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Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25

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Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25
Message de here4u posté le 30-01-2025 à 10:33:28 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Another easy exercice that everyone can do!

Je sais que l'Expression libre est la compétence la plus difficile à bien acquérir dans l'apprentissage d'une langue, même si elle est notre langue maternelle, d'ailleurs...

Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement. ) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.

1. 'Books and libraries are no use now that we have the Internet...'

2. 'I am what I am...' Your comments...

3. 'Never look back... Look straight ahead!'

4. 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression.'

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une première série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… Une fois la première réponse corrigée au mieux, je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler de plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...

Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !)le jeudi 13 février 2025 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de here4u, postée le 31-01-2025 à 22:11:04 (S | E)
Hello dears,

A fast worker has already sent me their work! Great, isn't it!

ANSWER A: topic 4 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression'
Please, indicate possible mistakes, and underline what you think is clumsy.

This sentence sounds like a quip attributed to Oscar Wilde and Will Rogers, without knowing who said it first.
In fact, this phrase can be traced back to the philosophe Heraclitus of Ephesus (5 BC) who thought something like: "Everything flows." "A man cannot bathe in the same river twice, because the second time, it's not the same water or the same man." This means that you can't do the same thing twice, the world is in perpetual motion and change.
The first impression is paramount. Whatever personal or professional, the person you meet for the first time will make a quick judgement. She will keep a long lasting impression that will affect your relationship afterwards. Good or bad, the first impression will stick with you and cannot be detached easily.
Every first interview or date should be prepared with verbal and non verbal ways, to make a good lasting first impression of sincerity and authenticity.

a lot!

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de gerold, postée le 01-02-2025 à 18:23:14 (S | E)

ANSWER A: topic 4 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression'
Please, indicate possible mistakes, and underline what you think is clumsy.

My first impressions:
This sentence sounds like a quip attributed to Oscar Wilde and Will Rogers, without knowing who said it first.
In fact, this phrase can be traced back to the philosophe Heraclitus of Ephesus (5 BC) who thought something like: "Everything flows." "A man cannot bathe in the same river twice, because the second time, it's not the same water or the same man." (not exactly what H. said, I think) This means that you can't do the same thing twice, the world is in perpetual motion and change.
The first impression is paramount. Whatever personal or professional, the person you meet for the first time will make a quick judgement. She will keep a long lasting impression that will affect your relationship afterwards. Good or bad, the first impression will stick with you and cannot be detached easily.
Every first interview or date should be prepared with verbal and non verbal ways, to make a good lasting first impression of sincerity and authenticity.

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de magie8, postée le 03-02-2025 à 10:15:31 (S | E)
hello Voici mon corrige selon les indications de Gerold

ANSWER A: topic 4 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression'

This sentence sounds like a quip attributed to Oscar Wilde and Will Rogers, ( We don't exactly know who said it first.
In fact, this phrase can be traced back to the (philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BCE) who thought something like: "Everything flows." "A man cannot bathe in the same river twice, because the second time, it's not the same water or the same man." (not exactly what H. said, I think) This means that you can't do the same thing twice, the world is in perpetual motion and change.
The first impression is paramount. (Whether personal or professional, the person you meet for the first time will make a quick judgement. She will keep a long lasting impression that will affect your relationship afterwards. Good or bad, the first impression will stick with you and can't ( come off easily.
Every first interview or date should be prepared with verbal and( non- verbal ways, to make a good lasting first impression of sincerity and authenticity.

maxime de Heraclitus en anglais, voici une autre traduction =
Upon those stepping into the same rivers ever new waters flow
autre= It's not possible to step into the same river twice
ok je ne sais pas exactement mais quelquechose dans cet esprit

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de here4u, postée le 03-02-2025 à 15:47:09 (S | E)
Hello dears,

ANSWER A: my indications after your first suggestions.

This sentence sounds like a quip attributed to Oscar Wilde and Will Rogers, ( We don't exactly know who said it first.
In fact, this phrase can be traced back to the (philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BCE) who thought something like: "Everything flows." "A man cannot bathe in the same river twice, because the second time, it's not the same water or the same man." (not exactly what H. said, I think) This means that you can't do the same thing twice, the world is in perpetual motion and change. TB
The first impression is paramount. (Whether personal or professional, the person you meet for the first time will make a quick judgement. She will keep a long lasting impression that will affect your relationship afterwards. Good or bad, the first impression will stick with you and can't ( come off easily.
Every first interview or date should be prepared with verbal and( non- verbal ways, to make a good lasting first impression of sincerity and authenticity.

Une bonne expression.

Any further improvements?

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de happynutmeg13, postée le 03-02-2025 à 16:50:36 (S | E)

Verbal and non-verbal communication: these are communication concepts: what you actually say (verbal communication) and what you express with your eyes, face, smile, hands... (non verbal communication); politicians are very smart at this...
According to communication specialists, 80% of your communication would use non-verbal ways...

Modifié par happynutmeg13 le 03-02-2025 16:51

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de gerold, postée le 03-02-2025 à 18:54:44 (S | E)
Hello and for your suggestions!

