Rack Your Brains/95
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Message de here4u posté le 28-05-2021 à 15:46:13 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends,
Bien contente d'avoir réussi, avec votre aide
à tenir les délais en ce drôle mois de mai ... Espérons que cela va continuer ... 

Encore un sujet "divertissant", pas trop sérieux, mais qui vous fera peut-être réfléchir quand même à ce que nous constatons autour de nous ...
My Student did his best, but he has left 15 mistakes in this text (and some are repeated several times...
) Will you help him/ us correct them? I hope so;
In fact, I'm sure you will! 
Nothing can make us jumping to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more informations about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of informations that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social economical status, your mental health, or your health in general. All these kinds of informations are driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s voice, which allows you very quickly – it’s one ten of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What does make someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper voice candidates earn greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar with our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep voice politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give informations to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologist use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep voice men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher pitch voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher pitch voices, so this may give clues of their age, and therefore how are they reproductively desirable. In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising the pitch of their voice while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices that others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT///
Cet exercice est un
et sa correction sera en ligne le samedi 12 juin 2021.
I'm sure THE FORCE will be with You...
for helping my poor Student.
Message de here4u posté le 28-05-2021 à 15:46:13 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends,

Bien contente d'avoir réussi, avec votre aide

Encore un sujet "divertissant", pas trop sérieux, mais qui vous fera peut-être réfléchir quand même à ce que nous constatons autour de nous ...

Nothing can make us jumping to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more informations about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of informations that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social economical status, your mental health, or your health in general. All these kinds of informations are driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s voice, which allows you very quickly – it’s one ten of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What does make someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper voice candidates earn greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar with our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep voice politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give informations to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologist use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep voice men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher pitch voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher pitch voices, so this may give clues of their age, and therefore how are they reproductively desirable. In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising the pitch of their voice while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices that others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT///
Cet exercice est un

I'm sure THE FORCE will be with You...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de maxwell, postée le 31-05-2021 à 08:01:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4U

I particularly loved this one because of its accessible level, which makes it even more pleasant to work on

Help my student
Nothing can make us JUMP to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more INFORMATION about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message, you can share with your interlocutors a lot of INFORMATION that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social ECONOMIC status, your mental health, or your health in general. All THIS KIND of INFORMATION IS driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s VOICES, which ALLOW you very quickly – WITHIN one TENTH of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What MAKES someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE ///
Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper-VOICED candidates GAIN greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar TO our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It HAS BEEN thought, for a long time, that what makes deep-VOICED politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated WITH the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level OF testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give INFORMATION to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary BIOLOGISTS use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep-VOICED men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher-PITCHED voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher-PITCHED voices, so this may give clues ABOUT their age, and therefore how REPRODUCTIVELY DESIRABLE THEY ARE. In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising the pitch of their VOICES while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices THAN others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT///
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de alpiem, postée le 31-05-2021 à 10:11:02 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains/95
hello everybody and here 4u

Nothing can make us JUMP to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak.
We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents.
Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can comunicate a lot more informations about us than we realise;
So, beyond the linguistic message, you can share with your interlocutors a lot of informations that concerns your biological status, but also your
social status or your occupations, your social ECONOMIC status, your mental health or your health in general.
All these kinds of INFORMATION are driven through voice quality.
There are a lot of very subtle differences in people's voice which allows you very quickly-it's ONE TENTH OF a second-to GET an impression of the
person you are talking to.
But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on? What does make someone sound electable for example?///END OF PART ONE///
Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, DEEPER-VOICED candidates earn MORE shares of the vote.
People whith deep voices are more hireable,competent and trustworthy.
Interestingly,our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in.
We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar with our own.
So, what about romantic attraction?
Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just MORE SEXY?
It HAD BEEN THOUGHT for a long time that what makes DEPER-VOICED politicians electable also makes men attractive.
The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal size.
It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level OF- testosterone; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get,and the more
children a man can have.
So,through his vocal size a man is able to give information to a potential sexual partner about his own biological Quality.
This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader.
Evolutionary biologists use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep-voiced men more attractive.///END OF PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women's voice more attractive?
Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world sems to suggest that women with higher PITCHED voices-are more romantically
It's true that yonger women have higher PITCHED voices, so this may give clues of their age, and therefore HOW REPRODUCTIVELY DESIRABLE THEY ARE.
In some speed dating studies, women were observed BEING RISING the pitch of their voice while on dates.
French call it "voix de chambre à coucher" ( never heard of

