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Message de asxcgy posté le 27-02-2018 à 12:47:36 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai un texte à rendre en anglais pour un oral, j'ai beaucoup de lacunes et j'ai besoin d'une correction.
Je viens donc sur le forum afin de vous demander de l'aidesi; quelqu'un aurait-il la gentillesse de corriger mon texte s'il vous plait.
Merci beaucoup.Bonne journée.
It’s been generations, that we are to search of life beyond Earth without real results but from a lot of scientist, like Sara Seager the Astronaut Jocelyne B.B we can discovery life beyond our solar system between 20 and 100 years and thot because, like the text says: “we are the first generation of serious Alien –hunters”.
Moreover, technology and sciences become ever more advanced, that will allow to discover, more and more information concerning life beyond earth, such as by the successor of the Hubble space telescope.
First of all, we can hope, a day, discover life beyond Earth and that for a lot of reasons and this discovery can have good points.
Yes, firstly, nowadays, we have the great scientists, in particular in the field of planetary science or of astronomy, like Sara Seager, Natalie Batalha or Lisa Kaltenneger for example.
As we can see in the text, Sara Seager and the Astronaut Jocelyne B.B think we’re going to discover life beyond Earth between 20 and 100 years.
Plus, nowadays, we have very powerful technology.
For example, as we can see in the text, since the launch in 2009 of Nasa’s Kepler Space observatory, the number of “exoplanets” discovers is only increase, knowing that the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, called James- Webb, that will be installed in coming months.
So, with this powerful technology, the planetology goes a lot evolve in the coming years.
Concerning exoplanets, more the number of exoplanets will increase, more we have the chance to discover life beyond our solar system.
Moreover, the discovery of Aliens could allow to evolve the science, what will allow to learn about their living conditions, therefore allow to humans to live in others planets, like Mars for example.
Secondly, the search of life beyond our solar system can make some time and can have also negative points.
Yes, the discovery of Aliens can be very long, because the scientist use instruments when we must be very rigorous, precise and patient.
For example, when scientist scans the skies, they must be very attentive
Plus, research for life beyond Earth demand a big budget. For example, the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, James-Webb, cost 10 Billion Dollars, so it is a real big budget to advance the research.
Moreover, it is a very difficult for scientist, because they have no idea what we’re looking for because as we can see in the text, the definition of “life” is very largest, so the creature can have the size of a microbe or the size of a big elephant for example.
So, they still don’t know what to expect, the peoples are also not really prepared.
Despite this, from a lot of surveys, many Americans think that they are ready to discover a life beyond earth.
Besides, if ever, we find life beyond our solar system, in coming years, this creature will be captured and closed to undergo a lot of tests, experiments and a lot of others atrocities.
They will therefore be surely exploited.
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-02-2018 14:20
Message de asxcgy posté le 27-02-2018 à 12:47:36 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai un texte à rendre en anglais pour un oral, j'ai beaucoup de lacunes et j'ai besoin d'une correction.
Je viens donc sur le forum afin de vous demander de l'aide
Merci beaucoup.Bonne journée.
It’s been generations, that we are to search of life beyond Earth without real results but from a lot of scientist, like Sara Seager the Astronaut Jocelyne B.B we can discovery life beyond our solar system between 20 and 100 years and thot because, like the text says: “we are the first generation of serious Alien –hunters”.
Moreover, technology and sciences become ever more advanced, that will allow to discover, more and more information concerning life beyond earth, such as by the successor of the Hubble space telescope.
First of all, we can hope, a day, discover life beyond Earth and that for a lot of reasons and this discovery can have good points.
Yes, firstly, nowadays, we have the great scientists, in particular in the field of planetary science or of astronomy, like Sara Seager, Natalie Batalha or Lisa Kaltenneger for example.
As we can see in the text, Sara Seager and the Astronaut Jocelyne B.B think we’re going to discover life beyond Earth between 20 and 100 years.
Plus, nowadays, we have very powerful technology.
For example, as we can see in the text, since the launch in 2009 of Nasa’s Kepler Space observatory, the number of “exoplanets” discovers is only increase, knowing that the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, called James- Webb, that will be installed in coming months.
So, with this powerful technology, the planetology goes a lot evolve in the coming years.
Concerning exoplanets, more the number of exoplanets will increase, more we have the chance to discover life beyond our solar system.
Moreover, the discovery of Aliens could allow to evolve the science, what will allow to learn about their living conditions, therefore allow to humans to live in others planets, like Mars for example.
Secondly, the search of life beyond our solar system can make some time and can have also negative points.
Yes, the discovery of Aliens can be very long, because the scientist use instruments when we must be very rigorous, precise and patient.
For example, when scientist scans the skies, they must be very attentive
Plus, research for life beyond Earth demand a big budget. For example, the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, James-Webb, cost 10 Billion Dollars, so it is a real big budget to advance the research.
Moreover, it is a very difficult for scientist, because they have no idea what we’re looking for because as we can see in the text, the definition of “life” is very largest, so the creature can have the size of a microbe or the size of a big elephant for example.
So, they still don’t know what to expect, the peoples are also not really prepared.
Despite this, from a lot of surveys, many Americans think that they are ready to discover a life beyond earth.
Besides, if ever, we find life beyond our solar system, in coming years, this creature will be captured and closed to undergo a lot of tests, experiments and a lot of others atrocities.
They will therefore be surely exploited.
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-02-2018 14:20
Réponse : Besoin /aide de gerondif, postée le 27-02-2018 à 14:26:30 (S | E)
Ah moi je suis passé au travers du mailing interne (dont parlait le message précédent disparu depuis), ce qui me décourage le plus, c'est de sentir, en lisant le texte, le français traduit mot-à-mot qui rend la correction lourde, par exemple:
The planetology goes a lot evolve in the coming years. la planétologie va beaucoup évoluer dans les années à venir.
C'est compliqué à corriger quand on a ce type de phrase, à moins de faire du neuf à la place du demandeur.
Réponse : Besoin /aide de lucile83, postée le 27-02-2018 à 14:38:21 (S | E)
Oui gerondif, j'ai eu pitié de ce jeune membre et j'ai donc supprimé mon message ...

