Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11
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Message de here4u posté le 01-07-2024 à 14:01:29 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,
This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.
Toujours en pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était…
C'est à nouveau la " nouvelle formule ", surtout que les vacances sont là, maintenant... JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde par vos travaux et vos corrections.
Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas...
Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible. 
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une expression de 'giving your opinion'.
1. What does 'solitude' mean to you?
2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure?
3. Comment on this assertion: "Life is beautiful", and illustrate it.
4. Do you like picnics? Describe the ideal one?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.
Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !
) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons ! 
Cet exercice sera pour vous un
en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...
Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !) le mardi 16 juillet 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.
Message de here4u posté le 01-07-2024 à 14:01:29 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.
Toujours en pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était…
C'est à nouveau la " nouvelle formule ", surtout que les vacances sont là, maintenant... JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde par vos travaux et vos corrections.

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas...

De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une expression de 'giving your opinion'.
1. What does 'solitude' mean to you?
2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure?
3. Comment on this assertion: "Life is beautiful", and illustrate it.
4. Do you like picnics? Describe the ideal one?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.

Cet exercice sera pour vous un

Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !) le mardi 16 juillet 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 03-07-2024 à 00:50:24 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is our first ANSWER: Topic N°2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure?
Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what you think is clumsy.
I know that the cooking, and even doing a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. A good cooking has to be very careful for the decoration of the customer's plate, and the harmony of the colors... A plate with food on it can't be one colored... It must be beatiful to look... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion, eating should just be eating what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
In the future, some people say that we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed our families. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the all population... 167 words.
Thank you for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de gerold, postée le 03-07-2024 à 10:58:51 (S | E)
Hello here4u

first ANSWER: Topic N°2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure?
I know that the cooking, and even doing a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients comma is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. A good cooking has to be very careful for the decoration of the customer's plate, and the harmony of the colors... A plate with food on it can't be one (not the right word, I think) colored... It must be beatiful to look... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion, eating should just be eating what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
In the future, some people say that we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed our families. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the all population... 167 words.
Thank you for your help!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 04-07-2024 à 14:57:37 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Bleu jusqu'à demain soir, vert ensuite !

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 06-07-2024 à 06:11:16 (S | E)
correction en vert avec l aide de Gerold Merci
Hello Dears,
I know that the cooking, and even doing a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. ( For great cooking, it is important to take care of the decoration; (the customer's dish must be presented with a colour harmony... A plate with food on it (can't be(unicoloured ... It must be beautiful to look... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion,( we should only eat* what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
( Some people say (that) one day we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed us. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the (whole population... 167 words.
Thank you for your help!
*Rappelez- vous une réplique de Molière dans l'Avare: "Il faut manger pour vivre et non vivre pour manger"
C'est vrai qu'il faut manger équilibré un peu de tout en petites quantites. Et, des produits de qualité.La cuisine 3 étoiles ce n est pas tous les jours sinon on n'apprécierait plus.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de gerold, postée le 06-07-2024 à 10:28:16 (S | E)

I agree with Magie's corrections, except for one:
Hello Dears,
I know that the cooking, and even doing a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. ( For great cooking, it is important to take care of the decoration; (the customer's dish must be presented with a colour harmony... A plate with food on it (can't be(unicoloured ... It must be beautiful to look... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion,( we should only eat* what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
( Some people say (that) one day we will just swallow multicoloured (for the sake of consistency) pills to feed
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 08-07-2024 à 10:05:09 (S | E)
Hello dears!

ANSWER B : TOPIC 1 Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
If you want to hear WHAT I THINK about solitude, for me solitude means calm, tranquility, silence and pleasure.
No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting. No companions playing deafening music.
Being able to work alone without being disturbed. No one to give orders or reprimands.
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
Life is beautiful, and worth living, but perhaps not for people who are suffering or who have bombs dropped on their heads.
FRANKLY SPEAKING, even if you need a good dose of optimism and a strong will, it's better to be alive than dead.
Paraphrasing a few words from a song by Jacques Brel
Further than misery, we must look at what is beautiful. 65 words thank you

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de gerold, postée le 08-07-2024 à 12:53:47 (S | E)
ANSWER B : TOPIC 1 Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
If you want to hear WHAT I THINK about solitude, for me solitude means calm, tranquility

