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Verb + wage / salary
Message de felin posté le 15-11-2005 à 18:49:30 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Dimanche soir 20/11//05

1. Verb + wage / salary

Complete the sentences with the correct form of" the above verbs:
earn, live on/survive, demand a higher, go on, deducted.

1. She........... a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages........... on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to........... on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically........... from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are........... higher salaries and better conditions.

2. Wage or salary?

Choose wage or salary:

1. The government plans to raise the minimum wage / salary from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure wage / salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly wage / salary of £90.
4. He earns a good wage / salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage / salary goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic wage / salary is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money.

Good luck.

Edité par lucile83 le 16-11-2005 07:51

Réponse: Verb = wage / salary de to-be-free, postée le 16-11-2005 à 04:01:41 (S | E)
1. Verb + wage / salary

Complete the sentences with the correct form of" the above verbs:
earn, live on/survive, demand a higher, go on, deducted.

1. She earns a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages go on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to survive on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically deducted from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are demanding higher salaries and better conditions.

2. Wage or salary?

Choose wage or salary:

1. The government plans to raise the minimum salary from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly salary of £90.
4. He earns a good wage as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic wage is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money.
vey much for this one.

Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de nanette33, postée le 16-11-2005 à 09:31:17 (S | E)
Hi Felin

1. Verb + wage / salary

Complete the sentences with the correct form of" the above verbs:
earn, live on/survive, demand a higher, go on, deducted.

1. She earns a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages go on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to live (or survive) on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically deducted from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are demanding a higher salaries and better conditions.

2. Wage or salary?

Choose wage or salary:

1. The government plans to raise the minimum salary from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly wage of £90.
4. He earns a good salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic salary is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money.

Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de pepe69, postée le 16-11-2005 à 17:38:03 (S | E)
Hello felin,

I. Verb + wage / salary

1. earns.
2. go on.
3. survive.
4. deducted.
5. demanding a higher.

II. Wage or salary.

1. wage.
2. salary.
3. wage.
4. salary.
5. salary.
6. wage.

Bonne soirée felin.


Edité par pepe69 le 18-11-2005 11:40

Edité par pepe69 le 01-12-2005 15:26

Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de cat3, postée le 17-11-2005 à 10:29:24 (S | E)
bonjour Felin

verb+ wage /salary

1 earn
2 go on
3 survive
4 deducted
5 demanding

Wage or salary

1 salary
2 salary
3 wage
4 wage
5 salary
6 wage


Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de isa71, postée le 17-11-2005 à 22:41:03 (S | E)
hello miss

1. Verb + wage / salary

1. She earns a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages go on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to live on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically deducted from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are demanding higher salaries and better conditions.

2. Wage or salary?

1. The government plans to raise the minimum salary from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly salary of £90.
4. He earns a good salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic wage is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money.


Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de magmatic_rock, postée le 18-11-2005 à 11:55:17 (S | E)
Hello félin,

1. She earns a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages live on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to go on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically deducted from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are demanding a higher salaries and better conditions.

1. The government plans to raise the minimum salary from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure wage to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly wage of £90.
4. He earns a good salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic salary is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money

Réponse: Verb + wage / salary de felin, postée le 20-11-2005 à 16:41:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:
1. Verb + wage / salary

1. She earns a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages go on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job so they have to live/survive on one wage now.
4. In the UK, tax is automatically deducted from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are demanding higher salaries and better conditions.

2. Wage or salary?

1. The government plans to raise the minimum wage from £4.50 to £5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly wage of £90.
4. He earns a good salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My salary goes directly into the bank on the last Wednesday of each month.
6. The basic wage is low, so I'll have to do overtime to make enough money.

Wage ==> usually paid weekly- the pay of manual workers.
Salary ==> usually paid monthly- the pay of non-manual workers.

pour votre participation.

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