Correction/ texte
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Message de theworld posté le 25-03-2018 à 21:24:29 (S | E | F)
J'ai écrit un texte en anglais.
Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes et me proposer une meilleure tournure s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance !
The question of gender equality in the professional environment goes by many channels and is deeply rooted in our individual and collective culture. I think it's one of the most important social issues.
Indeed, it is quite normal that in twenty eighteen in France, a country yet democratic and a great European power, that a woman receives a salary lower than that of a man. Well yes, that goes without saying : how could a woman work as well as her male colleague ? I didn't know that women were born with less intellectual abilities than men. It is so natural to think that it is the gender that equality. My faith, we are only good at cooking and taking care of children. Let's see ! The post-war era is long over, and today I believe we have the right to the same rights as men.
Maybee my generation will not get rid of these inequalities completely, but I'm one of those people who never give up, and I think with a little determination, everything is possible.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2018 21:42
Message de theworld posté le 25-03-2018 à 21:24:29 (S | E | F)
J'ai écrit un texte en anglais.
Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes et me proposer une meilleure tournure s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance !

The question of gender equality in the professional environment goes by many channels and is deeply rooted in our individual and collective culture. I think it's one of the most important social issues.
Indeed, it is quite normal that in twenty eighteen in France, a country yet democratic and a great European power, that a woman receives a salary lower than that of a man. Well yes, that goes without saying : how could a woman work as well as her male colleague ? I didn't know that women were born with less intellectual abilities than men. It is so natural to think that it is the gender that equality. My faith, we are only good at cooking and taking care of children. Let's see ! The post-war era is long over, and today I believe we have the right to the same rights as men.
Maybee my generation will not get rid of these inequalities completely, but I'm one of those people who never give up, and I think with a little determination, everything is possible.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2018 21:42
Réponse : Correction/ texte de here4u, postée le 25-03-2018 à 22:47:40 (S | E)
The question of gender equality in the professional environment goes by many channels and is deeply rooted in our individual and collective culture. I think it's one of the most important social issues.
Indeed,**(phrase à reprendre en revoyant l'ordre des mots, et des segments de phrase !) it is quite normal that (construction) in twenty eighteen in France, a country yet

Maybee my generation will not get rid of these inequalities completely, but I'm one of those people who never give up, and I think with a little determination, everything is possible.
Réponse : Correction/ texte de theworld, postée le 25-03-2018 à 23:14:36 (S | E)
it is quite normal in twenty eighteen in France, a country yet (pourtant ?)democratic and a great European power, that a woman receives a salary lower than that of a man... colleague (collègue ?)... that determines equality... Maybe
Réponse : Correction/ texte de theworld, postée le 25-03-2018 à 23:16:53 (S | E)
A la place de by, through ? Is it correct now ?

Réponse : Correction/ texte de dsmith, postée le 26-03-2018 à 00:25:12 (S | E)
here4u a donné des bonne corrections. Parce que tu m'as envoyé un message privé pour me demander de corriger le vais essayer aussi.
The question of gender equality in the professional environment goes by many channels (I don't understand "to go by many channels"??) and is deeply rooted in our individual and collective culture. I think it's one of the most important social issues.
Indeed, it is quite normal (tu trouves ça normal?? maybe better: it is quite often the case...) that in twenty eighteen in France, a country yet democratic and a great European power, that a woman receives a salary lower (mieux: lower salary than that of a man.
Well yes, that goes without saying : how could a woman work as well as her male colleague (sarcasm doesn't work well here "Well yes, many people believe this even today: how could a woman...)? I didn't know that women were born with less intellectual abilities than men. It is so natural to think that it is the gender that equality. (Je ne comprends pas)"it is the gender that causes people to have different abilities"
My faith (ta fois?? je ne comprends pas "Many believe that..."), we are only good at cooking and taking care of children. Let's see ! ou "We'll show you!" The post-war era is long over, and today I believe we have the right to the same rights as men. (you said "right" and "rights"...maybe better "we are owed the same rights as men."
Maybee (faute orthographe) my generation will not get rid of these inequalities completely, but I'm one of those people who will never give up, and I think with a little determination, everything is possible.
a country yet democratic and a great European power
I know the dictionary says "pourtant" = "yet" but it doesn't work here.
...a country which is democratic and a great European power.
or ...a country which is both democratic and a great European power.
or ...a country which is importantly democratic and a great European power. importantly serves to emphasize a point.
Réponse : Correction/ texte de theworld, postée le 26-03-2018 à 00:51:11 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your help !!! to go by many channels = passer par de nombreux canaux... Oui ma fois (ironie)
Réponse : Correction/ texte de dsmith, postée le 26-03-2018 à 01:17:27 (S | E)
Je viens de regarder dans le dictionnaire. "ma foi" se traduit comme "my word"
Je ne comprends pas comment une question passe par des nombreux channaux. qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par ça ??
Réponse : Correction/ texte de theworld, postée le 26-03-2018 à 02:08:29 (S | E)
D'accord. Passer par de nombreux canaux... Je veux dire par là que cette question (de l'égalité des genres), cette injustice est "réfléchie", "pensée" différemment dans la société, certains pensent qu'elle n'est pas importante, qu'il y a pire, d'autres pensent le contraire : c'est une injustice aussi importante que les autres injustices. C'est cela les nombreux canaux... Les différents avis. Voila

Réponse : Correction/ texte de theworld, postée le 26-03-2018 à 02:14:13 (S | E)
Au fait c'est un texte ironique, quand je disais "qu'il est tout à fait normal qu'une femme reçoive un salaire inférieur que celui d'un homme[/bleu" Je ne pense pas ça normal du tout, mais j'exagère les propos de la situation... Par contre, j'ai utilisé "let's see !" pour dire "voyons ! est-ce la bonne traduction ?
Réponse : Correction/ texte de dsmith, postée le 26-03-2018 à 03:02:01 (S | E)
oui voyons = let's see
Réponse : Correction/ texte de here4u, postée le 26-03-2018 à 07:19:57 (S | E)
Comme je l’ai également dit en mp ( étrange méthode de travail que d’inonder les membres de mps ...

Le correcteur n’a pas à déchiffrer des devinettes crées par une « pensée » traduite du français mot à mot. Il faut revenir à l’idée, au message à faire passer et se libérer d’une attitude de recherche de la facilité qui consiste à dire pour dire ... L’interlocuteur se débrouillera bien ensuite ... Eh bien NON ! Comme je l’ai déjà écrit en mp, pour être aidė, il faut montrer un effort préalable ...
Au travail, avec courage !

Réponse : Correction/ texte de lucile83, postée le 26-03-2018 à 09:08:54 (S | E)
Je vois que je n'étais pas la seule à être sollicitée par mp ...J'ai gentiment refusé. Si cela se reproduit je serai beaucoup moins gentille.
En espérant ne plus revoir ce genre de demande par message privé,
Equipe de modération.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais