Oral/Myths and Heroes
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Message de araven69 posté le 18-03-2018 à 14:23:25 (S | E | F)
j'ai bientôt mon oral d'anglais de Bac à passer et j'aimerais savoir si ce que j'ai fait sur la notion mythes et héros est correct.
Merci beaucoup.
I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolved in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First, I will define the concept of the American Dream and how is it represented. Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which are embody American Dream. Finally, I will try to show that the American dream can be called into question.
To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises and very attractive. It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make fortunes. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life. That is to say live the life you wanted to live without regrets or fustration but also being happy because you achieve your goal. I have chosen a document which is an iconographical document entitled Dreamland. It painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004. It is composed of many characteres representing symbols of America. Indeed, there is the statue of Liberty drinking a coke in the foreground, next to Mickey Mouse and Uncle Sam which is the allegory of the US. Furthermore there is the Empire State Building, the MontRushmore as well American Flag. All these elements are part of a culture that is shared worldwide. The goal is to make us dream of America. The document aims at representing America trough the main stereotypes. The purpose is to make us want to go there because it is a country where it is supposedly easy to become rich and famous or to express your talents.
Some symbols like the Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey are embody American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part.
Indeed, Ellis Island was America’s largest immigration station. From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants entered the United States through this small island located on the Hudson River just outside of New York City. The island is a symbol of the American Dream because it was the first step for people who emigrated from Europe to the US. They hope to find a job, have a new life and to escape World War 2. Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who showed that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philantropist. Winfrey is best know for her multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history. She was born in Mississipi, to an unmarried teenage mother. Her youth was mark by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite everything, she made a career in the media and gribs opportunities until the success.
However the American Dream isn't a reality for everyone, it is often called into question. This is my last part.
The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It becomes increasingly a myth. That's what worries Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. Indeed, today the US economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis. It is more difficult for the lower class to climbing the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself that has called into question the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality.
To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it gradually becomes a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, however for people who succeed in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2018 14:31
Message de araven69 posté le 18-03-2018 à 14:23:25 (S | E | F)
j'ai bientôt mon oral d'anglais de Bac à passer et j'aimerais savoir si ce que j'ai fait sur la notion mythes et héros est correct.
Merci beaucoup.

I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolved in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First, I will define the concept of the American Dream and how is it represented. Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which are embody American Dream. Finally, I will try to show that the American dream can be called into question.
To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises and very attractive. It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make fortunes. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life. That is to say live the life you wanted to live without regrets or fustration but also being happy because you achieve your goal. I have chosen a document which is an iconographical document entitled Dreamland. It painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004. It is composed of many characteres representing symbols of America. Indeed, there is the statue of Liberty drinking a coke in the foreground, next to Mickey Mouse and Uncle Sam which is the allegory of the US. Furthermore there is the Empire State Building, the MontRushmore as well American Flag. All these elements are part of a culture that is shared worldwide. The goal is to make us dream of America. The document aims at representing America trough the main stereotypes. The purpose is to make us want to go there because it is a country where it is supposedly easy to become rich and famous or to express your talents.
Some symbols like the Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey are embody American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part.
Indeed, Ellis Island was America’s largest immigration station. From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants entered the United States through this small island located on the Hudson River just outside of New York City. The island is a symbol of the American Dream because it was the first step for people who emigrated from Europe to the US. They hope to find a job, have a new life and to escape World War 2. Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who showed that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philantropist. Winfrey is best know for her multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history. She was born in Mississipi, to an unmarried teenage mother. Her youth was mark by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite everything, she made a career in the media and gribs opportunities until the success.
However the American Dream isn't a reality for everyone, it is often called into question. This is my last part.
The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It becomes increasingly a myth. That's what worries Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. Indeed, today the US economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis. It is more difficult for the lower class to climbing the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself that has called into question the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality.
To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it gradually becomes a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, however for people who succeed in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2018 14:31
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 18-03-2018 à 15:47:09 (S | E)
- A myth is a popular story or belief that evolved (mettre au présent perfect)in time
- Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which are (enlever "are") embody (articlr)American Dream.
- the American dream can be called into question: construire avec le verbe TO QUESTION.
- make (article) fortunes (singulier).
- Foreigners (préciser)came to America to begin a new and better life.
- That is to say live (gérondif)the life you wanted (présent)to live without regrets or fustration
- It (il manque l'auxiliaire BE conjugué au passé)painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004.
- Indeed, there is the statue of Liberty drinking a (glass of)coke in the foreground,
- Furthermore there is (trouver une autre formulation que "there is", en plus, vous faites une faute de conjugaison)the Empire State Building, the MontRushmore as well ( manque un mot et un article) American Flag.
- trough: orthographe.
- Some symbols like the (pas d'article)Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey are (voir plus haut) embody American Dream,
- twelve million immigrants entered the United States through this (pas au passé) small island
- located on the Hudson River just outside of (pas de "of")New York City.
- They hope to find a job, have a new life and to escape World War 2 : tous les verbes doivent être au prétérit.
- Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who showed (présent)that the American Dream could be a reality.
