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Quel dommage/Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 25-07-2005 à 15:27:23 (S | E | F | I)

Hello, voici un petit texte tout à fait imaginaire !!

Quel dommage ! elle vient de rater son train pour Londres ; à quelle heure est le suivant ? je n’en sais rien mais on n’a qu’à demander au guichet. Il y aura bien quelqu’un pour nous renseigner. Je ne pense pas, regarde, tous les guichets sont fermés. Eh bien tant pis ! au lieu d’aller à Londres elle n’a qu’à aller à Nice, il fait beau là-bas, elle pourra aller à la plage et si vraiment elle veut aller à Londres elle prendra l’avion de Nice, et 2 ou 3h après elle sera à Heathrow. Oui tu as raison, en plus quand elle quittera Nice elle sera bronzée ce qui n’est pas le cas maintenant ! ne te moque pas d’elle, c’est notre amie quand même ! oui mais si je pouvais me le permettre, je lui paierais un billet pour l’Australie comme ça on aura eu le temps de déménager quand elle reviendra ! attention, souris, elle arrive……..

See you soon

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de anon, postée le 25-07-2005 à 17:13:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

What a pity ! She's just missed her train to London ; what time is the next one ? I don't know but we can ask at the information desk. There will certainly be somebody to inform us. I don't think so, look, all the desks are closed. Well too bad ! she has just to go to Nice instead of London, the weather is fine over there, she will be able to go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she'll just have to take the plane from Nice and two or three hours afterward, she 'll get Heathrow. Yes you're right, furthermore she'll be sun-tanned when she leaves Nice, currently she isn't so ! don't mock her, she's all the same a friend of ours ! yes she is, but if I could afford it, I would offer her a ticket to Australia thus we'll have had enough time to move when she comes back ! Watch out, smile, she's coming...


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de joy813, postée le 25-07-2005 à 17:37:33 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

What a pity ! She has just missed her train for to London ; what time is the next one?
I don’t know but let’s ask at the desk . There will certainly be somebody to inform us. I don’t think so, look, all the ticket offices are closed.
Well too bad ! Instead of going to London she can go to Nice, the weather is beautiful over there, she’ll be able to go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she will take the plane from Nice, and 2 or 3 hours later she will arrive to at Heathrow. Yes you're right, in more besides when she leaves Nice she will be tanned what which is not the case now !
Do not laugh at her, she is our friend all the same ! Yes but if I could allow it, I would pay her a ticket for to Australia like that then we’ll have had time to move when she comes ! Watch out ! smile, she’s coming …..

Edité par joy813 le 26-07-2005 18:14

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de grabuge, postée le 25-07-2005 à 17:47:14 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Ravie que Bridg t'ait mise en colère

What a pity ! She has just missed her train to London ; What time is the next one ? I don't know but we can ask for at the window.
There is certainly someone to give us an information. I don't think, look, all the windows are closed.
Well, too bad ! Instead of going to London, she has just to go to Nice, it's nice there, she'll able to go on the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she'll take the plane from Nice and two or three hours after, she'll be at Heathrow.
Yes, you're right, as well, when she leaves Nice she'll be tanned not like now. Don't joke her, she's our friend even so !
Yes, she is but if I could afford, I would paid her a ticket to Australia thus we'll have had time to move when she comes back !
Be careful, smile, she's coming....

Mon dictionnaire ne veut plus travailler.
Il a trop chaud

Edité par grabuge le 26-07-2005 15:26 - Correstions - Merci Lucile

Edité par grabuge le 27-07-2005 15:15

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de jardin62, postée le 25-07-2005 à 19:20:09 (S | E)

Hello lucile!

What a pity! She has just missed her train for London; what time is the next one?
I don't know but the only thing to do is to go to the booking office and ask. Someone there will certainly inform us.
I don't think so, look, all the booking offices are closed.
Never mind, then! Instead of going to London, why doesn't she go to Nice? The weather's beautiful over there, she will be able to go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she'll only have to take the Nice-London plane, and 2 or 3 hours after she'll be at Heathrow.
Yes, you are right, besides when she leaves Nice she'll be suntanned which is not the case at present!
Don't make fun of her, she's our friend, isn't she?
Yes, but If I could afford it I would pay a ticket for her to go to Australia, we'll then have had the time to move when she comes back! Take care, smile, she's coming back...

La phrase en italique m'a donné matière à hésitation, lucile!


