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correction CV
Message de catharsis posté le 27-09-2005 à 21:43:23 (S | E | F | I)

Voici mon cv, que je dois envoyer à une association indienne; Je ne sais pas comment dire que j'ai seulement des notions, dans une langue.
j'ai écrit "community activities" pour décrire mes expériences dans le volontariat; avez vous une meilleur idée?


March / May 2005 : Teacher of drawing for childrenÞ Social center
Sept. 2004 to August 2005 : Decorator of wooden objects Þ Workshop “Jeunes & Partage”
June 2003 : Recruitment Þ Greenpeace Association

· And many experiences in telemarketing and as a waitress (in France and in England)


June 2002 : Bachelor of Arts of Biology (level)
* 2002 : studies at the University of Lille
* 2003 : studies at the University of Montreal
June 2000 : Scientific High School Diploma

Extra-scholar formation:
Computer software: Word, Excell, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamwaver, Photoshop


June 2005 : volunteer in a workcamp Þ building of a social center and work with children, at
Ribeiro Preito (Brazil)

February and April 1999 : volunteer for the Winged Fellowship Trust Þ work with disabled people
· Since 1999, I have worked as a volunteer Greenpeace and the association Uni_Cités.


English : fluent
Hindi : notions
German : notions


visual arts: drawing, painting and sculpture
reading, walks in nature

voici une phrase à corriger: j'ai participé à une session de préparation au voyage (ou au départ?) dans les pays d'Asie, organisée par l'association "jeunesse et reconstruction"

I took part in the session of preparation about travelling in the countries of Asia organized by association "jeunesse et reconstruction"

Edité par bridg le 27-09-2005 21:47

Réponse: correction CV de ourimba, postée le 28-09-2005 à 21:23:26 (S | E)
Salut Catherine,
Vraiment très bien fait. Voici quelques corrections. Bon chance!


March / May 2005 : Art Teacher at a Children’s Social Center
Sept. 2004 to August 2005 : Instructor of a Wooden Objects Decoration Workshop “Jeunes & Partage”
June 2003 : Recruiter for Greenpeace Association

Have also held various telemarketing and waitressing positions in both France and England


June 2002 : Bachelor of Arts in Biology
* 2002 : studies at the University of Lille
* 2003 : studies at the University of Montreal
June 2000 : Scientific High School Diploma

Further Education:
Computer software: Microsoft: Word, Excel; Adobe: Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop


June 2005 : volunteered at a work-camp responsible for building a social center and working with children in Ribeiro Preito (Brazil)

February and April 1999 : volunteered for the Winged Fellowship Trust, working with disabled people
• Since 1999, I have worked as a volunteer for Greenpeace and the Uni_Cités association.


French: native
English : fluent
Hindi : basic understanding
German : basic understanding


visual arts: drawing, painting and sculpture
reading, nature walks


participated in a session on preparing for travelling in Asian countries organized by the association : "jeunesse et reconstruction"

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