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Definite article/ comparative

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Definite article/ comparative
Message from mohammad51 posted on 04-07-2022 at 13:44:28 (D | E | F)

Is it right to use the definite article before the comparative adjective ?
The sentence below, which I got online in Collin dictionary, I see it is not a normal sentence or confusing

She looks the happier for her trip.
Happier what ... ? why it is not : She looks \ looked happy for her trip ?

Moreover, the page tells : here the definite article is Adv emphasizes the word happier.
I never heard such grammar before
I searched many books in Google and never found such result.
I also checked it using Google Ngram and no similar sentence I found.
For looks happy for ..... Result positive
For looks happier \ the happier .... Result negative

Thank you in advance

Re: Definite article/ comparative from lucile83, posted on 04-07-2022 at 18:58:42 (D | E)

It is possible to use 'the' before a comparative.

A few examples:
The shorter,the better.
He is none the happier for his wealth.
He's all the happier for seeing his friends.
It's your son who's coming home and she is the happier for it.

Re: Definite article/ comparative from chezmoi, posted on 04-07-2022 at 20:24:01 (D | E)
She looks the happier for her trip.
means in my humble opinion
She is looking happier for having made her trip.

Edited by lucile83 on 04-07-2022 20:40

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Forum > English only


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