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Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10

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Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10
Message de here4u posté le 14-06-2024 à 10:35:13 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Toujours en pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était…
C'est à nouveau la " nouvelle formule ", surtout que les vacances reviennent doucement... JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde par vos travaux et vos corrections.

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une expression de 'giving your opinion'.

1. 'Effortless is a myth'(R. Federer)

2. Could you ever forgive a betrayal?

3. Working isn’t only a matter of earning money…

4. All politicians are exasperating!

5. «Don’t sell your chickens before they’re hatched!»

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...
Cet exercice sera corrigé le mardi 25 juin 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 16-06-2024 à 13:19:31 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is our first answer! to this courageous worker!

Answer A: Topic3: Working is not only a matter of earning money. Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.
In reference to a phrase by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: They have to work to provide food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the spirit and allows a social life.
In add, even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding, you learn a skill, you're part of a chain, you belong to a group...
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty lead to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack.
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even voluntary, work gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making you feel useful. About 150 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 16-06-2024 à 16:37:10 (S | E)
Hello you all!

Answer A: Topic3: Working is not only a matter of earning money. Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.
In reference to a phrase by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: They have to work to provide XX something missing (or other verb) food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the spirit and allows a social life.
In add (? does this really exist?), even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding, you learn a skill, you're part of a chain, you belong to a group...
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty lead to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack.
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even (I don't understand this "even") voluntary, work gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making (repetition "makes/making") you feel useful. About 150 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 17-06-2024 à 18:37:10 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Green allowed tomorrow morning.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 18-06-2024 à 07:55:51 (S | E)

Answer A: Topic3: Working is not only a matter of earning money. Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.
In reference to a phrase sentence by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." Work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: They have to work to provide themselves with food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the spirit your perspective (or opens your mind) and allows a social life.
In addition , even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding, you learn a skill, you're part of a chain, you belong to a group...
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty leads to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack want (same word as at the beginning).
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even (I don't understand this "even" voluntary, work gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making (repetition "makes/making")/because you feel useful. About 150 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 18-06-2024 à 10:25:21 (S | E)
Hello !

Je pense qu’à la fin, ‘even voluntary work’ fait allusion au bénévolat…. ( c’est mon interprétation…)

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 18-06-2024 à 15:34:49 (S | E)
Hello here4u

J'ai bien compris que l'on parle de bénévolat. Ce qui ne gêne un peu, c'est que la phrase avec "even" semble sous-entendre qu'on ne s'attend pas à ce qu'un tel travail apporte des satisfactions, ce que je trouve surprenant.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de magie8, postée le 19-06-2024 à 09:57:16 (S | E)
Hello Correction answerA
pour cette derniere phrase; je propose

Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT every job even to work as a volunteer, gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself, because you feel useful. About 150 words

pour le reste Gerold a fait les corrections Merci
every job even as to work as a volunteer (je n ai pas le tableau avec les couleurs)

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 19-06-2024 à 16:14:20 (S | E)
Hello !

Merci Magie de ton éclaircissement... Gerold pourra nous dire s'il est satisfait (ou il pourra nous proposer une autre suggestion - puisque nous sommes en vert !- )

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 19-06-2024 à 22:05:26 (S | E)

Je suis satisfait, mais je mettrais une virgule entre "job" et "even".

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 19-06-2024 à 23:15:36 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Since everyone could express their satisfaction, here is the second series of ANSWERS!

ANSWERS B : TOPIC 1 please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it ! But when digging further at it, it'll give you a hard time ! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chicken before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about "Fortune favors the bold." ? (Isn'it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear ? 82 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 21-06-2024 à 14:58:30 (S | E)

Are you asleep? Please indicate what could disturb you...
Green will be allowed tomorrow...

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 21-06-2024 à 18:10:55 (S | E)

ANSWERS B : TOPIC 1 please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it ! But when digging further at it, it'll give you a hard time ! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chicken before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about (not sure, seems strange) "Fortune favors the bold." ? (Isn'it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear ? 82 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 22-06-2024 à 08:48:12 (S | E)

ANSWERS B : TOPIC 1 please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it! (no space before ! or ?) But when digging further at into it, it'll give you a hard time! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chicken before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about (not sure, seems strange) "Fortune favors the bold."? (Isn'it Isn't it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings frombetween (from a list, a menu, but between several possibilities) which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear? 82 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de happynutmeg13, postée le 22-06-2024 à 18:14:17 (S | E)
I agree with Gerold's corrections, and I think you have forgotten one among those you suggested:

ANSWERS B : TOPIC 1 please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy...

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it! (no space before ! or ?) But when digging further at into it, it'll give you a hard time! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chicken before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his shouln't it be "their"? projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about (not sure, seems strange) "Fortune favors the bold."? (Isn'it Isn't it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings frombetween (from a list, a menu, but between several possibilities) which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear? 82 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 23-06-2024 à 23:19:36 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here is ANSWER C:
Time is running a little short, therefore, we'll shorten the different steps! Tonight and tomorrow will be blue (indicate the possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you. Then, tomorrow night and on the 25th will be green, and we'll receive your suggestions.

to the writer and to the future correctors!

ANSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!"

Indeed, to my mind, population shares this exasperation.
It is a fear time. People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflexion during the interviews. I despair of watching thorough journalists on mainstream media.
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact of elected representatives' decisions. Laws come from politicians. Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They state a lot of decrees in accordance with laws but without the vote of the parliament, like successive reforms of national education. By this way, politicians affect our lives much than people realize.

Number of words?

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 24-06-2024 à 21:54:54 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here are my indications...

ANSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!"

Indeed, to my mind, population shares this exasperation.
It is a fear time. People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflexion during the interviews. I despair of watching thorough journalists on mainstream media.
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact of elected representatives' decisions. Laws come from politicians. Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They state a lot of decrees in accordance with laws but without the vote of the parliament, like successive reforms of national education. By this way, politicians affect our lives much than people realize.

Number of words?

Can you help?

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de gerold, postée le 25-06-2024 à 08:41:48 (S | E)

NSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!"

Indeed, to my mind, population shares this exasperation.
It is a fear time time of fear(s). People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflection during the interviews. I despair of watching seeing thorough conscientious journalists (thorough : "not usually before noun (of a person)" (Oxford dict.) on mainstream media.
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact of elected representatives' decisions. Laws come from politicians. Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They state issue a lot of decrees in accordance with laws but without the vote of the parliament, like successive reforms of national education. By this way, politicians affect our lives much more than people realize.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 25-06-2024 à 22:05:40 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Ouf! Après bien des échecs, j'ai quand même réussi à me connecter... Pas en avance, donc, mais je vous demande d'être patients... Tout est prêt... Si ça continue à tenir, ça ne devrait pas être trop long !

Answer A: initial text and first indications.
Topic3 Working is not only a matter of earning money.
In reference to a (phrase by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: (They have to work to provide food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the (spirit and allows a social life.(mal dit)
(In add, even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding (, mettre : ) you learn a skill, you're part of a (chain ? (what do you mean ?), you belong to a group...YES !
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty ? lead to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack.
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even (voluntary, ? * work (maladroit !)gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making you feel useful. About 150 words
* I think I know what you mean … Not sure!

Answer A: Gerold’s indications:Topic3: Working is not only a matter of earning money.

In reference to a phrase by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: They have to work to provide XX something missing (or other verb) food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the spirit* and allows a social life.
In add (? does this really exist?)NO, even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding, you learn a skill, you're part of a chain, you belong to a group...
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty lead to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack.
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even (I don't understand this "even") voluntary, work gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making (repetition "makes/making") you feel useful. About 150 words

Answer A: Topic3: Working is not only a matter of earning money : gerold’s suggestions.
In reference to a phrase sentence by Voltaire :
"Work removes three great evils from us: boredom, vice and want." Work is essential to man's existence.
First of all, human beings have vital needs: They have to work to provide themselves with food, shelter and clothing.
Secondly, work broadens the spirit your perspective (or opens your mind) and allows a social life.
In addition , even boring, repetitive work is always rewarding, you learn a skill, you're part of a chain, you belong to a group...
Work takes you out of isolation, and even if you work alone in your own home, you're obliged to have human contact with suppliers and buyers.
As often idleness, poverty leads to vice; by providing an occupation and money, work keeps us away from vice and lack/ want (same word as at the beginning).
Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT even (I don't understand this "even" voluntary, work gives satisfaction, allows personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself by making (repetition "makes/making")/because you feel useful. About 150 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 de here4u, postée le 18-06-2024 à 10:25:21 (S | E)
Hello !

Je pense qu’à la fin, ‘even voluntary work’ fait allusion au bénévolat…. ( c’est mon interprétation…)
gerold answered: J'ai bien compris que l'on parle de bénévolat. Ce qui ne gêne un peu, c'est que la phrase avec "even" semble sous-entendre qu'on ne s'attend pas à ce qu'un tel travail apporte des satisfactions, ce que je trouve surprenant.

AnswerA: Topic3: pour cette dernière phrase; Magie propose

Finally, I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED THAT every job even (to work as a volunteer, gives satisfaction, allows xxx personal fulfilment and makes you feel proud of yourself, because you feel useful. About 150 words

‘every job even (as to work= working as a volunteer
- ATTENTION : ‘a phrase’: une expression. ‘a sentence’: une phrase.
- comme vous tous, j’ai cherché la traduction exacte de la phrase de Voltaire : Lien internet
The French writer, historian, and philosopher Voltaire said: "Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need".
- je préfère ‘spare’ épargner à ’remove’ : enlever, qui signifieraient que ‘boredom, vice and need/ want’ sont des ‘maux’ (evils) dont l’homme souffre déjà à l’état naturel et dont le travail va le priver, le libérer…
Une autre version : ‘Our labour preserves us from three great evils -- weariness, vice, and want.’ OK.
Voltaire dit aussi : Work is often the father of pleasure. – ce qui est beaucoup plus positif.
- ‘A part of a chain’ reminded me of ‘a cog in the wheel’… (qui est péjoratif), remplacer ‘part’ qui est neutre, trop neutre par a ‘link’ donne un vrai rôle positif au participant. The following sentence : ‘belong to a group’ emphasised the positive aspect, the feeling of being useful.
- attention à la confusion entre : spirit : Lien internet
et ‘mind’: Lien internet
; différent, l’esprit est aussi ‘wit’: Lien internet

