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Message de felin posté le 17-12-2005 à 21:59:47 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Vendredi soir 23/12/05

1. Adjective + diet (what we usually eat)

Complete the sentences with the following adjectives:
balanced, healthy, low-fat, poor.

1. Fruit is an essential part of a ........... diet.Try to eat two or three pieces a day.
2. It's important that children eat a ........... diet.They need a variety of foods.
3. His diet consists mainly of fried food. Such a ........... diet will lead to illness.
4. If you eat a ........... diet, you'll live longer. So, no more butter for me!

2. Verb + diet (losing weight)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
follow, go on, stick/keep, watch, cut out

1. I've decided to ........... on a strict diet to see if I can lose a few kilos.
2. I've been advised to ........... sugar out of my diet if I want to shed a few kilos.
3. If you ........... this low calorie diet, you'll lose weight. But you must...........
to it rigidly.
4. He's got an ulcer, so he has to ........... his diet. He's got to keep off fatty foods.

3 Verb+Appetite:

Match these halves:

1. All this exercise has
2. I'm sorry I don't feel like eating just now.
3. I went for a long walk to see if I could
4. Don't eat snacks between meals.
5. All that fresh air has sharpened my appetite.

a. I’ve lost my appetite.
b. given me an appetite.
c. I could eat a horse.
d. work up an appetite.
e. You'll spoil your appetite.

Good luck.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=diet+appetite de maya13, postée le 18-12-2005 à 11:47:37 (S | E)
thank you for this "seasonal exercise"

Adj + diet

1 - healthy
2 - balanced
3 - poor
4 - low-fat

Verb + diet

1 - go on
2 - cut sugar out
3 - If you follow...stick to
4 - watch

Verb + appetite

1 - All this exercise has given me an appetite
2 - ..I've lost my appetite
3 - see if I could work out an appetite
4 -'ll spoil your appetite
5 - I could eat a horse

Réponse: Verb+adjective=diet+appetite de felin, postée le 23-12-2005 à 16:57:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Maya

Oh ma pauvre tu es la seule a participer et je te remercie.

1. Adjective + diet (what we usually eat)

1. Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet.Try to eat two or three pieces a day.
2. It's important that children eat a balanced diet.They need a variety of foods.
3. His diet consists mainly of fried food. Such a poor diet will lead to illness.
4. If you eat a low-fat diet, you'll live longer. So, no more butter for me!

2. Verb + diet (losing weight)

1. I've decided to go on a strict diet to see if I can lose a few kilos.
2. I've been advised to follow sugar out of my diet if I want to shed a few kilos.
3. If you ........... this low calorie diet, you'll lose weight. But you must...........
to it rigidly.
4. He's got an ulcer, so he has to watch his diet. He's got to keep off fatty foods.

3 Verb+Appetite:

Match these halves:

1. All this exercise has b. given me an appetite.
2. I'm sorry I don't feel like eating just now. a. I’ve lost my appetite.
3. I went for a long walk to see if I could d. work up an appetite.
4. Don't eat snacks between meals. e. You'll spoil your appetite.
5. All that fresh air has sharpened my appetite. c. I could eat a horse.

pour ta participation.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=diet+appetite de whynot95, postée le 26-12-2005 à 11:22:19 (S | E)
Hello Felin

It's normal that before Xmas Eve and New Year's Eve a lot of people are not interested by such subject!!!!

Réponse: Verb+adjective=diet+appetite de magmatic_rock, postée le 26-12-2005 à 11:40:15 (S | E)
I disagree with you whynot!
If I had seen it, I'd have taken part in it!
All subjects are always interesting from the moment it's to improve your English!

Sorry felin for missing it!

Réponse: Verb+adjective=diet+appetite de felin, postée le 26-12-2005 à 11:57:24 (S | E)
Hello Whynot and Magmatic

Ce n'est pas grave.

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