Notion/évolution des familles
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Message de sosoleleilil posté le 24-03-2018 à 11:15:41 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ma synthèse s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses!
Et vers quelles autres notions je peux la relier?
I'm going to talk about the notion "Idea of Progress".
To start with, I would like to give a definition of this notion. The progress is an advance, a change, an evolution whose aim is to improve people lives. There are many forms of advances: technological, social, medical or scientific progress...
I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of evolving families.
Thus, how has the American family evolved through the time? To what extent can it be linked to the idea of progress?
First of all, I'm going to talk about the evolution of family’s structure in society. Then, I'll talk about the role of mother in the family through the time. Finally, I'll discuss the possible limits of the evolution of the family.
To start with, let's talk about the evolution of family in society. In class, we studied first the different types of family. At the beginning the traditional family is composed by a mother, a father and children that are a nuclear family. But with time, untraditional families appeared. There are blended families or single-sex families in the category "divorced". Then, there is the same-sex family with two fathers or two mothers and adoptive child and last there is also mixed-race family who is family with parents from different origins. In a listening comprehension entitled "Back to the good old family", we learn according to Glenn Stanton that the Industrial Revolution is responsible of the main changes in the structure of family. Before, family stuck together, they lived and worked together in farms. After, they moved into crowded cities where they lived next to door to other people thus creating opportunities to be unfaithful...We studied the evolution of families structure's and we saw that during WW2 the father is missing so only the mother be the caretaker. After WW2, there is a baby boom and families became owner. In the second part of the 19th Century, the traditional family appeared and family is united again and has happy time. Thus, we just saw that there is not just only traditional family. In fact, the diversity of family types has increased nowadays.
Now let's talk about the mother's roles in the family through the time. First, we studied "The Good Wife's Guide" published in 1955. In this document, the mother had to be devoted to her husband, she had to be submissive. She had to satisfy her husband desire. The same idea in the article "American Family Life", we read that women didn't use to work and that in the 1950's, women were dependent on their husband. As time passed, the role of the mother evolved. Indeed mother begin to go to work. Thus, women were empowered and had a real place in the economic situation of her family. In figures, today, 1/4 of women earn more money than their husbands. So, the roles are reversed, the mother become the breadwinner and the father become the caretaker. Consequently, mothers and fathers are placed on an equal footing in the family and divide tasks as caring for children as we saw in an extract from a report entitled "Dissolving gender roles". A child was questioned about who cared for him and he answered both... So, through the time, mother’s roles are evolved and today the roles genders are reversed or dissolved.
To finish, we are going to speak about the possible limits of the evolution of the family. First in the document “Back to the good old family”, we saw that in traditional family, when mothers work, they didn’t stay at home anymore and children were alone at home, this is calling “latchkey kids”. That’s why today, more and more mothers want to stay at home to raise their children and so “go back to the hold family”. Last, in the listening comprehension “Evolving families”, we heard that 63% of respondents consider homosexual couples with children as a family but they do not necessarily think that it is good and even consider that it is bad for the society. Then, a homosexual couple is questioned, they have a child and are married. However, their union is not legal in Virginia because same-sex wedding is not recognized, it will be in 2014…
To conclude, the evolution of family’s structure change since the Industrial Revolution and a diversity of family types is born. With the evolution of mother’s role, roles genders are dissolved but they leave the will of mothers to raise their children. In addition, same-sex couples are not yet fully integrated into society even though it is fast moving forward with marriage for all. Thus, this can be linked to the idea of progress with the increasing of family’s types and the evolution of mentality in society.
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2018 15:52
Message de sosoleleilil posté le 24-03-2018 à 11:15:41 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ma synthèse s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses!
Et vers quelles autres notions je peux la relier?
I'm going to talk about the notion "Idea of Progress".
To start with, I would like to give a definition of this notion. The progress is an advance, a change, an evolution whose aim is to improve people lives. There are many forms of advances: technological, social, medical or scientific progress...
I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of evolving families.
Thus, how has the American family evolved through the time? To what extent can it be linked to the idea of progress?
First of all, I'm going to talk about the evolution of family’s structure in society. Then, I'll talk about the role of mother in the family through the time. Finally, I'll discuss the possible limits of the evolution of the family.
To start with, let's talk about the evolution of family in society. In class, we studied first the different types of family. At the beginning the traditional family is composed by a mother, a father and children that are a nuclear family. But with time, untraditional families appeared. There are blended families or single-sex families in the category "divorced". Then, there is the same-sex family with two fathers or two mothers and adoptive child and last there is also mixed-race family who is family with parents from different origins. In a listening comprehension entitled "Back to the good old family", we learn according to Glenn Stanton that the Industrial Revolution is responsible of the main changes in the structure of family. Before, family stuck together, they lived and worked together in farms. After, they moved into crowded cities where they lived next to door to other people thus creating opportunities to be unfaithful...We studied the evolution of families structure's and we saw that during WW2 the father is missing so only the mother be the caretaker. After WW2, there is a baby boom and families became owner. In the second part of the 19th Century, the traditional family appeared and family is united again and has happy time. Thus, we just saw that there is not just only traditional family. In fact, the diversity of family types has increased nowadays.
Now let's talk about the mother's roles in the family through the time. First, we studied "The Good Wife's Guide" published in 1955. In this document, the mother had to be devoted to her husband, she had to be submissive. She had to satisfy her husband desire. The same idea in the article "American Family Life", we read that women didn't use to work and that in the 1950's, women were dependent on their husband. As time passed, the role of the mother evolved. Indeed mother begin to go to work. Thus, women were empowered and had a real place in the economic situation of her family. In figures, today, 1/4 of women earn more money than their husbands. So, the roles are reversed, the mother become the breadwinner and the father become the caretaker. Consequently, mothers and fathers are placed on an equal footing in the family and divide tasks as caring for children as we saw in an extract from a report entitled "Dissolving gender roles". A child was questioned about who cared for him and he answered both... So, through the time, mother’s roles are evolved and today the roles genders are reversed or dissolved.
To finish, we are going to speak about the possible limits of the evolution of the family. First in the document “Back to the good old family”, we saw that in traditional family, when mothers work, they didn’t stay at home anymore and children were alone at home, this is calling “latchkey kids”. That’s why today, more and more mothers want to stay at home to raise their children and so “go back to the hold family”. Last, in the listening comprehension “Evolving families”, we heard that 63% of respondents consider homosexual couples with children as a family but they do not necessarily think that it is good and even consider that it is bad for the society. Then, a homosexual couple is questioned, they have a child and are married. However, their union is not legal in Virginia because same-sex wedding is not recognized, it will be in 2014…
To conclude, the evolution of family’s structure change since the Industrial Revolution and a diversity of family types is born. With the evolution of mother’s role, roles genders are dissolved but they leave the will of mothers to raise their children. In addition, same-sex couples are not yet fully integrated into society even though it is fast moving forward with marriage for all. Thus, this can be linked to the idea of progress with the increasing of family’s types and the evolution of mentality in society.
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2018 15:52
Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de laure95, postée le 24-03-2018 à 15:03:13 (S | E)
- The (pas de the) progress is an advance, a change, an evolution whose aim is to improve people (il manque la marque de l'appartenance)lives.
- Then, I'll talk about the role of (article)mother in the family through the time.
- the traditional family is composed by(pas la bonne préposition) a mother, a father and children
- But with time, untraditional families appeared (présent perfect).
- in the category "divorced": ordre des mots.
- and (article)adoptive child and (préposition) last there is also (article)mixed-race family who is (article)family with parents from different origins.
- the Industrial Revolution is responsible of (pas la bonne préposition)the main changes in the structure of (article)family.
- Before, (article)family stuck together,
- We studied the evolution of families structure's ('s n'es pas à la bonne place)
- and we saw that during WW2 the father is (passé!)missing so only the mother be

