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Un petit ami/ Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 25-09-2005 à 14:57:15 (S | E | F | I)

voici un texte que vous allez traduire avec plaisir

Un petit ami

Doreen, à dix-neuf ans, avait peur d’être « laissée pour compte ». A la fabrique de résille, ses amies mariées, fiancées, ou liées par quelle qu’autre promesse formelle, s’étaient moquées d’elle parce qu’elle n’avait pas encore de flirt, mais depuis qu’elle avait rencontré Arthur, elle pouvait parler de son petit ami avec toutes les autres, son visage ovale s’éclairant d’un sourire tandis qu’elle vantait sa bonté et sa générosité, son tempérament affectueux et travailleur.
Elle créait un portrait de lui : un grand jeune homme qui connaissait la vie, âgé de près de vingt-trois ans, son service militaire déjà loin derrière lui ; un homme qui avait été un bon soldat et était maintenant un bon ouvrier puisqu’il gagnait quatorze livres par semaine en travaillant à la pièce.

See you soon

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de grabuge, postée le 25-09-2005 à 15:23:09 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

C'est très difficile...

A boy-friend

At nineteen, Doreen was afraid to be outcast. In the factory of leads hairnets, her friends, married, fiancées or engaged in some other definite promises made fun of her because she hadn't a boy-friend yet, but, since she met Arthur, she could talk about her boy-friend with all the other girls, her oval face lit up with a smile when she praised his kindness, his generosity and his affectionate and hardworking disposition.

She dreamed up created his portrait ; a tall and young man who knew the life, aged about twenty-three, his military service made long time ago, a man who was a good soldier and now a good worker since he earned fourteen-pounds by a week on pieceworking.

Merci Lucile

Edité par grabuge le 25-09-2005 15:49

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de bridg, postée le 25-09-2005 à 16:18:21 (S | E)
A boyfriend
At nineteen, Doreen, was afraid of staying “on the sidelines". beeing left on the shelf. In the net factory, her married, engaged, or bound by some other formal promise friends, had laughed at her because she still had no flirtation, but since she had met Arthur, she could speak about her boyfriend with all the others, her oval face getting clearer of a smile whereas she praised his kindness and generosity, his affectionate and hard-working temper.
She drew a portrait of him: a tall young man expert in lifeof the world , turning soon twenty three, far from his military service; a man who had been a good soldier and was now a good worker because he gained was earning fourteen pounds a week by working on detail on piecework.

Edité par bridg le 25-09-2005 16:32
Moi je l'avais "laissée sur la touche" et pas sur l'étagère

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de oldman, postée le 25-09-2005 à 17:58:01 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

It reminds me of a book, whose title is "Saturday night and Sunday morning", by Alan Sillitoe.

Best wishes.

Edité par bridg le 25-09-2005 21:05
Bonjour J'ai retiré (où sont les points) les phrases anglaises que vous avez extraites du livre à l'origine de ce texte. Ceci est un exercice, que vous ayez sous les yeux le texte original, c'est bien mais merci de le garder pour vous afin de nous permettre de trouver notre propre traduction.

Edité par lucile83 le 26-09-2005 15:54
Merci Bridg car en effet le but d'un tel exercice est de s'amuser à chercher la traduction la meilleure tout en sachant qu'on ne reproduira jamais le texte original qui servira tout au plus de guide à chacun pour une auto-correction lorsque tout le monde aura fini de "souffrir".

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 25-09-2005 à 18:03:14 (S | E)
Coucou Lucile, ça faisait longtemps! Mais quel plaisir de retrouver ces traductions!

A boy friend

At nineteen, Doreen was afraid of being given up. At the .... factory, her friends who were married, fianced, or were bound by anything else, had laughed at her because she still hadn't any flirt, but since she was acquainted with Arthur, she was able to speak about her boy friend with all the others, her oval face getting bright with a smile while she was boasting her kindness and her generosity, her affectionate and hard-working nature.
She was making up a portrait of him: a tall and young man who knew life, aged almost 23, his military service already far away behind him; a man who had been a good soldier and who, now, has been a good workman since he earned $14 a week pieceworking.

Wow catastrophe!

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de aimen7, postée le 25-09-2005 à 18:18:57 (S | E)
Bonsoir lucile ,
Merci pour ce gentil petit texte.
A boyfriend
At 19, Doreen was afraid of being rejected left aside. At the hairnet factory, her friends(who were) married, engaged or bound by some other serious promises had laughed at her because she hadn't got any boyfriend yet, but since she met Arthur, she could talk about him with all the others, her face illuminated by a smile as she boasted his kindness and generosity, his loving and hard-working nature.
She described him as a tall young man who knew had a great experince of life, nearly 23 years old, his military service already far behind him, a man who had been a good soldier and now a good working man since he was earning fourteen pounds a day week doing piecework.

Edité par aimen7 le 26-09-2005 17:32
14 pounds a Day!!!, de quoi devenir riche en un rien de temps!