No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting*. No companions playing deafening music*.
Being able to work alone without being disturbed*. No one to give orders or reprimands*.
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
*In my opinion, there are too many sentences without conjugated verbs.
Life is beautiful, and worth living, but perhaps not for people who are suffering or who have bombs dropped on their heads.
FRANKLY SPEAKING, even if you need a good dose of optimism and a strong will, it's better to be alive than dead.
Paraphrasing a few words from a song by Jacques Brel
"Further than misery, we must look at what is beautiful".
It is not a paraphrase : "Plus loin que la misère, il nous faut regarder ce qu'il y a de beau."
65 words thank you
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de sanlo, postée le 08-07-2024 à 13:44:02 (S | E)
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary for learn to get to know yourself, in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness learn us to look for our ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain self confidence. Loneliness we learn to make important decisions alone and take initatives.
Despite all these avantages she can be also a trap! because we need to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be self sufficient...Share your feelings is essantial for understand and move foward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 10-07-2024 à 07:48:39 (S | E)
Voici ma correction en vert Merci à Gerold pour ses commentaires

ANSWER B : TOPIC 1 Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
If you want to hear WHAT I THINK about solitude,as far as I am concerned solitude means calm,( tranquillity or peacefulness/vert], silence and pleasure.
No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting.( My companion is not at home playing deafening music.
( I can work alone without being disturbed. No one to give orders or reprimands*.
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
En ce qui concerne la phrase de la chanson de Jacques Brel, j' ai mixé la dernière phrase du 1er couplet avec la 1ère du 2è
Plus loin que la misère, il nous faut regarder.
2eme couplet
Il nous faut regarder ce qu'il y a de beau
Le ciel gris ou bleuté, les filles au bord de l'eau. ( Si ne n'est pas vraiment paraphrasé, c'est un peu tronqué; J. Brel répète 2 fois il faut regarder
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 10-07-2024 à 07:56:27 (S | E)
J'ai remis ce texte à sa bonne place. Il devait être envoyé en message personnel à here4u qui l aurait posté en temps voulu.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de sanlo, postée le 08-07-2024 à 13:44:02 (S | E)
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary for learn to get to know yourself, in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness learn us to look for our ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain self confidence. Loneliness we learn to make important decisions alone and take initatives.
Despite all these avantages she can be also a trap! because we need to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be self sufficient...Share your feelings is essantial for understand and move foward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 10-07-2024 à 08:12:51 (S | E)
Mes suggestion Hello,
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de sanlo, postée le 08-07-2024 à 13:44:02 (S | E)
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary (for learn to get to know yourself, (in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness( learn( pas le bon verbe) us to look for our ( ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain ( self confidence(trait d'union) ). Loneliness [bleu
(]we[bleu] learn to make important decisions alone and take (initatives.
Despite all these avantages she can( be also ( ordre des mots) a trap! because we need (to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be (self sufficient..(.Share(pas le bon verbe) your feelings is ( essantial for understand and move( foward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 10-07-2024 à 10:25:28 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Merci Magie de faire la police à ma place !

Bonne journée !

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de gerold, postée le 10-07-2024 à 19:06:23 (S | E)
Answer C topic 1
The subject was "solitude", not "loneliness". These two words are not really synonyms. That's why some statements seem strange (in my opinion).
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary (for learn to get to know yourself, (in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness( learn( pas le bon verbe) us to look for our ( ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain ( self confidence(trait d'union) ). Loneliness (]we[ learn to make important decisions alone and take (initatives.
Despite all these (avantages she can( be also ( ordre des mots) a trap! because we need (to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be (self sufficient..(.Share(pas le bon verbe) your feelings is ( essantial for understand and move( forward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 12-07-2024 à 10:38:27 (S | E)
Hello !

Green allowed!

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de gerold, postée le 12-07-2024 à 11:39:12 (S | E)
Answer C topic 1
The subject was "solitude", not "loneliness". These two words are not really synonyms.
"Loneliness" is negative ("a feeling of being unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to", Oxford dict.), while "solitude" is usually positive.
I think that only true misanthropists would perhaps say that loneliness is "necessary".
In my opinion,
Despite all these (advantages
To conclude we need both solitude
Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de here4u, postée le 16-07-2024 à 23:37:06 (S | E)
Hello Dears!

Here are the indications of your co-workers' possible mistakes, and your suggestions to improve their texts!