Thus,some people have objectively more attractive voices than others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of
our evolutionary history.///end of test///.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de taiji43, postée le 31-05-2021 à 17:31:03 (S | E)
Hello Her4U
I hope that my correction will not spoil your good memories of your mother's day

Nothing can make us JUMP to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot or MUCH more INFORMATION about us than we realise.
So, (pas de the) LINGUISTIC message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of INFORMATION that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social ECONOMIC status, your mental health, or your health in general. All THIS KIND of INFORMATION(information au singulier donc this kind au singulier) IS driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences BETWEEN people’s voice, which allows you very quickly IN A TENTH of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But WHICH quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What MAKES someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE
/// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper voice candidates earnor GET greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment WHICH we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have .accents similar TO our own
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It HAS BEEN thought, for a long time, that what makes A DEEP-VOICED voice politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely (ce mot est à enlever car il dit le contraire de l’explication ) correlated to the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level OF testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give informations to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologist use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep- VOICED(à la voix profonde) men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction or APPEAL, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher PITCHED voices (adjectif de pitch)– are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higherPITCHED voices, so this may give clues ABOUT their age, and therefore how REPRODUCTIVELY desirableTHEY ARE.(how+adjectif) In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising or TO RISE -(si on traduit par : à élever lle ton ) the pitch of their VOICES (on parle des femmes pluriel) while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. .Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices THAN others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal REVEAL (sujet the rules) an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT//////
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-06-2021 08:14
bleu ajouté
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de swan85, postée le 03-06-2021 à 21:15:09 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I Hope you are feeling better.
Nothing can make us jumping to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more INFORMATION about us than we REALIZE.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of INFORMATION that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your SOCIO-ECONOMIC status, your mental health, or your health in general. All THIS KIND of INFORMATION IS driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s VOICES, which ALLOW you very quickly - IN one TENTH of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What does make someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE ///
Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper voice candidates earn greater SHARE of the VOTES. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar with OURS.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep voice politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated WITH the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give INFORMATION to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologist use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep voice men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher pitch voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher pitch voices, so this may give clues of their age, and therefore how reproductively desirable THEY ARE. In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising the pitch of their voice while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices THAN others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT///
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-06-2021 08:14
bleu ajouté
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de here4u, postée le 09-06-2021 à 13:08:56 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

J'ai commencé l'envoi des corrections ! mais ... il vous reste quelques jours pour poster ... Chop-chop!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-06-2021 à 18:40:33 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains/95 samedi 12 juin
Message de here4u posté le 28-05-2021 à 15:46:13 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Here4u, tanks for this funny text!

Hello my dear Lucile83,

Hello every body!

Here is my work:
My Student had 15 mistakes in this text .
Nothing can make us 1 JUMP to a conclusion about someone like hearing him speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more 2 INFORMATION about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of 2 INFORMATION that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your 3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC status, your mental health, or your health in general. All 4 THIS 5 KIND of 2 INFORMATION 6 IS driven through 7 THE voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s voice, which allows you very quickly – it’s one ten of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on ?
What does make someone sound electable, for example?/// END of PART ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, 8 DEEPER-VOICED candidates earn greater shares of the vote. 9 DEEP-VOICED people are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar with our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes 9 DEEP-VOICED politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal size. It means that the lower your voice 10 IS, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice 10 IS, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal size, a man is able to give 2 INFORMATION to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary 11 BIOLOGY use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find 9 DEEP-VOICED men more attractive. ///END of PART TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with 12 HIGHER-PITCHED voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have 12 HIGHER-PITCHED voices, so this may give clues of their age, and therefore how reproductively desirable 13 THEY 14 ARE. In some speed dating studies, women were observed rising the pitch of their voice while on dates.
French call it «voix de chambre à coucher». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices 15 THAN others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history./// END of the TEXT///
Here is the double force for anybody who needs it!

