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Exercice 81
Message de felin posté le 22-08-2006 à 13:17:11 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Lundi 28/08/06.

Forming the passive.

Fill in each space using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
- The police report that the missing person …… (Find)
- The police report that the missing person has been found.

1 The news …… every day from 6am to midnight. (broadcast)
2 At this very moment the suspect ………….. by the police. (Interview)
3 And now a newflash. The president ………. with committing prejury. (charge)
4 A new security system ……….. in all our offices in the next few weeks. (install)
5 By November 30 a new government ……………… (elect).
6 There must be a mistake: the hotel bill …………….. by my wife. (pay)
7 When we got home, we realised the house ……… (burgle)
8 The building ………. when a second bomb went off. (evacuate)
9 The government says tax reforms ……………….. in the new year. (introduce)
10 Newspapers in some countries …….. in kiosk as well as shops. (sell)

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercice 81 de mp27, postée le 22-08-2006 à 13:48:02 (S | E)
Hello felin!
1) is broadcast
2) is being interviewed
3) has been charged
4) will be installed
5) will be elected (I think its ok but I'll keep thinking about it!)
6) was paid (according to context, one could say quite differently, so, I'm not 100%sure)
7) had been burgled
8) had just been evacuated, mais peut-être que l'évacuation était encore en train de se produire? alors, ce serait:was being evacuated
9) will be introduced ---
10) are sold
Thank you very much!
and yes, I've put in my mind a new irregular verb!
Modifié par felin le 22-08-2006 14:05 Hello , j'ai mis dans le bon ordre.
Modifié par mp27 le 22-08-2006 14:14 --->Excuse-moi d'avoir mis mes réponses à l'horizontale! Ok, tu préfères la verticale. C'est d'accord pour la prochaine fois!
Modifié par felin le 22-08-2006 14:26 Ce n'est pas grave my dear.

Réponse: Exercice 81 de bobine, postée le 22-08-2006 à 14:16:22 (S | E)
Hello Miss,

1 The news is broadcast every day from 6am to midnight.
2 At this very moment the suspect is being interviewed by the police.
3 And now a newflash. The president has been charged with committing prejury.
4 A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.
5 By November 30 a new government will be elected .
6 There must be a mistake: the hotel bill was payed by my wife.
7 When we got home, we realised the house had been burgled
8 The building was being evacuating when a second bomb went off.
9 The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the new year.
10 Newspapers in some countries are sold in kiosk as well as shops.

Réponse: Exercice 81 de lison, postée le 22-08-2006 à 18:07:46 (S | E)
1The news are broadcasted every day from 6am to midnight.
2 At this very moment the suspect was being interviewed by the police.
3 And now a newflash. The president has been charged with committing prejury.
4 A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.
5 By November 30 a new government has been elected.
6 There must be a mistake: the hotel bill was paid by my wife.
7 When we got home, we realised the house had been burgled.
8 The building was being evacuated when a second bomb went off.
9 The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the new year.
10 Newspapers in some countries are sold in kiosk as well as shops.

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 13:21

Réponse: Exercice 81 de babeth54, postée le 22-08-2006 à 21:29:51 (S | E)
1. The news is broadcast every day from 6am to midnight.
2. At this very moment the suspect is being interviewed by the police.
3. And now a newflash. The president has been charged with committing prejury.
4. A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.
5. By November 30 a new government has been elected .was
6. There must be a mistake: the hotel bill was paid by my wife.
7. When we got home, we realised the house has been burgled
8. The building was being evacuated when a second bomb went off.
9. The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the new year.
10. Newspapers in some countries are sold in kiosk as well as shops.

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 13:21

Réponse: Exercice 81 de coferam, postée le 24-08-2006 à 16:38:07 (S | E)

Bonjour Felin,

1 The news … is broadcast… every day from 6am to midnight. (broadcast)
2 At this very moment the suspect …… is being interviewed …….. by the police. (Interview)
3 And now a newflash. The president …… has been charged …. with committing prejury. (charge)
4 A new security system …… has been installed ….. in all our offices in the next few weeks. (install)
5 By November 30 a new government ……… Will have been elected……… (elect).
6 There must be a mistake: the hotel bill …… has been paid ……….. by my wife. (pay)
7 When we got home, we realised the house … had been burgled …… (burgle)
8 The building …… was evacuated…. when a second bomb went off. (evacuate)
9 The government says tax reforms ……… will be introduced ……….. in the new year. (introduce)
10 Newspapers in some countries … are sold ….. in kiosk as well as shops. (sell)

Thinks and
See you soon

Réponse: Exercice 81 de whynot95, postée le 24-08-2006 à 18:29:58 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin

1- The news is broadcast every day from 6 am to midnight.
2- At this very moment the suspect is being interviewed by the police.
3- And now a newflash. The president has been charged with committing prejury.
4- A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.
5- By November 30 a new government will be elected .
6- There must be a mistake: the hotel bill was paid by my wife.
7- When we got home, we realised the house had been burgled
8- The building was being evacuated when a second bomb went off.
9- The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the new year.
10- Newspapers in some countries are sold in kiosk as well as shops.

