bye !

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de carol, postée le 24-10-2005 à 14:11:34 (S | E)
Hello!my name is Tarzan! I live in the jungle!I like swinging from creeper to creeper( swing on vine????? )! But I don't like hunting "food", because I don't like killing animals ! But eating is a must for me, so I sometimes kill an animal! Here is a girl I like very much. her name is Jane! I wish I could see her every day! I want to marry her! But I don't think Jane wants to marry me! This makes me sad! When I feel sad ,I play with the apes of the jungle! Then I feel better! I like talking about myself. And I hope you like me. Now I feel tired.Let me go to sleep!


Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de gewurz, postée le 24-10-2005 à 18:23:58 (S | E)
Eh fair lady! My name is Tarzan, I live in the jungle! What could I say to describe me, well I like to swing on vine! But don't be afraid, it's only a tribute to my ancestor Bacchus. If you're a vegetarian, that'll match perfectly for I don't like to hunt my food, truth be told, I'm not good at killing animals for I'm not very deft. Nevertheless, I'm a man before all so I have to kill sometimes and therefore every Saturday's night, I go hunting snails, butter and garlic. I share my light sustenance with Jane. Oh don't be jealous, Jane, well it's Jane, not anything to worry about, but I'm used to her so I want to see her everyday. But if we date together, I can only see her on a photo. I want Marie-Jeanne... huh ? Ah no trust me, I've never smoked in a month of Sundays ! Oh no, I want to marry Jane but unfortunately, I don't think that Jane is in love with me as much as I'm in love with me ! That fills me with sadness each time I brood it over And when I'm sad, I play the ape and right away I make me laugh which makes me feel better. You gonna tell me I'm kind of a narcissistic, I won't tell you the contrary for I don't know that word. All I wish in life is the hope of being loved by you. Now all that brainstorming has made me get tired. I'm gonna have a rest in my hammock.
Have a good banana fair lady.


Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de kayrol, postée le 24-10-2005 à 21:15:02 (S | E)
Hello Traviskidd,
Kayrol love subject

"Ey! Me Tarzan! Tarzan live in jungle! Tarzan like swing on vine! Tarzan no like hunt food, because Tarzan no like kill animal! But eat is must for Tarzan, so Tarzan kill sometime! Is girl Tarzan like much. She Jane! Tarzan want can see Jane every day! Tarzan want marry Jane! But Tarzan no think Jane want marry Tarzan! This make Tarzan sad! When Tarzan sad, Tarzan play with ape! Then Tarzan feel better! Tarzan like tell you about Tarzan. Tarzan hope you like Tarzan. Now Tarzan tired. Tarzan sleep!"
"Hi, I'm Tarzan ! I live in the jungle. I like swinging on vine. I don't like hunted food, because I don't like killing animals. But to eat is necessary for me, so I sometimes have to kill. I like my girlfriend very much. Her name is Jane. I want to see her everyday. I want to marry her. But I don't think Jane wants to marry me. This makes me feel sad. When I'm sad, I play with apes. Then I feel better. I like to tell you about me. I hope you like me. Now I'm tired and am going to sleep."
"Salut ! moi Tarzan ! Tarzan vivre dans jungle. Tarzan aimer se balancer au bout de liane. Tarzan pas aimer nourriture chassée parce que Tarzan pas aimer tuer animaux. Mais Tarzan obligé de manger, alors Tarzan tue quelquefois. Tarzan beaucoup aimer petite amie. Elle Jane. Tarzan vouloir voir Jane tous les jours. Tarzan vouloir se marier avec Jane. Mais Tarzan penser Jane pas vouloir. Cela rendre Tarzan triste. Quand Tarzan triste, Tarzan jouer avec singe. Tarzan sentir mieux après. Tarzan aime parler de Tarzan avec vous. Tarzan espère vous aimer Tarzan. Maintenant Tarzan fatigué. Tarzan dormir!"
Oserais-je aaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Edité par kayrol le 24-10-2005 21:15

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de 11armand11, postée le 24-10-2005 à 22:51:15 (S | E)
Euh... bonjour à tous, et j'espère que cette interprétation libre vous fera sourire - il y a plusieurs passages dont je suis loin d'être sûr - j'implore votre indulgence et votre correction.

GOOOOOOOOOD MMMOOOOORRRRNING you jungle listeners ! Tarzan speaking ! Yes, the very Tarzan who lives in the jungle, who loves to swing on vine, hunting for food. No, that’s not really true... In fact, I’m a vegan. I mean a veggie, I’m mistaken - I'm reading "the princess of Mars", that's why... Well, to be truthful, I sometimes kill an animal, because you know, you use a lot of energy yelling like that... But I usually kill little things, like slugs, mosquitos, or whatever you can't have an affair with. Er, speaking of all that, I say, if you meet a wonderful girl wose wonderful name is Wonderful Jane, just leave her alone. She's mine. Or will be. If she wants, one day. (deep sigh). She won't marry me. So, what can I do, but screw cheetah cry alone. Now, I've been pleased to talk to you. Yes, indeed. I've told you lots of things I've never told anybody. I feel relieved. I thing I'll be able to sleep tonight. It's been such a long time since I havn't had a good rest. Well, good night,er...What did you say your name was ? Oh yes, good night Sigmund.

bonne nuit à tous...

Réponse: Correct Tarzan's English! de traviskidd, postée le 28-10-2005 à 03:18:41 (S | E)
Nice (and funny) answers from all of you! Here is my solution:

Hello, my name is Tarzan! I live in the jungle! I like to swing on vines. I don't like to hunt for food, because I don't like to kill animals. But unfortunately I have to eat, so I will make a kill on occasion.

I have a girlfriend; her name is Jane. I wish I could see Jane every day! I would like to marry Jane, but I don't think she feels the same way about me. This saddens me. When I'm sad, I play with apes, and then I feel better!

Well, I have enjoyed telling you about myself. I hope you like me! I'm feeling tired now, so I'm going to go and get some sleep.

See you!

Good job, one and all!

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