ANSWER A: Topic N°2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure? Initial text and my preliminary indications ;
I know that (the cooking, and even doing (a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. B (A good (cooking has to be very careful (for the decoration of the customer's plate, and the harmony of the colors... A plate with food on it can't be one colored... It must be (beatiful to look.(XX even at home... People take photos of their( plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion, eating should just be eating what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the B proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
In the future, some people say that we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed our families. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for (the all population... 167 words.
AB anglais… Des idées un peu… provocantes ?
ANSWER A: Topic N°2. Do you cook for/ with/ pleasure? Gerold’s indications:
I know that the cooking, and even doing (a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients comma is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. (A good (cooking has to be very careful for the decoration of the customer's plate, and the harmony of the colors... A plate with food on it can't be one (not the right word, I think) colored... It must be beatiful to look.XX.. even at home... People take photos of their (plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion, eating should just be eating what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
In the future, some people say that we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed our families. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the all population... 167 words.
TB indications ! Bravo.
ANSWER A: Topic N°2 Magie's suggestions.
I know that (the cooking, and even doing (a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. ( For great cooking, it is important to take care of the decoration; (the customer's dish must be presented with a colour harmony... A plate with food on it (can't be(unicoloured ... It must be beautiful to look XX... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion,( we should only eat* what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
( Some people say (that) one day we will just swallow multicolored pills to feed (us. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the (whole population... 167 words.
Bonnes suggestions.
*Rappelez- vous une réplique de Molière dans l'Avare: "Il faut manger pour vivre et non vivre pour manger"
C'est vrai qu'il faut manger équilibré un peu de tout en petites quantites. Et, des produits de qualité. La cuisine 3 étoiles ce n est pas tous les jours sinon on n'apprécierait plus.
ANSWER A: Topic N°2 Gerold's additional suggestions.
I know that (the cooking, and even doing (a fancy cooking with all sorts of unknown, exotic ingredients is becoming, and I should perhaps write 'has become' very fashionable. ( For great cooking, it is important to take care of the decoration; (the customer's dish must be presented with a colour harmony... A plate with food on it (can't be(unicoloured ... It must be beautiful to look (XX ... even at home... People take photos of their plate before they eat their food...I think it's ridiculous...
I hate that...
In my opinion,( we should only eat* what our body needs to remain healthy. Cooking everyday is boring (and quite expensive...) I think I could live with mixed salads with the proteins and the vegetables that are necessary to keep me healthy...
( Some people say (that) one day we will just swallow multicoloured (for the sake of consistency) pills to feed us ourselves. I think that would be good ...if we have enough of these pills for the (whole population... 167 words.
TB pour ‘ourselves’ mais pour les articles de la première phrase…

ANSWER B: TOPIC 1: initial text and my preliminary indications.
If you want to hear/ read WHAT I THINK about solitude, for me solitude means calm, tranquility, silence and pleasure.
No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting.(where is the verb ?) No companions playing deafening music.idem !
Being able to work alone without being disturbed. (cette partie de phrase me gêne encore plus que les précédentes…)No one to give orders or reprimands. Les parallélismes des phrases sont bien vus mais il n'est pas possible d'accumuler les «phrases», par opposition aux ‘sentences’ qui ont un verbe et sont liées entre elles. Ici, tout se passe comme s'il y avait deux points après ‘pleasure’ pour en faire une énumération…
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
Bons exemples cependant. Il faut essayer de faire de vraies phrases tout en gardant les répétitions…
Life is beautiful, and worth living B , but perhaps not for people who are suffering or who have bombs dropped on their heads.
FRANKLY SPEAKING, even if you need a good dose of optimism and a strong willXXXXX, it's better to be alive than dead.
Paraphrasing a few words from a song by Jacques Brel
Further than misery, we must look at what is beautiful. 65 words thank you
Je préfère la première partie, plus intéressante sur le fond et la forme.

ANSWER B: TOPIC 1 Gerold's indications:
If you want to hear WHAT I THINK about solitude, for me solitude means calm, tranquility

No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting*. No companions playing deafening music*.
Being able to work alone without being disturbed*. No one to give orders or reprimands*.
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
*In my opinion, there are too many sentences without conjugated verbs.[then, they’re not sentences !]
Life is beautiful, and worth living, but perhaps not for people who are suffering or who have bombs dropped on their heads.
FRANKLY SPEAKING, even if you need a good dose of optimism and a strong will XXXXX, it's better to be alive than dead.
Paraphrasing a few words from a song by Jacques Brel
"Further than misery, we must look at what is beautiful".
It is not a paraphrase : "Plus loin que la misère, il nous faut regarder ce qu'il y a de beau."
65 words thank you
Magie's own suggestions: Merci à Gerold pour ses commentaires
If you want to hear WHAT I THINK about solitude,as far as I am concerned solitude means calm, tranquillity or peacefulness, silence and pleasure.
No rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting.( My companion is not at home playing deafening music.
( I can work alone without being disturbed. No one to give orders or reprimands*.
I can eat and go to bed at the time I want. No pressure,I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS
En ce qui concerne la phrase de la chanson de Jacques Brel, j'ai mixé la dernière phrase du 1er couplet avec la 1ère du 2è
Plus loin que la misère, il nous faut regarder.
2eme couplet
Il nous faut regarder ce qu'il y a de beau
Le ciel gris ou bleuté, les filles au bord de l'eau. ( Si ne n'est pas vraiment paraphrasé, c'est un peu tronqué; J. Brel répète 2 fois il faut regarder

