Notion/Mythes et héros
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Message de heather1 posté le 03-04-2018 à 13:52:58 (S | E | F)
je suis actuellement en Terminale et je vais bientôt passer les oraux de langues, j'ai donc préparé des fiches et je voulais savoir s'il était possible que quelqu'un corrige ma fiche sur la notion mythes et héros et me dise ce qu'il en pense.
Merci d'avance.
The notion myths and heroes can be defined be a person who carries positive action. And it can be a real or fictional person who has left an imprint in history or in our everyday life. And we way wonder in what ways the suffragists and suffragettes can be considered like heroes nowadays? In a first time I will explain what the difference between a suffragist and a suffragette is and after I will talk about the impact in the world of their fight.
The suffragists and suffragettes led the same fight to obtain the right to vote but differently. Indeed, the suffragists were part of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage and they fighting peacefully to obtain the right to vote in England, this fight started at the end of the 19th century. And in 1900, the movement presented a petition signed by thousands of people at the Parliament but they refused to according the right to vote to women. Consequently, a new movement birthed, it’s women who decided to fight differently to get things done with no pacific actions and a slogan, deeds not words. They are the suffragettes. Their actions weren’t accepting by the government and when they are arrested by policemen they preferred go in prison rather than pay a fine. They also doing hunger strikes to protest. In response to these actions, policemen have become more and more violent with them and in 1910, during an illegal demonstration, policemen decided to stop this demonstration brutally, many suffragettes were wounded or killed. We name this day the Black Friday. But it didn't stop them. And in 1914, the first World War is declared and the suffragists and suffragettes decided to stop their actions to participate at the war effort but at the condition that all the suffragettes in prison are liberate. It’s in 1918, at the end of the war that the right to vote is accord to women.
However, the Great Britain is not the first nation to according the right to vote to women, the first was the New Zealand in 1893. But in parallel at the fight in England, in France the same fight is led and during the first World War in America, but whereas in America, women can vote since 1919, in France, it’s since 1944. In addition, these women who fought to obtain a right that men had long acquired, are an example for the struggles for gender equality in the world still present today. But unfortunately, this part of the England History is still occulted in History Books.
To put in a nutshell, the suffragists and suffragettes can be considered like heroes for their actions to obtain the right to vote. Besides, their fight may be an example for us, moreover, without them, in Britain, in France and in America the right to vote wouldn't have been granted to women. This fight was the beginning of a fight still on the news unfortunately, the fight to equality between men and women, and it's the duty of our current societies to continue this fight to obtain this equality.
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2018 14:01
Message de heather1 posté le 03-04-2018 à 13:52:58 (S | E | F)
je suis actuellement en Terminale et je vais bientôt passer les oraux de langues, j'ai donc préparé des fiches et je voulais savoir s'il était possible que quelqu'un corrige ma fiche sur la notion mythes et héros et me dise ce qu'il en pense.
Merci d'avance.
The notion myths and heroes can be defined be a person who carries positive action. And it can be a real or fictional person who has left an imprint in history or in our everyday life. And we way wonder in what ways the suffragists and suffragettes can be considered like heroes nowadays? In a first time I will explain what the difference between a suffragist and a suffragette is and after I will talk about the impact in the world of their fight.
The suffragists and suffragettes led the same fight to obtain the right to vote but differently. Indeed, the suffragists were part of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage and they fighting peacefully to obtain the right to vote in England, this fight started at the end of the 19th century. And in 1900, the movement presented a petition signed by thousands of people at the Parliament but they refused to according the right to vote to women. Consequently, a new movement birthed, it’s women who decided to fight differently to get things done with no pacific actions and a slogan, deeds not words. They are the suffragettes. Their actions weren’t accepting by the government and when they are arrested by policemen they preferred go in prison rather than pay a fine. They also doing hunger strikes to protest. In response to these actions, policemen have become more and more violent with them and in 1910, during an illegal demonstration, policemen decided to stop this demonstration brutally, many suffragettes were wounded or killed. We name this day the Black Friday. But it didn't stop them. And in 1914, the first World War is declared and the suffragists and suffragettes decided to stop their actions to participate at the war effort but at the condition that all the suffragettes in prison are liberate. It’s in 1918, at the end of the war that the right to vote is accord to women.
However, the Great Britain is not the first nation to according the right to vote to women, the first was the New Zealand in 1893. But in parallel at the fight in England, in France the same fight is led and during the first World War in America, but whereas in America, women can vote since 1919, in France, it’s since 1944. In addition, these women who fought to obtain a right that men had long acquired, are an example for the struggles for gender equality in the world still present today. But unfortunately, this part of the England History is still occulted in History Books.
To put in a nutshell, the suffragists and suffragettes can be considered like heroes for their actions to obtain the right to vote. Besides, their fight may be an example for us, moreover, without them, in Britain, in France and in America the right to vote wouldn't have been granted to women. This fight was the beginning of a fight still on the news unfortunately, the fight to equality between men and women, and it's the duty of our current societies to continue this fight to obtain this equality.
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2018 14:01
Réponse : Notion/Mythes et héros de laure95, postée le 03-04-2018 à 14:19:01 (S | E)
- The notion myths and heroes can be defined be (be ?)a person who carries positive action.

- And we way wonder in what ways the suffragists and suffragettes can be considered like heroes nowadays? (enlever le point d'interrogation car c'est une question indirecte)
- In a first time: mal dit.
- I will talk about the impact in the world (changer de place: in the world)of their fight.
- they fighting: temps?
- this (this ne s'emploie pas au passé)fight started at the end of the 19th century.
- to according: to +infinitif.
- a new movement birthed: ?
- it’s women :mal construit.
- They are (passé)the suffragettes.
- Their actions weren’t accepting: mal conjugué.
- when they are (passé)arrested by policemen they preferred (il manque une préposition)go in prison rather than pay a fine.
- They also doing: temps?
- In response to these (pas le bon mot au passé)actions, policemen have become (preterit) more and more violent
- policemen decided to stop this (voir plus haut)demonstration
- And in 1914, the first World War is (passé) declared
- to participate at (pas la bonne préposition) the war effort
- all the suffragettes in prison are liberate: passé)
- It’s in 1918: passé.
- at the end of the war that the right to vote is accord (temps? to women.
- However, the (pas de the)Great Britain is not the first nation to according (voir plus haut)the right to vote to women,
- the first was the (pas de the)New Zealand in 1893.
- But in parallel at (pas la bonne préposition) the fight in England,
- in France the same fight is (passé)led
- women can vote since 1919: since + present perfect.
- it’s (enlever it's) since 1944.
- But unfortunately, this part of the (pas de the)England (marque de la possession ou mettre l'adjectif à la place du pays)
- the fight to (pas la bonne préposition et ajouter un article) equality between men and women,
Réponse : Notion/Mythes et héros de heather1, postée le 03-04-2018 à 15:06:46 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci pour cette réponse, je corrige ça tout de suite.
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