ANSWER A: my indications after your first suggestions.

This sentence sounds like a quip attributed to Oscar Wilde and Will Rogers, ( We don't exactly know who said it first.
In fact, this phrase can be traced back to the (philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BCE) who thought something like: "Everything flows." "A man cannot bathe in the same river twice, because the second time, it's not the same water or the same man."* This means that you can't do the same thing twice, the world is in perpetual motion and change. TB
The first impression is paramount. (Whether personal or professional, the person you meet for the first time will make a quick judgement. She** (They (He or she) will keep a long lasting impression that will affect your relationship afterwards. Good or bad, the first impression will stick with you and can't ( come off easily. ... ( ... you'll be stuck with the first impression and won't be able to get rid of it easily
Every first interview or date should be prepared with verbal and( non-verbal ways, to make a good lasting first impression of sincerity and authenticity.

* Heraclitus said : it's not the same water and he's not the same man.(But in fact there's no "second time" either )
** "She" is not justified (perhaps the influence of French "personne").

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de here4u, postée le 04-02-2025 à 13:38:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Thanks for your suggestions!
Here is now the second ANSWER to our challenges!Please, indicate the possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.

ANSWER B: topic 1. 'Books and libraries are no use now that we have the Internet...'

This allegation sounds both provocative and false to me: maybe it's relevant for newspapers and magazines, but when it comes to books, libraries and bookshops, things are different; let's take an example: you have nowadays dozens of culinary recipes on line; you can even ask an AI to imagine one for you especially, given what is availabe in your fridge at the moment. But if you go into a bookshop, you'll be surprised by the huge number of various cookery books on the shelves; and they sell very well! What about novels then? To me, reading from the screen of your laptop has nothing to do with holding a physical book, with its particular weigh, texture, and even smell... This is an experience the Internet will never be able to provide! That's why I'm confident in the future of books, and of places where you find them! 155 words

a lot for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de gerold, postée le 04-02-2025 à 17:40:46 (S | E)

ANSWER B: topic 1. 'Books and libraries are no use now that we have the Internet...'

A very good text.

This allegation sounds both provocative and false to me: maybe it's relevant for newspapers and magazines, but when it comes to books, libraries and bookshops, things are different; let's take an example: you have nowadays dozens of culinary recipes on line; you can even ask an AI to imagine one for you especially, given what is availabe in your fridge at the moment. But if you go into a bookshop, you'll be surprised by the huge number of various cookery books on the shelves; and they sell very well! What about novels then? To me, reading from the screen of your laptop has nothing to do with holding a physical book, with its particular weigh, texture, and even smell... This is an experience the Internet will never be able to provide! That's why I'm confident in the future of books, and of places where you find them!

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de happynutmeg13, postée le 08-02-2025 à 07:41:17 (S | E)

Do we have the green light?

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de here4u, postée le 09-02-2025 à 12:43:06 (S | E)

You systematically have 'the green light' two days after the blue one... I'll add my indications to Gerold's...

ANSWER B: topic 1. 'Books and libraries are no use now that we have the Internet...'

A very good text.(...indeed!)

This allegation sounds both provocative and false to me: maybe it's relevant for newspapers and magazines, but when it comes to books, libraries and bookshops, things are different; let's take an example: you have nowadays dozens of culinary recipes on line; you can even ask an AI to imagine one for you especially, given what is availabe in your fridge at the moment. But if you go into a bookshop, you'll be surprised by the huge number of various cookery books on the shelves; and they sell very well! What about novels then? To me, reading from the screen of your laptop * has nothing to do with holding a physical book, with its particular weigh, texture, and even smell... This is an experience the Internet will never be able to provide! That's why I'm confident in the future of books, and of places where you find them!
* what about e-readers?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de happynutmeg13, postée le 09-02-2025 à 15:41:58 (S | E)
I'd suggest this:

"You can also ask an AI* for a personalized recipe based on what is available in your fridge."

And 'weight' instead of 'weigh'

*In French we commonly say 'an' AI in the sense of any specific AI program like chat GPT or whatever...
What about the English way?

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de gerold, postée le 09-02-2025 à 18:40:58 (S | E)


"You can also ask some AI* for a personalized recipe based on what is available in your fridge."

AI is uncountable, it can't be used with "an".

"This is an experience the Internet will never be able to provide! That's why I'm confident inI would tend to prefer "about" in this particular case the future of books, and of places where you will find them!"

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2025 à 11:54:34 (S | E)
Hello dears,

An interesting remark, Gerold!

Therefore how can you explain that the sentence : 'I've worked on an AI platform' is right?

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de happynutmeg13, postée le 11-02-2025 à 12:52:42 (S | E)

Maybe because in this case we are talking about a platform, (countable) and not about 'an' AI
But I guess that very soon we'll say AN AI...

Réponse : Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 de gerold, postée le 11-02-2025 à 16:20:37 (S | E)

I agree with Happynutmeg, in "an AI platform", "an" determines (if this is the right word?) "platform", not "AI" which is used as an adjective.


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