ANSWER C : TOPIC 1: initial text and my preliminary indications:
D’abord, Magie a raison, ce texte devait m’être envoyé pour prendre sa place en file d’attente.
Nous ne devons pas corriger deux textes en même temps pour la clarté du travail !
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary (for learn to get to know yourself, in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness( learn (voc and GR) us to look for our (ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able ??? to rely on yourself and gain self confidence. xx Loneliness we learn to make important decisions alone and take initatives.
Despite all these avantages (she can be also a trap! because we need (to) others and love (for finding the meaning of life,and [when you’re lonely] ? Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be self sufficient...(Share your feelings is ess(antial (for understand and move (foward.
To conclude we need both (loneliness and living together. [Off topic??]
ANSWER C TOPIC 1 by sanlo Magie's indications)
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary (for learn to get to know yourself, (in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness( learn( pas le bon verbe) us to look for our ( ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain ( self confidence(trait d'union) ). Loneliness (we learn to make important decisions alone and take (initatives.
Despite all these avantages she can( be also ( ordre des mots) a trap! because we need (to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible, so don't forget you can't be (self sufficient..(.Share(pas le bon verbe) your feelings is ( essantial for understand and move( foward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together
De grosses difficultés.
Answer C topic 1 Gerold's indications:
The subject was "solitude", not "loneliness". These two words are not really synonyms. That's why some statements seem strange (in my opinion).*
In my opinion, loneliness is necessary (for learn to get to know yourself, (in part because others also help us to know ourselves but loneliness( learn( pas le bon verbe) us to look for our ( ressources internal and to know to cross proofs of life lonely what we learn it's be able to rely on yourself and gain ( self confidence(trait d'union) ). Loneliness (]we[ learn to make important decisions alone and take (initatives. Manque total de ponctuation...
Despite all these (avantages she can( be also ( ordre des mots) a trap! because we need (to others and love for finding the meaning of life,and Lonely it's impossible so don't forget you can't be (self sufficient..(.Share(pas le bon verbe)[ pas la bonne construction, surtout !] your feelings is ( essantial for understand and move( forward.
To conclude we need both loneliness and living together
* please, cf the following definitions:
Solitude as a healthy, personal discipline that allows you to engage in meaningful self-reflection.
Loneliness, however, is a state of “sadness because one has no friends or company.”
Answer C topic 1
The subject was "solitude", not "loneliness". These two words are not really synonyms.
"Loneliness" is negative ("a feeling of being unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to", Oxford dict.), while "solitude" is usually positive.
I think that only true misanthropists would perhaps say that loneliness is "necessary".
In my opinion,
Despite all these (advantages
To conclude we need both solitude loneliness and living together
Merci Gerold.

[Désolée, je n'ai pas utilisé en continu les mêmes balises...XXX et
Un grand merci pour toutes ces aides...

Si vous en ressentez le besoin, n'hésitez-pas à faire la correction de tout ou partie des différents exercices, en un Follow up Work de votre choix.

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 21-07-2024 à 23:31:29 (S | E)
follow up
If you want to read WHAT I THINK about solitude, as far as I am concerned solitude means calm, peacefulness, silence and pleasure.
I have no rambunctious children jumping up and down and shouting around me. My companion is not at home playing deafening music.
When I am alone, I can work without being disturbed. There is nobody to give orders or reprimands.
I can eat and go to bed when I want. I endure no pressure, I can live at my own pace without anyone rushing me. Solitude is freedom.
To be completely honest, I HAVE TO ADMIT that if solitude is necessary from time to time, it shouldn't last too long. After a few days, I also need to meet people. 110 WORDS

Réponse : Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 de magie8, postée le 22-07-2024 à 00:19:35 (S | E)
hello follow up
In my opinion, solitude is a necessary part getting to know oneself, although others help us to know ourselves. Solitude teaches us to find out our internal resources, and to know how to cope with life's trials, What we learn it's be able to rely on oneself and gain self-confidence. Solitude teaches us to make important decisions alone and take initiatives.
Despite all these advantages, it can also be a trap! because we need others, and other people's love to find out the meaning of life, and alone it's impossible, so don't we forget that we can't be self-sufficient... Talking about our feelings is essential to understand and move forward.
To conclude we need both, solitude and living together.
J' ai amélioré un peu mais ce n' est pas parfait; cela me prend trop de temps
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