- Winfrey is best know (participe passé) for her multi-award-winning talk show -pluriel)
- She was born in Mississipi, to an unmarried teenage mother

- Her youth was mark (participe passé) by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems.
- Despite everything, she made (mettre au présent perfect)a career in the media and gribs (temps) opportunities until the (pas de "the")success.
- it is often called into question: voir introduction.
- It becomes increasingly a myth : présent perfect.
- That's what worries (prétérit)Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated (préposition)the fourth of December
- Indeed: chercher des synonymes.
- today the US (mettre l'adjectif)economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis

- It is more difficult for the lower class to climbing the ladder: to + infinitif.
- the president himself that has called into question the American Dream,
- To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay (pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison) a reality
- But it gradually becomes a myth: présent en be+-ing.
- however for people who succeed (présent perfect) in starting a new life in the United States
Sujet bien traité, avec des exemples à l'appui.
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de araven69, postée le 18-03-2018 à 19:01:07 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, j'ai corrigé la plupart de mes erreurs mais il y en a certaines que je n'ai pas comprises comme :
"- To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay (pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison) a reality" J'ai compris ma faute de conjugaison mais je ne vois pas quel mot utilisé.
"- Furthermore there is (trouver une autre formulation que "there is,", en plus, vous faites une faute de conjugaison"" J'ai également corriger la faute de conjugaison mais là aussi je ne sais pas quoi utilisé.
"- today the US (mettre l'adjectif)economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis" Je n'ai pas compris ce que je devais rajouter.
Je remets mon texte avec les fautes corrigées, au cas où vous verriez d'autres éventuelles fautes.
I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that is evolving in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First, I will define the concept of the American Dream and how is it represented. Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which embody the American Dream. Finally, I will try to question the American dream
To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises and very attractive. It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make the fortune. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life, like the Irish because of the potato famine, for example. That is to say living the life you want to live without regrets or fustration but also being happy because you achieve your goal. I have chosen a document which is an iconographical document entitled Dreamland. It was painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004. It is composed of many characteres representing symbols of America. Indeed, there is the statue of Liberty drinking a glass of coke in the foreground, next to Mickey Mouse and Uncle Sam which is the allegory of the US.Furthermore there are the Empire State Building, the Mount Rushmore as well as the American Flag. All these elements are part of a culture that is shared worldwide. The goal is to make us dream of America. The document aims at representing America through the main stereotypes. The purpose is to make us want to go there because it is a country where it is supposedly easy to become rich and famous or to express your talents.
Some symbols like Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey embody the American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part.
Indeed, Ellis Island was America’s largest immigration station. From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants enter the United States through this small island located on the Hudson River just outside New York City. The island is a symbol of the American Dream because it was the first step for people who emigrated from Europe to the US. They hoped to find a job, to have a new life and to escape World War 2. Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who show that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philantropist. Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talks shows The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history. Her youth was marked by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite everything, she has made a career in the media and has gripped opportunities until success.
However the American Dream isn't a reality for everyone, it is often to question. This is my last part.
The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It has become increasingly a myth. That's what worried Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated on the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. For real, today the US economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis. It is more difficult for the lower class to climb the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself questions the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality.
To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it is gradually becoming a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, however for people who has succeeded in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2018 20:44
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 19-03-2018 à 14:53:13 (S | E)
"- To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay (pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison) a reality" J'ai compris ma faute de conjugaison mais je ne vois pas quel mot utilisé: il faut utiliser le verbe TO REMAIN (stay s'employant dans le sens de "rester dans un endroit")
"- today the US (mettre l'adjectif)economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis" Je n'ai pas compris ce que je devais rajouter :remplacer US par "American".
- People can start from scratch and make the (mettre l'article indéfini, pas défini)fortune.
- Foreigners (employer le mot "immigrants" plutôt que foreigners)came to America to begin a new and better life,
- characteres: orthographe.
- representing (some)symbols of America.
- Indeed, there is (à remplace par "we can see", par exemple)the statue of Liberty drinking a glass of coke
- and Uncle Sam which (pas le bon relatif quand l'antécédent est une personne)is the allegory of the US.
- From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants enter (passé!) the United States through this (that pas this) small island -
- The island is (passé)a symbol of the American Dream
- Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who show (conjugaison)that
- The Oprah Winfrey Show which was (présent)the highest-rated program of its kind in history.
- Despite everything: ?
- it is often to question: mal dit.
- For real: ?
- stasis: ?
- To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a(remains pas stay) reality for some people.
- however for people who has (faute de conjugaison) succeeded in starting.
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de dsmith, postée le 19-03-2018 à 16:13:28 (S | E)
Laure95 t'a très bien aidé. Je vais essayer aussi d'ajouter un peu.