- After WW2, there is (passé!)a baby boom and families became owner.
- and (article)family is united again and has happy time.
- there is not just only (article) traditional family.
- her husband (il manque la marque de l'appartenance)desire.
- (il manque un début de phrase)The same idea in the article "American Family Life",
- women were dependent on their husband (pluriel).
- As time passed, the role of the mother evolved: present perfect.
- Indeed mother begin (temps) to go to work.
- Thus, women were empowered and had a real place in the economic situation of her (pluriel)family (pluriel).
- In figures, today, 1/4 of women earn (faute de conjugaison) more money than their husbands.
- the mother become (present perfect)the breadwinner and the father become (pareil) the caretaker.
- So, through the time, mother’s roles are (pas le bon auxiliaire)evolved
- when mothers work, they didn’t (présent)stay at home anymore and children were (présent)alone at home,
- (préposition) Last, in the listening comprehension
- because (article)same-sex wedding is not recognized, it will be in 2014… (nous sommes en 2018!)
- To conclude, the evolution of (atticle)family’s structure change (present perfect) since the Industrial Revolution
- integrated into (article)society
- in (article) society.
Bon travail, bine structuré, argumenté avec des exemples.
Revoir l'utilisation des articles.
Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de sosoleleilil, postée le 24-03-2018 à 15:19:53 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de corriger,
Une petite question, je ne comprends pas la faute verbale dans la phrase : "1/4 of women earn more money than their husbands"
merci de votre aide!
Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de delf2312, postée le 24-03-2018 à 22:43:40 (S | E)
Je pense que c'est parce que l'on dit "one quarter" donc le sujet est singulier, donc il faut un S à la 3e personne.
Sinon, pour contourner la difficulté, j'aurais dit 25 percent.
Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de here4u, postée le 24-03-2018 à 23:42:22 (S | E)