Have a very sweet week, and take care of yourselves, all of you!

See you soon.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de here4u, postée le 11-06-2021 à 22:29:21 (S | E)
Hello, Dear workers!

Vous avez trouvé ce texte plaisant, et j'en suis bien contente !

Nothing can make us jump(1) to a conclusion about someone like hearing them speak(2). It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out(3) that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more information (4) about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of information(4) that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social economical status, your mental health, or your health in general. All these kinds of information (4) are driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s voices(5), which enables (6) you very quickly – it’s one tenth of a second (7)– to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on?
What makes someone (8) sound electable, for example? /// END of Part ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper-voiced(9) candidates win(10) greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar to (11) our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep-voiced politicians(9) electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal height. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal height(10), a man is able to give information (4) to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologists use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep-voiced men (9) more attractive. ///END of Part TWO ///
Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher-pitched(9) voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher-pitched voices, so this may give clues to(11) their age, and therefore how reproductively desirable they are.(12) In some speed dating studies, women were observed to raise (13) the pitch of their voice while on dates.
The French (14) call it « voix de chambre à coucher ». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices than(15) others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history. /// END of the TEXT ///
(1) Attention à la construction : to make someone DO something: causative : faire faire quelque chose à quelqu’un – l’expression sous-entend une certaine contrainte, un manque de choix, une décision imposée … Attention, au passif : to be made TO DO something. Lien internet
(2) about someone like hearing (him speak : encore une fois, le pronom indéfini someone/ somebody + verbe au singulier est repris par un pronom PLURIEL.
* my student had made a mistake here, but I involuntarily corrected it … : to turn out to be : s’avérer être/ se révéler être/
(4) more information(s : indénombrable qui ne prend pas la marque du pluriel et exige le verbe au singulier. « more information »/ « a lot of information »/ ["these kinds", lui, a le « droit » d’être au pluriel !] of information/
(5) people’s voices : people est pluriel=> les gens. Chaque personne a une voix => people’s voices.
(6) which allows: allow exprime une permission (c’est l’équivalent du modal « may »). Ici, il s’agissait d’une possibilité physique => «able» : équivalent de can. Le verbe dérivé est «to enable».
(7) it’s one (ten of a second= a very short time : => one tenth of a second.
(8) What (does make someone sound electable : Pour cette question avec «what» en position de sujet, ne pas mettre l’auxiliaire.
(9) Lien internet
/// low-pitched ///
The pitch of a voice: le ton/ la hauteur d’une voix. (plus ou moins aigu, plus ou moins grave). Deep-pitched (adjectif composé) : low in pitch : voix grave/ profonde. Par opposition : une voix aigue, haut perchée : high-pitched.
(10) Attention à la différence entre EARN : gagner après avoir exécuté une tâche, un travail => mériter et WIN (won, won), gagner par hasard, tirage etc.
(11) To be similar TO/ give clues TO/ a solution TO: attention à la particule.
(12) une fois de plus, il s’agissait de construire une interrogative indirecte : how reproductively desirable they are : HOW + ADJECTIF ( desirable) + SUJET VERBE (sans inversion) (they are)
(13) A la forme passive «women were observed to raise»
(14) The French; Les Français, tous les Français, le groupe des Français. (The English/ the Irish/ The Spaniards)
(15) objectively more attractive voices (that others : more … THAN: comparatif de supériorité, tout simple ...
That's it! Il ne me reste plus qu'à renouveler mon "invitation"

Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de taiji43, postée le 12-06-2021 à 09:20:36 (S | E)
j'envoie la traduction de la première partie dans 10 minutes TAIJI
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de taiji43, postée le 12-06-2021 à 09:28:54 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
voici la traduction de la première partie
Rien ne peut nous faire mieux parvenir à une conclusion sur quelqu'un que de l'entendre parler. Cela affecte presque toutes les sphères de la vie moderne. Nous choisissons nos amis et nos partenaires et nous choisissons même nos politiciens en fonction de leur ton de voix. Pourquoi ? Eh bien, il s'avère que le ton de la voix que nous utilisons peut communiquer beaucoup plus d'informations sur nous que nous ne le pensons.
Ainsi, au-delà du message linguistique, vous pouvez partager avec vos interlocuteurs de nombreuses informations concernant votre statut biologique, mais aussi votre statut social ou votre profession, votre statut économique, votre santé mentale ou votre santé en général. Tous ces types d'informations passent par la qualité de la voix. Il y a beaucoup de différences très subtiles dans la voix des gens, ce qui vous permet très rapidement – en un dixième de seconde - d'avoir une impression de la personne à laquelle vous parlez. Mais quelle est la qualité d'un accent que nous percevons réellement ?
Qu'est-ce qui rend quelqu'un éligible, par exemple ? Fin de la première partie
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de maxwell, postée le 12-06-2021 à 21:28:00 (S | E)
Je prendrai la 2e partie

Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper-voiced candidates win greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar to our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep-voiced politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal height. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal height, a man is able to give information to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologists use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep-voiced men more attractive.
Eh bien, les résultats des élections parlent d'eux-mêmes : le plus souvent, les candidats ayant une voix plus grave obtiennent de plus grandes parts du scrutin. On considère aussi les personnes à voix grave comme plus employables, plus compétentes et plus dignes de confiance.
Il est intéressant de noter que notre accent change aussi en fonction de l'environnement dans lequel nous nous trouvons. Nous avons tendance à nous imiter les uns les autres dans les situations sociales et nous choisissons des amis qui ont des accents similaires aux nôtres.
Et qu'en est-il de l'attirance amoureuse ? L'idée selon laquelle certains accents sont tout simplement plus sexy se justifie-t-elle ? Pendant longtemps, on a pensé que ce qui favorisait l'élection des hommes politiques à la voix grave rendait aussi les hommes plus attirants. Le niveau de testostérone chez les mâles est inversement corrélé à la hauteur de la voix. Cela veut dire que plus votre voix est grave, plus votre niveau de testostérone est élevé ; plus la voix est grave, plus nombreux sont les partenaires sexuels qu'un homme peut avoir, et plus il peut avoir d'enfants. Donc à travers sa hauteur de voix, un homme peut renseigner un potentiel partenaire sexuel sur sa propre qualité biologique : cet homme a un très bon système immunitaire, il est plus agressif et plus dominateur et il est plus probablement un dirigeant. Les biologistes de l'évolution utilisent ce raisonnement pour justifier que les femmes modernes trouvent toujours les hommes à la voix grave plus attirants.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-06-2021 à 03:42:08 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u!❤️

Hello my dear Lucile!❤️

Hi Everybody!

Volontaire numéro 3 :

Je me lance pour la troisième partie... c'est toujours un excellent exercice, même si on peut se tromper et faire des contre-sens, ce n'est pas dramatique je suis là pour m'améliorer

Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher-pitched(9) voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher-pitched voices, so this may give clues to(11) their age, and therefore how reproductively desirable they are.(12) In some speed dating studies, women were observed to raise (13) the pitch of their voice while on dates.
The French (14) call it « voix de chambre à coucher ». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices than(15) others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history. /// END of the TEXT ///
Cette logique de l'évolution peut-elle être appliquée à ce qui rend la voix des femmes plus séduisante ? En étudiant les voix et l'attirace féminines, la recherche menée dans le monde entier semble suggérer que les femmes aux voix plus aigües(9) ont plus de succès sur le plan amoureux. C'est avéré que les jeunes femmes ont des voix plus aigües, donc cela peut donner des indices sur (11) leur âge, et donc à quel point elles sont préférables sur le plan de la reproduction. (12) Dans certaines études de speed dating, on a observé des femmes élever (13) la tonalité de leur voix lors de rendez-vous.
Les Français (14) l’appellent la « voix de chambre à coucher ». Une « voix de chambre » profonde et sensuelle donne le pouvoir de séduire à certains locuteurs. Ainsi, certaines personnes ont objectivement des voix plus séduisantes que(15) d’autres, et le fait que ces règles soient presque universelles révèle une partie importante de notre histoire de l'écolution. ///FIN DU TEXTE///.

(10) Attention à la différence entre EARN : gagner après avoir exécuté une tâche, un travail => mériter et WIN (won, won), gagner par hasard, tirage etc.
Sorry Here4u, c'est moi qui étais embuée,

Laisse les numéros, c'est parfait ! Merci pour ta correction.
Merci à toi Here4u!

Here's the double force for anybody who needs it! 💪💪

Have a very sweet week, all of you : take care of yourselves and everybody around you!
See you soon.
Modifié par chocolatcitron le 16-06-2021 01:49
Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de here4u, postée le 13-06-2021 à 12:44:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Choco

Je ne comprends pas trop ton problème ... Encore embuée, sorry ...

Peut-être est-ce parce que certains repères sont repris plusieurs fois et qu'en conséquence tu peux avoir des "séquences numériques" étonnantes : 6-7-8-9-10-11-9-10-4-9-9-11-12... C'est pour vous aider que je répète les indications de fautes ... Si ça vous trouble, je peux ne pas répéter les chiffres ...

My student's text:
/// END of PART ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper voice candidates earn greater shares of the vote.
The correct text:
/// END of Part ONE /// Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper-voiced(9) candidates win(10) greater shares of the vote.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains/95 de here4u, postée le 14-06-2021 à 18:15:47 (S | E)
Hello dear Friends!


Nothing can make us jump to a conclusion about someone like hearing them speak. It affects almost every sphere of modern life. We choose our friends and our partners and we even choose our politicians based on their accents. Why? Well, it turns out that the tone of voice we use can communicate a lot more information about us than we realise.
So, beyond the linguistic message you can share with your interlocutors a lot of information that concerns your biological status, but also your social status or your occupation, your social economical status, your mental health, or your health in general. All these kinds of information are driven through voice quality. There are a lot of very subtle differences in people’s voices, which enables you very quickly – it’s one tenth of a second – to have an impression of the person you’re talking to. But what quality in an accent are we actually picking up on?
What makes someone sound electable, for example?
Rien ne peut nous faire mieux parvenir à une conclusion hâtive sur quelqu'un que de l'entendre parler. Cela affecte presque toutes les sphères de la vie moderne. Nous choisissons nos amis et nos partenaires et nous choisissons même nos politiciens en fonction de leur ton de voix.(leur façon de parler) Pourquoi ? Eh bien, il s'avère que le ton de la voix que nous utilisons peut communiquer beaucoup plus d'informations sur nous que nous ne le pensons.
Ainsi, au-delà du message linguistique, vous pouvez partager avec vos interlocuteurs de nombreuses informations concernant votre statut biologique, mais aussi votre statut social ou votre profession, votre statut économique, votre santé mentale ou votre santé en général. Tous ces types d'informations passent par la qualité de la voix. Il y a beaucoup de différences très subtiles dans la voix des gens, ce qui vous permet très rapidement – en un dixième de seconde - d'avoir une impression de la personne à laquelle vous parlez. Mais quelle (
Qu'est-ce qui rend quelqu'un éligible, par exemple ? Bravo, Taiji Le texte est très bien compris et traduit.