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 25-07-2005 à 19:35:39 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

What a shame! She has just missed her train to London; What time is the next one? I don't know but let's ask at the information desk. We'll certainly be informed there. I don't think so, look, all the desks are closed.
Well, never mind! She should go to Nice instead of London then, the weather is nice there, She could go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she'll catch the plane from Nice, she 'll be at Heathrow two or three hours afterwards.
Yes , you are right, besides when she leaves Nice she'll be tanned which is not the case now! Don't laugh at her, she's still our friend! Yes but if I could afford it, I'll buy her a ticket to Australia. Then, we'll have had enough time to move when she's back again! Beware, smile, she's coming!
Merci lucile

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de bridg, postée le 25-07-2005 à 21:08:24 (S | E)
Ne me dis pas que je t'ai mise en colère Lucile , ce n'est pas possible
juste un peu stimulée

What a pity!! She has just missed her train to London; what time is the next one? I don’t know but why not ask the booking clerk. He should be there and will give us some information.
I don’t think so, look!! All the booking offices are closed.
Never mind, instead of going to London she’d better go to Nice, It’s sunny over there, she could go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London she’ll take the plane from Nice and will land at Heathrow 2 or 3 hours later.
Yes indeed! Besides she‘ll be tanned and now she isn’t!
Don’t mock her, notwithstanding she is our friend!
Of course! But if I could afford it I’ll buy her one ticket to Australia and we’ll have had enough time to move before her coming back.
Take care! Smile, she is coming …

Edité par bridg le 26-07-2005 14:15
le maniement de "ask" m'a fait transpirer, mais je m'en souviendrai

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de post-scriptum, postée le 25-07-2005 à 21:10:25 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile,

What a pity! She had has just missed her train for to London; What time is the next one? I'm not sure but we could ask at the ticket desk. There will be somebody to give us information. I don't think so, look, all the windows of the ticket offices are closed. Well! Now then! Too bad! Instead of going to London she has only to go to Nice; the weather is fine over there, she will be able to go to the beach and if she actually wants to go to London, she will take the plane from Nice, and after 2 or 3 hours she will be at Heathrow. Yes you are right, moreover when she leaves Nice she will be tanned what which isn't the case now! Don't make fun of her, she is our friend all the same! Yes but if I could say so, I would buy her a ticket for to Australia so we will have had time to move when she comes back! Watch out! Smile, she is coming…

Merci, et à bientôt,

Edité par post-scriptum le 26-07-2005 20:59
correction, merci Lucile

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de kayrol, postée le 25-07-2005 à 23:40:42 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

What a pity ! she has just missed her train to London; What time is the next one ? I don't know but we can ask the ticket office. There shall be someone to inform us. I don't think so, look, all the ticket offices are closed. Well, nevermind ! She just can go to Nice instead of London, the weather is fine over there, she'll be able to go to the beach and she'll fly from Nice if she really wants to go to London, and 2 or 3 hours after she'll be in Heathrow. Yes you're right, furthermore when she leaves Nice she'll be tanned which is not the case now ! Don't make fun, even so she's our friend ! yes, but if I could afford it, I would offer her a ticket to Australia, so that we could have time to move before she returns ! Be careful, smile, she's coming...

Not easy at all. I don't understand in the last sentence the use of a past tense ("si je lui achèterais") and then the future ("on aura eu..quand elle reviendra")
Thanks Lucile


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de fik, postée le 26-07-2005 à 11:02:51 (S | E)

Pas trop d'erreur, je l'espère.


What a pity, she has just missed her train to London. what time is the next train one. I don’t know, but let’s ask the counter for help. There’s someone to help us. I don’t think so, all the counters are closed. Instead of going to London, she would better go to Nice. The weather is beautiful other there. She could go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she will take the plane from Nice. In two or three hours, she will be at Heathrow. Yes you’re right, furthermore, when she leaves Nice, she will be tanned; which is not the case now.
Don’t laugh, she’s still our friend! Yes, but if I could afford, I would pay her a ticket to Australia and then, we would have (je ne trouve pas. Si c’est un problème de temps. Je sèche) enough time to move when she comes back.
Stop, smile she is coming.
Not so evident


Edité par fik le 28-07-2005 14:37

Edité par fik le 28-07-2005 14:47

Edité par fik le 28-07-2005 15:00

Edité par fik le 28-07-2005 15:01

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de kathleen, postée le 26-07-2005 à 13:43:06 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

What a pity! She has just missed her train for London; what time is the next one? I don’t know but let’s ask at the ticket office. There will certainly be somebody to inform us. I don’t think, look, all the ticket offices are closed.
Well too bad ! Instead of going to london, she has just to go to Nice, the weather is beautiful over there, she will be able to go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London , she will take the plane from Nice, and after 2 ou 3 hours she will be at Heathrow. Yes, you are right, besides when she will leave Nice, she will be tanned which isn’t the case now. Don't make fun of her, she's our friend even so ! Yes but if I could afford it, I will buy to her a ticket for Australia. And then we will have had time to move when she will come back ! Take care, smile, she's coming ...