I'm going to talk about the notion "Idea of Progress".
To start (with,) I would like to give a definition of this notion. The progress is an advance, a change, an evolution whose aim is to improve people lives. There are many forms of advances: technological, social, medical or scientific progress...
I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of evolving families.
Thus, how has the American family evolved through the time? To what extent can it be linked to the idea of progress?
First of all, I'm going to talk about the evolution of family(’s) structure in XXX society. Then, I'll talk about the role of XXX mother in the family through the time. Finally, I'll discuss the possible limits of the evolution of the family.
To start with, let's talk about

Now let's talk about the mother's roles in the family through the time. First, we studied "The Good Wife's Guide" published in 1955. In this document, the mother had to be devoted to her husband, she had to be submissive. She had to satisfy her husband desire. The same idea in the article "American Family Life"(?

To finish, we are going to speak about the possible limits of the evolution of the family. First in the document “Back to the good old family”, we saw that in XXX traditional family, when mothers work, they didn’t stay at home anymore and children were alone at home, this is calling “latchkey kids”. That’s why today, more and more mothers want to stay at home to raise their children and so “go back to the hold family”. Last, in the listening comprehension “Evolving families”, we heard that 63% of respondents consider homosexual couples with children as a family but they do not necessarily think that it is good and even consider that it is bad for the society. Then, a homosexual couple is questioned, they have a child and are married. However, their union is not legal in Virginia because "same-sex wedding" is not recognized,. (it will be in 2014…)
To conclude, the evolution of XXX family’s structure change since the Industrial Revolution and a diversity of family types is born. With the evolution of xxx mother’s role, roles genders(dans l'autre sens!) are dissolved but they leave the will of mothers to raise their children. In addition, same-sex couples are not yet fully integrated into xxx society even though it is fast moving forward with "marriage for all". Thus, this can be linked to the idea of progress with the increasing of xxx family’s types and the evolution of mentality in xxx society.
Attention à l'emploi des temps et à celui des articles (ou à leur omission)...

Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de sosoleleilil, postée le 25-03-2018 à 12:02:06 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos deux réponses, pour l'expression "through the time" le "the" n’est pas nécessaire?
Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de here4u, postée le 25-03-2018 à 12:07:55 (S | E)

Il convient de distinguer : "évolution à travers le temps" (en général) = evolution through time
"à travers le temps qui nous est donné" (expression étrange, mais ...) = through the time given for our study... Là, le temps est restreint et déterminé par le contexte ... (le contexte est TOUJOURS important !)

Réponse : Notion/évolution des familles de sosoleleilil, postée le 25-03-2018 à 12:15:23 (S | E)
thanks for all!!!
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