- poverty leads to vice: ??? Which famous writer said that ? Not Dostoevsky who said the opposite. Be careful of these generalisations…(ou donne des citations ou des exemples précis…)
- even (voluntary, ? * work ; A l’Université, mon fils avait un module qui s’appelait ‘volunteerism’: le mot est très employé aux EU et le concept très présent dans le cursus universitaire. Ton ‘even’ est un moyen – maladroit – de dire que ce n’est pas l’argent qui doit motiver le travailleur ;

Un bon texte, bien écrit, bien amélioré. Bravo à tous.

ANSWERS B: TOPIC 1: original text and my immediate indications:

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it ! But when digging further at it, it'll give you a hard time ! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words
Is it an old method? Must you train, train and train again, to become excellent?

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, (it is !) but it came naturally to my mind...
« Don't count your chickenS before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before.(not clear) But AS I SEE IT, (the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about "Fortune favors the bold." ? (Isn'it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear ? 82 words
you should not make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened:

ANSWERS B: TOPIC 1 gerold’s indications.
« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it ! But when digging further at it, it'll give you a hard time ! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chickenS before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, (the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about (not sure, seems strange)[it doesn't to me...] "Fortune favors the bold." ? (Isn'it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear ? 82 words

Gerold’s suggestions

« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it! (no space before ! or ?) But when digging further at into it B , it'll give you a hard time! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improveXXXX and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chickenS before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, (the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about (not sure, seems strange) "Fortune favors the bold."? (Isn'it Isn't it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from between (from a list, a menu, but between several possibilities) which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear? 82 words Good suggestions!

ANSWERS B : Happynutmeg’s indications and corrections.
« Effortless is a myth » R. FEDERER
I totally agree ! Of course when you start a new activity, you may find it very easy, particularly if you are talented for it! But when digging further at into it, it'll give you a hard time! FROM WHAT I KNOW, if you want to improve and get really good at something, you cannot avoid effort ; but as effort is rewarding, you'll feel a certain happiness in it ! 71 words

(I know "from what I know" is not really a way of expressing one's opinion, but it came naturally to my mind...

TOPIC 5: « Don't count your chickenS before they're hatched »
This proverb is to be understood as a way to slow down someone who is too quick in his shoulDn't it be "their"?Yes, it should! projects, hoping to be able to achieve something thanks to something that would have happened before. But AS I SEE IT, the popular wisdom says everything and its opposite, for what about "Fortune favors the bold."? (Isn'it Isn't it funny (and handy) to have some various sayings from between (from a list, a menu, but between several possibilities) which to choose the most suitable one, depending on what we want to hear? 82 words


ANSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!" initial text and my indications.
Indeed, to my mind,XXX population shares this exasperation.
It is (a fear time. People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflexion ??? (explain !) during the interviews. I despair of watching thorough journalists on mainstream media.
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact (of elected representatives' decisions. XXX Laws come from politicians. XXX Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They( state a lot of decrees in accordance with xxx laws but without the vote of the parliament, like xxx successive reforms of national education.(not sure I understand!) By this way, politicians affect our lives much than people realize.

Bon travail : quelques expressions à revoir.

ANSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!" my indications:

Indeed, to my mind, XXX population shares this exasperation.
It is a fear time. People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflexion during the interviews. I despair of watching thorough journalists on mainstream media.
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact of elected representatives' decisions. xxx Laws come from politicians. xxx Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They state a lot of decrees in accordance with xxx laws but without the vote of the parliament, like successive reforms of national education(are you alluding to the French education system?). By this way, politicians affect our lives much than people realize.

Number of words? ??

ANSWER C: topic 4: "All politicians are exasperating!": gerold’s suggestions:

Indeed, to my mind, xxx population shares this exasperation.
It is a fear time time of fear(s). People's minds are filled with emotions. Moreover, politicians' speeches gamble on our hope of finding the providential leader as a father or a spiritual saviour. I am struck with the lack of reflection during the interviews. (I despair of watching seeing thorough conscientious journalists (thorough : "not usually before noun (of a person)" (Oxford dict.) on mainstream media.(Why ?)
Hence, it seems to people that politicians' disputes are just TV shows remote from reality. I am absolutely convinced that people need to understand the impact of elected representatives' decisions. xxx Laws come from Laws govern every detail of our lives ranging from the retirement to little things like plastic-free cotton buds for ears. All ministries follow the ministers' orders. They state issue/ pass a lot of decrees in accordance with xxx laws but without the vote of the parliament, like successive reforms of national education. (By this way, politicians affect our lives much more than people realize.

Plutôt que I despair of watching, je préfère: I’m desperate to see/ watch…

Un grand merci à nos rédacteurs et aux correcteurs. Je vous rappelle que si vous avez envie d'éclaircir encore un/ des passage(s) qui vous semblent encore peu clairs, vous pouvez rédiger une phrase ou plus de Follow Up Work avec votre suggestion après corrections !
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