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Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine

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Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine
Message de gabriel09 posté le 10-10-2023 à 21:36:21 (S | E | F)

j'ai un oral où je dois parler de ma vie quotidienne ( ce que je fais le weekend,la semaine)
Voici mon texte que j'ai écrit, pouvez-vous m'indiquer les erreurs que j'ai pu faire, je pourrai ainsi les corriger, je vous remercie du temps consacré à mon texte.

Texte : On weekdays always wake up at 7:00, I often get up at 7:10. I brush my teeth and I get dressed. I don't eat in the morning.
I ussualy leave home and go to school at 7:30.
On weekdays, I often start start school at 9:00. I sometimes finish my morning classes at 12:00 after that I eat at the canteen.
I go back to school, and I usually finish classes at 17:00, then I go back home, I have a snack at home.
I often draw for an hour, after that, I do my home work. I always play video games, then I have a dinner at 19:35. After that I have a shower
and I brush my teeth. I usally go to bed at 22:00 and I watch anime, then I sleep at 23:00.
On Tuesdays I start school at 10:00 it's my favourite day ! On Wednesdays I always finsih my classes at 12:10, and I take
a bus at 12:30 to go back home. On Wednesday afternoons I play video games and sometimes I walk my dog and I do my home work.
At the weekdend I often wake up at 10:00 and I have shower in the morning. I do the shopping with my mother. Then I call my friend and he
plays video games with me. On Saturdays I often call my grand-mother. At weekends I go to bed at 23:00 and I watch serie and I often sleep at
00:00. On Sundays I always wake up at 9:00 and I get up at 10:00. After that I have a shower then I do my home work.
I sometimes make burgers. Then I eat my burger at 12:30. I play video games every afternoon. Then I do my bag, I have dinner at 19:45.
I go to bed at 21:00 I wath video and I sleep at 22:30.

Je vous remercie d'avance, de votre temps !

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2023 08:50

Réponse : Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine de gerondif, postée le 11-10-2023 à 07:27:46 (S | E)
Comment allez-vous prononcer vos heures, écrites en horaire sur 24 heures alors que l'anglais en système HEURE, compte sur deux fois douze heures ?

Je ne mange pas le matin... il vaudrait mieux utiliser un verbe plus précis comme I never have breakfast in the morning.

Réponse : Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine de gabriel09, postée le 11-10-2023 à 07:46:53 (S | E)
Merci de vos conseils je vais modifier mes heures, je vais les mettre en lettres, pas de souci je vais changer ça,
Merci !

Réponse : Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine de gerondif, postée le 11-10-2023 à 13:53:10 (S | E)
Vous écrivez en langage "jeune", je mange à telle heure, je dors à telle heure, l'anglais utilise des verbes plus précis.
Je dors est plus un verbe d'état qu'un verbe d'action, on dirait plutôt : I turn the light off at half past ten p.m.

On weekdays (sujet) always wake up at 7:00, I often get up at 7:10. I brush my teeth and I get dressed. I don't eat in the morning.
I ussualy (orthographe) leave home and go to school at 7:30.
On weekdays, I often start start school at 9:00. I sometimes finish my morning classes at 12:00, after that I eat (have lunch) at the canteen.
I go back to school, and I usually finish classes at 17:00, then I go back home, I have a snack at home.
I often draw for an hour, after that, I do my homework. I always play video games, then I have a dinner at 19:35. After that, I have a shower
and I brush my teeth. I usally go to bed at 22:00 and I watch anime (cartoons), then I sleep ( voir plus haut) at 23:00.
On Tuesdays, I start school at 10:00 it's my favourite day ! On Wednesdays, I always finsih my classes at 12:10, and I take
a bus at 12:30 to go back home. On Wednesday afternoons, I play video games and sometimes I walk my dog and I do my homework. (en un seul mot)
At the weekend I often wake up at 10:00 and I have a shower in the morning. I do the shopping with my mother. Then I call my friend and he
(comes and) plays video games with me. On Saturdays, I often call my grandmother. At weekends, I go to bed at 23:00 and I watch series and I often sleep at 00:00 (I don't go to bed until midnight sera plus parlant). On Sundays, I always wake up at 9:00 and I get up at 10:00. After that I have a shower then I do my homework.
I sometimes make burgers. Then I eat my burger at 12:30. I play video games every afternoon at weekends. Then I do my bag on Sunday-evening, I have dinner at 19:45.I go to bed at 21:00 I watch a video and I sleep (un peu maladroit) at 22:30.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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