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de zen34, postée le 26-07-2005 à 14:07:12 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

What a shame! She has just missed her train to London; what time is the next one? I don’t know but we should find out at the ticket office. There will be someone to give us information. I don’t think so, look, all the offices are closed. Well, nevermind! Instead of going to London, she should go to Nice, the weather is fine over there, she may go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London she will take a plane from Nice, and 2 or 3 hours later she will be at Heathrow. Yes you are right, moreover when she leaves Nice she will be tanned what she is not at the moment! Don’t laugh at her; it’s our friend even though! Yes but if I could afford it , I would buy her a ticket to Australia this way we will have had time to move out before she comes back! Pay attention, smile, she is coming…

Edité par zen34 le 27-07-2005 10:36

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 26-07-2005 à 22:13:16 (S | E)
Bonsoir lucile83
What a pity! she has missed her train to London; what time is the next one?I don't know but let's ask at the ticket office.there'll be someone to give us some information.I don't think,look ,all the ticket offices are closed.Well too bad ! instead of going to London she ought to go to Nice ,there the weather is good ,she could go to the beach and if really she wants to go to London she'll go by plane from Nice ,and 2 or 3 hours later she'll be at Heathrow.Yes you're right,in addition when she leaves Nice she'll be tanned which is not the case for the moment!don't make fun of her,she is our friend, isn't she!yes but if I could allow it, I would pay a ticket to Australia thenwe will have had the time to move when she comes back! be careful,crack a smile,she arrives.

Edité par masselotte le 27-07-2005 22:15
Billions of blue blistering barnacles beaucoup trop de fautes lucile83 à bientôt

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de frany65, postée le 27-07-2005 à 14:01:09 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

En espèrant qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour cogiter...

What a pity ! she has just missed her train to London. What time is the next one ? I think nothing but ask at the counter . There will be somebody to inform us. I don't think, look at, all the counters are closed. Well, instead of going to London, she is going to Nice, the weather is nice, there, she will be able to go the beach and if she wants to go to London, she'll take the Nice's plane and 2 or 3 hous later, she will be at Heathrow. Yes, you're right, moreover, when she'll leave Nice, she will be tanned, now it's not the case. Don't make fun of her, it's our friend. Yes, but if I could allow me I would pay her a ticket to Australia like that, we will be the time to move out when she'll come back! Be careful, smile, she arrives.

Cette traduction permet de faire d'excellentes révisions


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de serena, postée le 28-07-2005 à 05:12:40 (S | E)
Hi Lucile!

What a pity! She’s missed her train to London; What time is the second next one? I don’t know, let’s ask at the ticket office. Someone will surely be there to tell us. I don’t think so, look, all the offices are closed. Ok, too bad! So instead of going to London, she just has to go to Nice! The weather is fine there, she could go to the beach and if she really wants to go to London, she'll take the plane from Nice, and in two or three hours’ time, she’ll be at Heathrow. Yeah, you’re right, moreover, when she leaves Nice she’ll at least be tanned, which is not the case now! Don’t laugh at her, she’s our friend after all! Sure, but if I could afford it, I’d buy her a ticket for to Australia; then we could have had time to move house when she comes back! Look out and smile…..she’s coming.


Edité par serena le 28-07-2005 16:38

Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de coucou80, postée le 28-07-2005 à 11:00:48 (S | E)
bonjour a tous
Lucie je ne suis pas capable de traduire ton texte alors je regarde les répohses et j'essaie de comprendre
j'ai pris le texte de JOY et je voudrai une explication sur ces phrases

certainlt be somebody pourquoi met on be
all the ticket offices pourquoi pas s à ticket
well too bad je ne comprends pas la phrase
beautiful over there "
is not the case now "


Réponse: Quel dommage/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 29-07-2005 à 15:20:55 (S | E)
à toutes et tous ; j'ai vu des traductions absolument parfaites, d'autres excellentes, très bonnes,ou bonnes, et j'ai dû envoyer des petits smileys tout rouges !!! car certain(e)s ne savent pas qu'on ne doit pas employer le futur dans une subordonnée de temps....
voici ma proposition :
What a pity ! she has just missed her train to London; what time is the next one? I know nothing about it but we have just to ask at the desk. There will probably be someone to inform us. I don’t think so, look, all the offices are closed. Well too bad ! instead of going to London she can just go to Nice, it is a lovely weather over there, she’ll have the opportunity to go to the beach and if she does want to go to London she will take the plane from Nice, and 2 or 3 hours later she will be at Heathrow. Yes you are right, moreover when she leaves Nice she will be tanned which is not the case for the moment ! don’t laugh at her, she is our friend all the same ! yes but if I could afford it I would pay for a ticket to Australia thus we will have had time for moving when she comes back ! be careful, smile, she is coming………

Don't worry, I have no friend like that !!!
See you soon

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