Well, election results speak for themselves: more often than not, deeper-voiced candidates win greater shares of the vote. People with deep voices are also seen as more hireable, competent and trustworthy. Interestingly, our accent also changes depending on the environment we find ourselves in. We tend to mimic each other in social situations, and we choose friends who have accents similar to our own.
So what about romantic attraction? Is there anything to the idea that some accents are just sexier? It was thought, for a long time, that what makes deep-voiced politicians electable also makes men attractive. The level of testosterone in males is inversely correlated to the vocal height. It means that the lower your voice, the higher your level in testosterone is; the lower the voice, the more sexual partners a man can get, and the more children a man can have. So through his vocal height, a man is able to give information to a potential sexual partner about his own biological quality. This man has a very good immune system, he is more aggressive and more dominant, and he is more likely to be a leader. Evolutionary biologists use this reasoning to justify why modern women still find deep-voiced men more attractive.
Eh bien, les résultats des élections parlent d'eux-mêmes : le plus souvent, les candidats ayant une voix plus grave obtiennent de plus grandes parts du scrutin. On considère aussi les personnes à voix grave comme plus employables, plus compétentes et plus dignes de confiance.
Il est intéressant de noter que notre accent change aussi en fonction de l'environnement dans lequel nous nous trouvons. Nous avons tendance à nous imiter les uns les autres dans les situations sociales et nous choisissons des amis qui ont des accents similaires au nôtre.
Et qu'en est-il de l'attirance amoureuse ? L'idée selon laquelle certains accents sont tout simplement plus sexy se justifie-t-elle ? Pendant longtemps, on a pensé que ce qui favorisait l'élection des hommes politiques à la voix grave rendait aussi les hommes plus attirants. Le niveau de testostérone chez les mâles est inversement corrélé à la hauteur de la voix. Cela veut dire que plus votre voix est grave, plus votre niveau de testostérone est élevé ; plus la voix est grave, plus nombreuses sont les partenaires sexuelles qu'un homme peut avoir, et plus il peut avoir d'enfants. Donc à travers sa hauteur de voix, un homme peut renseigner un potentiel partenaire sexuel sur sa propre qualité biologique : cet homme a un très bon système immunitaire, il est plus agressif et plus dominateur et il est plus probablement " dirigeant ". Les biologistes de l'évolution utilisent ce raisonnement pour justifier que les femmes modernes trouvent toujours les hommes à la voix grave plus attirants.
Excellente traduction, Maxwell ! Bravo !

Can this evolutionary logic be applied to what makes women’s voices more attractive? Studying female voices and attraction, research from all around the world seems to suggest that women with higher-pitched voices – are more romantically successful. It’s true that younger women have higher-pitched voices, so this may give clues to their age, and therefore how reproductively desirable they are. In some speed dating studies, women were observed to raise the pitch of their voice while on dates.
The French call it « voix de chambre à coucher ». A deep, sultry «bedroom voice» gives some speakers their powers of seduction. Thus, some people have objectively more attractive voices than others, and the fact that these rules are nearly universal reveals an important part of our evolutionary history.
Cette logique de l'évolution peut-elle être appliquée à ce qui rend la voix des femmes plus séduisante ? En étudiant les voix et l'attirance féminines, la recherche menée dans le monde entier semble suggérer que les femmes aux voix plus aigües ont plus de succès sur le plan amoureux. C'est avéré que les femmes jeunes ont des voix plus aigües, donc cela peut donner des indices sur leur âge, et donc à quel point elles sont préférables dans l'optique de la reproduction. Dans certaines études de speed dating, on a observé des femmes élever la tonalité de leur voix lors de rendez-vous.
Les Français l’appellent cela la « voix de chambre à coucher ». Une « voix de chambre » profonde et sensuelle donne le pouvoir de séduire à certains locuteurs. Ainsi, certaines personnes ont objectivement des voix plus séduisantes que d’autres, et le fait que ces règles soient presque universelles révèle une partie importante de notre histoire de l'évolution.
C'est parfait, Choco. Bravo !

Encore BRAVO et MERCI à nos volontaires, toujours aussi efficaces.

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