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<< Retour aux fiches de grammaire anglaise

Le futur

>> WILL:
- prévisions (John won't win the race; the weather will be very bad tomorrow.)
- événements planifiés (the show will start at 10 tonight).
- promesses: I will help you to do your homework tonight.

(WILL contient une idée de "volonté: "je veux le faire'. Will you marry me? Yes, I will!)

Syntaxe: S + WILL + base verbale

Will you help me?
I will help you.

> You will help you / He will help you / We will help you / You will help you / They will help you.

- événements planifiés (qui sont proches du moment où l'on parle et qui ont été décidés AVANT ce même moment).

Syntaxe: S + BE (au présent) + GOING TO + base verbale

Are you going to buy a car tomorrow?
I am going to buy a car tomorrow morning.

> You are going to buy a car / She is going to buy a car / We are going to buy a car / You are going to buy a car / They are going to buy a car


1) Mettre ces mots dans le bon ordre pour reconstituer une phrase:
a) to / New York / I / tomorrow / fly / am / to / going
b) she / records / will / to / bring / the / her / party
c) am / married / I / get / going / to
d) later / guitar / the / play / will / you
e) they / eat / to / going / are

2) Mettre ces verbes au futur:
a) I've just finished my homework so I ________ (to play) video games.
b) She ________ (to give) a concert at the Town Hall next Saturday night.
c) They are hungry; they ________ (to have) a snack.
d) You ________ (not to use) the phone, are you?



a. I am going to fly to New York tomorrow.
b. She will bring her records to the party.
c. I am going to get married.
d. You will play the guitar later.
e. They are going to eat.

a. I am going to play = I'm going to play
b. She will give a concert / She is going to give
c. they are going to have / They will have
d. You aren't going to use / You won't use


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