Réponse : Besoin /aide de nehel, postée le 27-02-2018 à 14:51:30 (S | E)
Bonjour. N'étant pas bilingue, difficile de proposer une correction complète, mais voici une première amorce

It’s been generations,

Moreover, technology

First of all, we can hope


Plus/Furthermore, nowadays, we have very powerful technology

For example/instance, as

So, with this powerful technology, the planetology goes a lot evolve in the coming years

Concerning exoplanets, more the number of exoplanets will increase, more we have the chance/serendipity to discover life beyond our Solar System.
Moreover, the discovery of Aliens could allow to evolve the science

Secondly, the search of life beyond our Solar System can make some time and

Yes, the discovery of Aliens can be very long, because the scientist

For example, when scientist

Plus/In addition, research for life beyond the Earth demand

Moreover, it is a very

So, they still don’t know what to expect, the peoples

Despite this/This notwithstanding, from a lot of surveys, many Americans think that they are ready to discover a life beyond the Earth

Besides, if

They will therefore be surely exploited.
Encore une fois : je suis également lycéen et pas encore bilingue, il y a probablement encore quelques fautes non repérées.

Essaye déjà de corriger toutes les fautes indiquées ci-dessus, ça sera davantage lisible pour que les autres membres aient envie de le corriger.

Réponse : Besoin /aide de asxcgy, postée le 03-03-2018 à 10:04:22 (S | E)
j'avais posté un texte il y a quelques jours de cela afin d'avoir une correction, mais il contenait énormément de fautes, j'ai donc essayé de tout revoir, en voici la nouvelle version et je cherche donc quelqu'un qui pourrait me corriger.
Merci pour votre aide.
First of all, we can hope that one day Life beyond Earth will be discovered and that is very likely to happen because of many reasons :
Firstly, nowadays, we have great scientists, in particular in the fields of both planetary science and astronomy, like S.S, N.B or L.K.
As mentioned in the text, Sara Seager and the Astronaut J.B.B think we’re going to discover life beyond Earth between 20 and 100 years.
Furthermore, today we have very powerful technologies .
For instance, as stated in the text, since the launch in 2009 of NKS observatory, the number of “exoplanets” discovered has only increased , knowing that the successor of the HST, called James- Webb, will be installed in the coming months.
So, with this powerful technology, the planetology will significately evolve in the coming years.
Concerning exoplanets, their number will increase, which will lead to a better chance of discovering life beyond our Solar System.
Moreover, the discovery of Aliens could allow science to evolve, learning about the living conditions of Aliens could make the idea of living in other planets, such as Mars, possible. ( La découverte d’Aliens peut permettre à la science d'évoluer, d'en savoir plus sur leur condition de vie, ce qui permettra peut-être aux humains d'aller vivre sur d'autres planètes)
Secondly, the search of life beyond our Solar System can have also some negative points.
Yes, the discovery of Aliens can take very long time, In fact, the instruments required need to be more and more accurate and scientists have to be very patient and rigorous.
For example, when scientists scan the skies, they must be very attentive.
In addition, the research for life beyond Earth requires a big budget. For example, the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, James-Webb, costs 10 Billion Dollars, so it does require a big budget to progress in the research.
Moreover, it is a real difficulty so far for scientists, as they have no idea what there looking for because as mentioned in the text, the definition of the “life” is very broad, so the creatures can have the size of a microbe or the one of a big elephant for instance.
So, they still don’t know what to expect, the population is also not really prepared.
Notwithstanding this, from a lot of surveys, many Americans think that they are ready to discover a life beyond Earth.
Besides, if we find an alien life form beyond our Solar System, in the coming years, this creature will be captured and shut away to undergo a lot of tests, experiments and many others atrocities.
Therefore they will be surely exploited
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2018 10:10
Post fusionné avec le topic initial.
Réponse : Besoin /aide de lucile83, postée le 04-03-2018 à 11:36:43 (S | E)

