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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de marcmarronnier posté le 18-03-2018 à 01:03:01 (S | E | F)
Je prépare un concours dans lequel il y a une épreuve d'anglais où il faut trouver quelle partie soulignée de la phrase est fausse. J'ai fait plusieurs annales, malheureusement je ne comprends pas les réponses proposées d'un certain nombre de corrigés.
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

It would help me to understand your story if you could describe me this man’s clothing.
A. It would
B. me to understand
C. describe me
D. clothing
Réponse proposée : C

The attorney can’t account with his client’s attitude towards the judge.
A. can’t
B. with
C. client’s
D. towards
Réponse proposée : B

We didn’t mind him watching a little TV, but we expressed concern of his obsession with violent video games.
A. him
B. watching
C. of
D. with
Réponse proposée : C

If your presentations are too technical, you’re likely to scare down potential customers!
A. your presentations
B. too technical C. you’re likely
D. scare down
Réponse proposée : D

No, it’s not this book, but rather that one over here on that other shelf.
A. this
B. rather
C. one
D. here
Réponse proposée : D

For both women and men, it’s definitely worthwhile consider a career in science.
A. For both
B. definitely
C. consider
D. in
Réponse proposée : C

I still reading that book by Albert Camus, despite having started it six months ago!
A. I still reading
B. despite
C. having started
D. ago
Réponse proposée : A

Would you move these equipment to the store room please?
A. Would
B. these
C. equipment
D. room
Réponse proposée : B. Comment peut-on savoir si la faute est these ou equipment ? Etant donné que la faute peut être aussi l'oubli d'un s à "equipment", non ?

Malcolm absolutely detests planes because he’s afraid of fly.
A. detests
B. because
C. he’s
D. fly
Réponse proposée : D

Good, strong footwear are of uppermost importance for mountain climbing.
A. strong
B. are
C. for
D. climbing
Réponse proposée : B

I hardly speak any Spanish, but whereas I visited Madrid I managed to get by.
a) hardly
b) any
c) whereas
d) by
Réponse proposée : c

Finishing the New York marathon was one of my greatest achievement as an athlete.
a) finishing
b) was
c) achievement
d) as
Réponse proposée : c

I am wondering whether you could help me out with this slight problem.
a) am
b) whether c) out
d) slight
Réponse proposée : d

Jean was interested in if he could show a direct link between consumer behavior and socio-economic factors.
d.between socio-economic
Réponse proposée : a

She couldn’t help being nervous as she was introduced the president of the company.
Réponse proposée: c

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2018 08:53

Réponse : Trouver l'erreur/aide de gerondif, postée le 18-03-2018 à 01:32:23 (S | E)
It would help me to understand your story if you could describe me this man’s clothing.
A. It would
B. me to understand
C. describe me
D. clothing
Réponse proposée : C describe to me

The attorney can’t account with his client’s attitude towards the judge.
A. can’t
B. with
C. client’s
D. towards
Réponse proposée : B to account for

We didn’t mind him watching a little TV, but we expressed concern of his obsession with violent video games.
A. him
B. watching
C. of
D. with
Réponse proposée : C about

If your presentations are too technical, you’re likely to scare down potential customers!
A. your presentations
B. too technical C. you’re likely
D. scare down
Réponse proposée : D peut être to scare off

No, it’s not this book, but rather that one over here on that other shelf.
A. this
B. rather
C. one
D. here
Réponse proposée : D that one indique l'éloignement, donc over there

For both women and men, it’s definitely worthwhile consider a career in science.
A. For both
B. definitely
C. consider
D. in
Réponse proposée : C soit to consider, soit considering, de tête

I still reading that book by Albert Camus, despite having started it six months ago!
A. I still reading
B. despite
C. having started
D. ago
Réponse proposée : A Iam still reading

Would you move these equipment to the store room please?
A. Would
B. these
C. equipment
D. room
Réponse proposée : B. that equipment
Comment peut-on savoir si la faute est these ou equipment ? Etant donné que la faute peut être aussi l'oubli d'un s à "equipment" non ?

Malcolm absolutely detests planes because he’s afraid of fly.
A. detests
B. because
C. he’s
D. fly
Réponse proposée : D of flying

Good, strong footwear are of uppermost importance for mountain climbing.
A. strong
B. are
C. for
D. climbing
Réponse proposée : B is of

I hardly speak any Spanish, but whereas I visited Madrid I managed to get by.
a) hardly
b) any
c) whereas
d) by
Réponse proposée : c confusion française entre tandis que au sens de pendant que while, et tandis que au sens de mais au contraire, whereas, qui est faux ici.

Finishing the New York marathon was one of my greatest achievement as an athlete.
a) finishing
b) was
c) achievement
d) as
Réponse proposée : c pluriel achievements

I am wondering whether you could help me out with this slight problem.
a) am
b) whether peut-être whether or not
c) out
d) slight
Réponse proposée : d là, je ne comprends pas:
dictionnaire en ligne:
slight adj (not important) léger, légère, petit, mineur adj
We've run into a slight problem, but we should be able to fix it very soon.
Nous avons eu un léger (or: petit) problème mais nous devrions être capable de le résoudre très bientôt.

Jean was interested in if he could show a direct link between consumer behavior and socio-economic factors.
d.between socio-economic
Réponse proposée : a oui, if ne va pas interested in knowing if he could, /in showing that he could

She couldn’t help being nervous as she was introduced the president of the company.
Réponse proposée: c soit as she was introducing / soit as she was introduced to.

Je trouve que vous auriez pu faire ces recherches vous-même, ça aurait été formateur pour vous.

Réponse : Trouver l'erreur/aide de dsmith, postée le 18-03-2018 à 05:58:30 (S | E)

Je suis d'accord avec gerondif. Moi aussi je ne vois pas de probleme avec "slight problem"
pour celui ci:
Would you move these equipment to the store room please?
A. Would
B. these
C. equipment
D. room
Réponse proposée : B. that equipment
Comment peut savoir si la faute est these ou equipment ? Etant donné que la faute peut etre aussi l'oublie d'un s à "equipment" non ?

On peut dire aussi "this equipment". Aussi, equipment est indénombrable alors on ne peut pas mettre un "s" avec equipment.

Réponse : Trouver l'erreur/aide de marcmarronnier, postée le 18-03-2018 à 17:51:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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