I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that is evolving in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A heroe (misspelled) is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First, I will define the concept of the American Dream and how is it represented. Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which embody the American Dream. Finally, I will try to question the American dream
To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises and very attractive. (j'ai pensé à la beauté physique d'abord...à mon avis c'est mieux de trouver un synonym") It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make the (comme laure95 a dit l'article indéfini mais tu peux aussi dire "their" Lien internet
fortune. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life, like the Irish because of the potato famine, for example. That is to say living the life you want to live without regrets or fustration but also being happy because you achieve your goal. (un seul but ou plusiers??) I have chosen a document which is an iconographical document entitled Dreamland. It was painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004. It is composed of many characteres (Laure95 a identifié - faute d'orthographe) representing symbols of America. Indeed, there is the statue of Liberty drinking a glass of coke in the foreground, next to Mickey Mouse and Uncle Sam which is the allegory of the US.Furthermore there are the Empire State Building,
Some symbols like Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey embody the American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part.
Indeed, Ellis Island was America’s largest immigration station. From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants enter the United States through this small island located on the Hudson River just outside New York City. The island is a symbol of the American Dream because it was the first step for people who emigrated from Europe to the US. They hoped to find a job, to have a new life and to escape World War 2. Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who show that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philantropist (faute orthographe). Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talks shows The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history. Her youth was marked by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite everything (oui ça marche car tu as parlé de ses difficultés. Ou tu peux dire "Despite these challenges/difficulties), she has made a career in the media and has gripped opportunities until she attained success.
However the American Dream isn't a reality for everyone, it is often to question (je suis d'accord avec Laure95, je ne comprends pas trop). This is my last part.
The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It has become increasingly a myth. That's what worried Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated (a speech is not "dated" it is "given on" or "presented on" on the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. For real (In reality), today the US economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis (j'ai du y penser un peu pour essayer de comprendre - peut être "immobility" car on parle de "upward mobility" mais tu dis que ça c'est plus difficile maintenant. ou bien "paralysis" ou "tension". It is more difficult for the lower class to climb the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself mot pour "qui" ici questions the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality.
To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay (faute de conjugation the american dream est singulier. Je suis d'accord avec Laure95 le verbe remain est mieux) a reality for some people. But it is gradually becoming a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, however for people who has (faute de conjugation) succeeded in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de dsmith, postée le 19-03-2018 à 16:31:38 (S | E)
which is the allegory of the US... je ne comprends pas trop.
Moi j'utiliserais "which" et pas "who" car ces "personnes" ne sont pas des vraies personnes.
Quelques idées:
Which are allegorical of the US...
Which are emblems of the US
which are emblematic of the US
which are symbols of the US ...mais tu as déjà utilisé le mot symbol
which are symbolic of the US
which typify the US
which symbolize the US
which are allegorical emblems of the US
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de araven69, postée le 19-03-2018 à 21:15:39 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, j'ai essayé de recorriger mes erreurs, je vous laisse regarder.

I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that is evolving in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A hero is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
First, I will define the concept of the American Dream and how is it represented. Secondly, I will concentrate on some symbols which embody the American Dream. Finally, I will try to question the American dream
To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises. It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make a fortune. Immigrants came to America to begin a new and better life, like the Irish because of the potato famine, for example. That is to say living the life you want to live without regrets or fustration but also being happy because you achieve your goals. I have chosen a document which is an iconographical document entitled Dreamland. It was painted by Peter Pismestrovic in 2004. It is composed of many characters representing some symbols of America. Indeed, we can see the statue of Liberty drinking a glass of coke in the foreground, next to Mickey Mouse and Uncle Sam which (Je pensais comme dsmith, pour moi ce n'est pas une personne réelle donc je voulais utilisé which) is the allegory of the US. Furthermore there are the Empire State Building, Mount Rushmore as well as the American Flag. All these elements are part of a culture that is shared worldwide. The goal is to make us dream of America. The document aims at representing America through the main stereotypes. The purpose is to make us want to go there because it is a country where it is supposedly easy to become rich and famous or to express your talents.
Some symbols like Ellis Island or Opra Winfrey embody the American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part.
Indeed, Ellis Island was America’s largest immigration station. From 1892 to 1954, twelve million immigrants entered the United States through that small island located on the Hudson River just outside New York City. The island was a symbol of the American Dream because it was the first step for people who emigrated from Europe to the US. They hoped to find a job, to have a new life and to escape World War 2. Moreover Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who shows that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist. Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talks shows The Oprah Winfrey Show which is the highest-rated program of its kind in history. Her youth was marked by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite these difficulties, she has made a career in the media and has gripped opportunities until she attained success.
However the American Dream isn't a reality for everyone, it is often questioned (j'aimerai dire qu'il est remis en question). This is my last part.
The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It has become increasingly a myth. That's what worried Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility given on the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. Indeed, today American economy is characterized by rising inequalities. It is more difficult for the lower class to climb the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself who questions the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality.
To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream remains a reality for some people. But it is gradually becoming a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, however for people who have? succeeded in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality.
Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de dsmith, postée le 20-03-2018 à 05:59:27 (S | E)
it is often questioned (j'aimerai dire qu'il est remis en question). Oui ça marche. ou bien...its possibility is doubted by many. ou it is found to be impossible to achieve for so many.
Indeed, today American economy is characterized by rising inequalities. Il y a un mot qui manque dans cette phrase.
however for people who have? succeeded in starting a new life in the United States the American dream is a reality.
"have" est correcte ici.
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