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercice 81 de lakata, postée le 24-08-2006 à 18:49:29 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1) is broadcast
2) is being interviewed
3) has been charged
4) will be installed
5) will have been elected
6) was paid ? has already been paid ? And why not : was to be paid ?
7) had been burgled
8) had been evacuated ? was being evacuated ? was about to be evacuated ?
9) would be introduced
10) are sold


Réponse: Exercice 81 de felin, postée le 28-08-2006 à 13:20:32 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1 The news is broadcast every day from 6am to midnight.
2 At this very moment the suspect is being interviewed by the police.
3 And now a newflash. The president has been charged with committing prejury.
4 A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.
5 By November 30 a new government will have been elected
6 There must be a mistake: the hotel bill was paid by my wife.
7 When we got home, we realised the house had been burgled
8 The building was being evacuated when a second bomb went off.
9 The government says tax reforms will be introduced in the New Year.
10 Newspapers in some countries are sold in kiosk as well as shops.

Merci à tous pour votre participation

Voici la leçon ci dessous.

The form passive

The passive has a form of be + past participle. The form of be is the same as the tense in the active equivalent.

Tense >>>> Present Simple >>> Passive Form >>> am/are/is + past participle >>>
Example passive >>>> important subjects are discussed every lunch time.
Example active >>> they discuss important subjects every lunch time.

Tense >>>> Past simple >>>> Passive Form >>> was/were + past participle >>>
Example passive >>>> the date for the talks was announced
Example passive >>> Wrong >>> the school has built by the local government.
Right >>> the school was built by the local government.
Example active >>> they announced the date for the talks.

Tense >>>> Future simple >>> Passive Form >>> will+be+ past participle
Example passive >>>> you will be examined by a top consultant.
Example active >>> a top consultant will examine you.

Tense >>>> Be going to (future) >>> Passive Form >>> am/are/is going to be+ past participle
Example passive >>>> the factory is going to be closed.
Example active >>> they are going to close the factory.

Tense >>>> Modal passive >>>> Passive Form >>> modal verb+ be+ past participle
Example passive >>>> the house must be cleaned.
Example active >>> you must clean the house

Tense >>>> Present continuous >>>> Passive Form >>> am/are/is being +past participle
Example passive >>>> the matter is still being considered
Example active >>> they are still considering matter.

Tense >>>> Past continuous >>> Passive Form >>> was/were being +past participle
Example passive >>>> Every effort was being made to end the strike.
Example active >>> They were making every effort to end the strike.

Tense >>>> Present perfect >>> Passive Form >>> has/have been +past participle
Example passive >>>> The new stadium has been built in London.
Example active >>> They have built a new stadium in London.

Tense >>>> Past perfect >>>> Passive Form >>> had been+ past participle
Example passive >>>> the work had been finished by the end of 1999.
Example active >>> they had finished the work by the end of 1999.

Tense >>>> future perfect >>>> >>>> Passive Form >>> will have been+ past participle
Example passive >>>> In the next ten years, full equality will have been achieved.
Example active >>> In the next ten years, women will have achieved full equality.

- Because of the need to combine be/been with being
e.g >> we will be being watched or we have been being watched, we avoid using the passive in the present Perfect Continuous, the past Perfect Continuous, future Continuous and the Future Perfect Continuous.
Avoid: We will be being watched.
Right: They will be watching us.

- we form passive questions and negatives in the same way as the active.:
When are important subjects discussed?
They are not discussed every lunch time.

- in passive sentences we place adverbs of time or frequency, eg. Always, sometimes, etc. after the first auxiliary verb (is, has, will etc..)
it is usually made been found.
They have just been found.
She will never be asked.

Réponse: Exercice 81 de lakata, postée le 28-08-2006 à 14:01:34 (S | E)
Merci, Felin, pour ces copieux et utiles rappels sur le passif.
See you soon.

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 14:05 Hello Lakata, don't mention it.



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