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de masselotte, postée le 26-09-2005 à 10:34:10 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile83

a boyfriend

At nineteen Doreen was frightened to stay alone .In the hairnet factory,her friends who married,be engaged,or have to attached by different promises,was laughed at her because she had not had some boyfriend,but since she has met Arthur, she could talk of friend's with others,her oval face was radiant with bright smile when she talked up his kindness and bounty,his loving and working character.
She created an image of him :a tall young man who knew the life, almost 23 years old,his military service was far away behind him; a man who had been a good soldier and have been a good worker now as he won fourteen pounds a week to do piecework

Edité par masselotte le 27-09-2005 08:10 merci lucile83

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de tounette, postée le 26-09-2005 à 12:09:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Après quatre mois de désertion , car je n'avançais plus et je commençais par me décourager suis heureuse de revenir sur le site et de retrouver tes traductions .

A boy friend,

At nineteen, Doreen was afraid of being rejected. At the hairnet factory, her married, engaged friends or who was bounded by some other explicit promise, laughed at her because she hadn't a boyfriend yet, but since she had met Artur, she could talk about him with all the others, a smile illuminating her oval face while she was praising up his kindness and generosity, his loving and hard working temper.
She described him as a big young man , nearly of twenty three years old, who knew life, his military service far away behind him, a man who was a good soldier and now a good worker and for it, he was earning fourteen pounds per week doing piece work

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de gewurz, postée le 26-09-2005 à 12:45:12 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Doreen, when she was 19, was afraid of becoming a "cast-off". At the hairnet factory, her lady friends who were married, betrothed or tied by any other formal promise, had made fun of her because she hadn't had any fling yet. But since she knew Arthur, she could chat about her boyfriend with all the other ladies, a smile suddenly making her oval face shine as she praised his kindness and his generosity, his loving and hard-working temper.
She was weaving a picture of him : a tall young man who knew life, about 23 years old, his military service already far behind him; a man who had been a valiant soldier and who now was a good workman as he earned fourteen pounds a week by doing piecework.

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de reneelucie, postée le 26-09-2005 à 15:06:16 (S | E)

voici ma proposition et merci pour ce petit exercice

Doreen, at 19, was afraid to be marginalised. At the hairnet factory, her married, betrothed ou engaged in any sort of solemn promises friends had laughed at her because she had not had any boyfriend yet, but since she met Arthur, she should talked about her boyfriend with the other ones, her oval visage illuminated by a smile whereas she talked up his bounty and his benefaction, his caressing and worker nature.
She created an image of him : a tall young man who knew life who is nearly 23 years old, his national service was already in his back, a man who had been a good soldier and now a good working man forasmuch as he had woning fourteen pounds a week doing piecework

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de idem, postée le 26-09-2005 à 18:01:05 (S | E)
bonjour Lucile et tout le monde
Voici ma traduction, avec un dictionnaire à côté

A boyfriend
At nineteen, Doreen was afraid of being rejected. In the factory of hairnet her married, betrothed or bound by some other formal promise friends, had laughed at her because she hadn't a boyfriend yet, but since she had met Arthur, she could talk about her boyfriend with all the others, her oval face brightened with a smile whereas she praised his kindness and generosity, his loving and hardworking nature.
She portrayed him: a tall young man who knew life, aged about twenty-three, his military service made a long time ago, a man who had been a good soldier and was now a good worker because he was earning fourteen pounds by week doing piecework.

Bonne soirée à tous et merci pour cet exercice

Edité par idem le 27-09-2005 13:55

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de zen34, postée le 27-09-2005 à 14:45:23 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

Avec un peu de retard

A boy-friend
At nineteen, Doreen was afraid of spending her life alone. At the hairnet factory, her married friends, engaged, or bound by any other formal promise friends, laughed at her as she hadn’t any flirt yet, but since she had met Arthur, she could speak about her boy-friend with the others, her oval face lighting up by a smile while she boasted his kindness and his generosity, his affectionate and hard-working temper.
She described him: a tall young man, who knew life, aged almost twenty-three, his military service already far behind him; a man who had been a good soldier and was now a good worker since he was earning fourteen pounds a week doing piecework.

Merci Lucile!
Edité par zen34 le 27-09-2005 15:27

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de post-scriptum, postée le 27-09-2005 à 22:03:08 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile,

J'espère ne pas arriver trop tard.

A boyfriend

At nineteen, Doreen was afraid of being "left by the wayside". In the netting factory, her married, engaged or bound with some other formal promise friends, made laugh at her because she hadn't any brief romance yet, but since she had met Arthur, she could talk about her boyfriend with all the others, a smile illuminated her oval face when she praised his kindness, generosity, loving and hard-working nature.
She painted his portrait: a tall young man who had the experience of life, nearly twenty-three years old, his military service already a long time behind him; a man who had been a good soldier and now a good worker since he was earning fourteen pounds a week doing piecework.

Et ils vécurent heureux...
Merci Lucile, et à bientôt pour les inévitables corrections,

Réponse: Un petit ami/ Traduction de lucile83, postée le 29-09-2005 à 14:55:20 (S | E)
et pour votre travail , j'ai lu de très bonnes traductions
Voici donc ma proposition pour vous aider à corriger vos erreurs...quand il y en a :

A boy-friend
Doreen, at nineteen, was afraid of being « left on the shelf ». Her married, engaged, or otherwise firmly attached friends at the hairnet factory had teased her for not having yet a boy-friend, but since meeting Arthur she was able to talk about her young man with the rest of them, her oval face smiling as she extolled his attributes of kindness and generosity, affection and industry.
She created his image : a tall young man of the world, nearly twenty-three and already a long way past his military service, a man who had been a good soldier and who was now a good worker because he was earning fourteen pounds a week on piecework.

See you soon

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