Réponse : Besoin /aide de nehel, postée le 04-03-2018 à 12:34:33 (S | E)
Lucile, je crois qu'il va falloir mettre la main à la pâte

Réponse : Besoin /aide de asxcgy, postée le 04-03-2018 à 13:16:16 (S | E)
Hello, il y a vraiment encore beaucoup de fautes ?
Réponse : Besoin /aide de lucile83, postée le 04-03-2018 à 15:29:47 (S | E)
First of all, we can hope that one day Life beyond Earth will be discovered, and that is very likely to happen because of many reasons.
Firstly, nowadays, we have great scientists, in particular in the fields of both planetary science and astronomy, like S.S, N.B or L.K. écrire les noms serait mieux
As mentioned in the text, Sara Seager and the Astronaut J.B.B think we’re going to discover life beyond Earth between 20 and 100 years.
Furthermore, today we have very powerful technologies .
For instance, as stated in the text, since the launch in 2009 of NKS observatory, the number of “exoplanets” discovered has only increased , knowing that the successor of the HST, called James-Webb, will be installed in the coming months.
Je laisse la suite à qui veut; plus assez de temps

Réponse : Besoin /aide de lucile83, postée le 04-03-2018 à 21:14:32 (S | E)
So, with this powerful technology, the planetology will significately evolve in the coming years.
Concerning exoplanets, their number will increase, which will lead to a better chance of discovering life beyond our Solar System.
Moreover, the discovery of Aliens could allow science to evolve,and learning about the living conditions of Aliens could make the idea of living in other planets, such as Mars, possible.
( La découverte d’Aliens
Réponse : Besoin /aide de sherry48, postée le 04-03-2018 à 21:47:38 (S | E)
Hello. Let's continue with the most obvious points..
Secondly, the search of

Yes, the discovery of Aliens can take _ very long time. In fact, the instruments required need to be more and more accurate and scientists have to be very patient and rigorous.
For example, when scientists scan the skies, they must be very attentive.
In addition, the research (a gerund would be good here) for life beyond Earth requires a big budget. For example, the successor (please check the dictionary) of the Hubble Space Telescope, James-Webb, costs 10 Billion Dollars, so it does require a big budget to progress in the research.
Moreover, it is a real difficulty so far for scientists, as they have no idea what there

So, they still don’t know what to expect. The population is also not really prepared.
Notwithstanding this, based on a lot of surveys, many Americans think that they are ready to discover
Besides, if we find an alien life form beyond our Solar System, in the coming years, this creature will be captured and shut away to undergo a lot of tests, experiments and many others atrocities.
Therefore they will be surely (word order)exploited.
Réponse : Besoin /aide de asxcgy, postée le 05-03-2018 à 19:10:27 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour votre aide, c'est gentil.
Réponse : Besoin /aide de asxcgy, postée le 19-03-2018 à 18:49:29 (S | E)
Hello, il y a vraiment encore beaucoup de fautes ?
Réponse : Besoin /aide de gerondif, postée le 20-03-2018 à 00:16:51 (S | E)
Oui, celles qui ont été signalées en bleu et qui ne vont pas se corriger toutes seules;
Par exemple, to search, c'est fouiller quelqu'un et la recherche d'aliens se dira: looking for aliens .
the search of life beyond our Solar System est donc faux.
You confondez there et they're dans they have no idea what there looking for.
Quant-à votre between,
we’re going to discover life beyond Earth between 20 and 100 years. on va découvrir cette vie d'ici 20 à 100 ans, pas entre 20 et 100 ans.
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